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Balancing NTotSC for BWP

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#1 OneEyedPhoenix

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Posted 30 December 2009 - 11:29 AM

Me and MM75 have recently undertaken a mod project to balance mods for use with the BWP (BW-Balancer) and one of the first mods up for revision is the NTotSC.

As a means to that end we would like to give you all this opportunity to say what you think should be different in NTotSC.
Is a certain item overpowered? Should some items/spells/etc be removed/revised? Do you have a suggestion for how the items/spells/etc should be altered?

We would like your input on this and if you provide us with good suggestions we might just include them in our mod. The more elaborate the reasoning and the suggestion(s) the better are the odds that we will use it.

Any thoughts?

#2 OneEyedPhoenix

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Posted 02 January 2010 - 05:39 AM

Reserved for our suggestions.

#3 10th

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Posted 02 January 2010 - 09:12 AM

ntboot01 - Nirel's boots of protection
drop magic resistance to 25%, as 50% is too much.

ntbow03 - Bow of streaming energy
Though I like it very much in the hands of Imoen, I'd drop the 55% chance of 2D3 fire damage and replace it with a 100% chance of 1 fire damage. Moreover the constitution bonus is almost useless on a weapon like this.

ntplat01 - Plate mail +1
Change the name to Plate mail +3 and it fits. And what's it with all this translucent stuff?

ntswd05 - Two-handed sword of general Ghotal
Definitely nerf the petrification ability. -10 save vs petrification is just plain wrong.

ntswd09 - Bhaal's fire
Give the 15% stun ability a save, -2 vs spell for example, as no save is just not acceptable. Moreover the 2D4 fire damage could be lowered to 1D4.


Edited by 10th, 02 January 2010 - 12:41 PM.

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#4 i30817

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Posted 15 December 2011 - 12:59 PM

I'd simply like a option to disable ALL mod added loot (spells included).

Failing that, theres a stupidly overpowered bard only sword just north of candle keep in the shipwreck.

"blade of the deceiver"
THAC0 +5
Dex +2
AC +3
1 extra attack per round.

Edited by i30817, 15 December 2011 - 01:02 PM.

#5 Turambar

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Posted 16 December 2011 - 07:06 AM

'i30817', on 15 December 2011 - 09:59 PM, said:

I'd simply like a option to disable ALL mod added loot (spells included).

Using both the nerf option of the future version of NT together with the BP balancer should achieve most of that. But I think completely removing items and spells would denaturate the mod too much


Failing that, theres a stupidly overpowered bard only sword just north of candle keep in the shipwreck.

"blade of the deceiver"
THAC0 +5
Dex +2
AC +3
1 extra attack per round.

You're right. I had forgotten about that blade, but that's really too powerful. I'll nerf it. thanks


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#6 i30817

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Posted 16 December 2011 - 09:27 AM

Just remembered that that sword is from DtotSC i think.

Balancing that too? I never got to playing NTotSC (but i heard it is even more uber *shudder*).
There are some items with vorpal effects (in bg1...) in other quests in DtotSC.

Mainly i want the "burn it with fire option" because i don't think any mod added combat item can blend in with a game with mods like Item Revisions or Spell Revisions.

It really makes those added spells and items stand out as the best option forever and ever.

So i conceptualized a component that would work like a "whitelist" of all the original game items. If your mod modifies that item? Fine. But if your mod introduces a new equipable item? A new equivalent original non unique item overwritten it with the same name, keeping the filename, but not the description (so HaveItem triggers still work). Spells are nuked.

Something like a BGTNerfpack.

Problems are: what to do with enemy equipment? Removing the effects might remove the challenge. Make it undroppable and just add the "equivalents" to inventory? Effects that are used in quests (SpellCastOn)?
And the usability of the thing. Nuking descriptions is important not to mislead the player, however some descriptions of some combat items used in quests are actually important (and there is no way to just remove the effects descriptions - bad bioware)

Edited by i30817, 16 December 2011 - 09:51 AM.