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Translations needed for version 4.0

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#21 Qwinn

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Posted 10 January 2010 - 11:57 AM

Annah's accent is -very- Scottish, her voice acting is by Sheena Easton :) Old farts like me remember when she was hitting the top 40 charts repeatedly.

And yarpen, seriously, the voice actors in PS:T may not be as world famous as top shelf Hollywood actors (who possibly could be?), but they are the cream of the crop among American voice actors. Nordom is voiced by -Homer Simpson-... don't get much more famous as a voice actor than that. Mitch Pileggi (Dak'kon) was Agent Skinner in the X Files. Already mentioned Sheena Easton. Trias is voiced by John DeLancey, otherwise known as Q from Star Trek: TNG, and did an amazing job IMO. Morte's voice actor also did a few popular cartoons, such as Pinky from Pinky & The Brain, Arthur from The Tick, and Yakko Warner from Animaniacs. And I don't know who can complain about TNO or TO's voice acting, both of them were terrific (and both voice actors have a long list of creds as well)

Seriously, as far as english voice acting goes, I can't think of any RPG anywhere that has had that good a lineup of voice actors.

I could see Minsc and Jaheira coming across as bad attempts at a russian accent, though, yes.


Edited by Qwinn, 10 January 2010 - 11:59 AM.

#22 yarpen


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Posted 10 January 2010 - 04:23 PM

Sorry then, I don't have english copy of PS:T, I was just writing about experiences from BG Saga. (blends into shadows :ph34r: )

#23 -N0name-

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 06:27 PM

Maybe a lame question, but what languages does it need to be translated to?

#24 Qwinn

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 06:49 PM

Looks like we've got German squared away... and I know Spanish well enough to come up with something passable for most of them. Italian, we need a lot of help with since that hasn't been updated since v1.0. And we do still need Polish.


#25 HomiSite

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Posted 21 January 2010 - 02:20 PM

Revised german translation for 4.1 based on InTourette's work. I only mention parts which are currently incorrect/missing/unpolished etc. - just copy&paste my stuff. Comments of mine after "=>". And german special characters (umlauts etc.) are not displayed correctly in WeiDU installation dialogues (I made a correction thus; hope I found all ä, ü, ö or ß). Update: @10605 translation for fixpack.tra


@00101 = ~"Also, was bist du, Morte? Du hast es nie erzählt."~ [FFG121]
=> No german sound

@00113 = ~"Verdammt, Vhailor, ist dir klar, was du getan hast?!"~

@00114 = ~Vhailor dreht sich von Trias' Leiche weg, um dich direkt anzublicken. *Du bist BARMHERZIG und SCHWACH. STÄHLE dein Herz, bevor sich diese Krankheit AUSBREITET.*~ [VHA013]
=> German sound, yeah!@00950 = ~"Hierher werden die Toten von Sigil gebracht, um bestattet oder verbrannt zu werden. Es ist unsere Verantwortung als Staubmenschen, uns um die Toten zu kümmern, jene, die den Schatten des Lebens verlassen haben und auf dem Pfad zum Wahren Tod wandern." Dhalls Stimme senkt sich besorgt. "Deine Wunden müssen einen hohen Tribut gefordert haben, wenn du diesen Ort nicht wiedererkennst. Er ist beinahe dein Zuhause."~

@10605 = ~Distract her so you can poison her drink: "What's that over there?"~

@10605 = ~Lenk sie ab, um ihren Drink vergiften zu können: "Was ist denn das dahinten?"~
=> According to similar german translations

=> No german sounds for: @74/FFG122, @78/FFG104

@75=~"*Zerths* sind jene, die die Worte Zerthimons kennen. Sie beschützen die Gemeinschaften der Githzerai gegen alle Gefahren, die dem Körper oder dem Geist drohen."~ [DAK043]
=> German sound, yeah!

@76=~"Meister, wir sollten diesen Typ wirklich loswerden, bevor er sich noch an Sachen erinnert, die dein letztes Ich getan hat."~ [MRT475CA]
=> German sound, yeah!

@77=~"Beschwer dich bei den Göttern, Nordom."~ [MRT570B]
=> German sound, yeah!

=> Maybe unimportant: Annah's four "Back Stab!" sounds are in the German version all the same: "Ich will wieder mal einen Rücken löchern!" And entry @61916 ("Dak'kon Rare 4 1") has no german sound (DAK027B).


@00021 = ~Erweiterte Wahrheit ueber Deionarras Schicksal~
=> Took from XPDeionarra.tra translation

@00022 = ~Wiederhergestellt: Begegnungen im Unteren Bezirk~

@00023 = ~FEDERKIEL
Gewicht: 0

Du hast diesen Federkiel in einem Schrank in deinem Zimmer der Festhalle gefunden. Er sieht ziemlich gewöhnlich aus.~
=> Took from XPDeionarra.tra translation

@00024 = ~Versiegelter Schrank~

@00025 = ~Wiederhergestellt: Bestiariumseintraege~


@21    = ~"Frueher Glabrezu"-Anpassung~

@00022 = ~ETW0-Anzeige im "Baldur's Gate II"-Stil~

@00023 = ~Maximierte "Staerke"-Zauber~

@00024 = ~Ausgeschaltete Minimalwerte für Statistiken (Attribute)~

@00025 = ~Schnellladen~

Edited by HomiSite, 22 January 2010 - 11:47 AM.

#26 Ghildrean

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Posted 24 January 2010 - 03:04 AM

Qwinn, do you still need a spanish translation?

#27 Qwinn

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Posted 24 January 2010 - 03:42 AM


Hey! Good to see ya again!

Well, I've done what I could without your talents... course, my spanish is more than rusty, so who knows how good a job I've done.

I could use translations for these lines:


@00101 = ~"So what are you, Morte? You've never said."~ [FFG121]
@00113 = ~"Damnit, Vhailor, do you realize what you've done?!"~
@00114 = ~Vhailor turns from Trias's corpse to face you squarely. *You are MERCIFUL and WEAK. STEEL your HEART before the disease SPREADS.*~ [VHA013]


@00021 = ~Expanded Deionarra's Truth Mod~
@00022 = ~Restored Lower Ward Encounters~
@00025 = ~Restored Bestiary Entries~


@00022 = ~BG2-Style THAC0 Tweak~
@00023 = ~Conjuro Fuerza maximizado~ (did I get this one right? It's supposed to be Maximized Strength spell)
@00024 = ~Disabled Stat Minimums~ (Allows you to start the game with less than 9 in a stat)

Also, verify that I didn't butcher these too badly? (The Xaositect lines are supposed to be weird)

@00102 = ~Infiltrarte entre los Sensibles para los Anarquistas: "Estoy listo. Quiero convertirme en un Sensible".~
@00103 = ~Infiltrarte entre los Sensibles para los Anarquistas: "Estoy dispuesto a unirme a la Sociedad de los Sentidos. Ya no siento lealtad hacia los Divinos".~
@00104 = ~Infiltrarte entre los Sensibles para los Anarquistas: "Estoy dispuesto a unirme a la Sociedad de los Sentidos. Ya no siento lealtad hacia los Hombres de la Ceniza".~
@00105 = ~Infiltrarte entre los Sensibles para los Anarquistas: "Estoy dispuesto a unirme a la Sociedad de los Sentidos. Ya no siento lealtad hacia los Xaositectos."~
@00106 = ~Infiltrarse en los Hombres de la Ceniza para los Anarquistas: "Si así es como debe ser, que así sea. Mi mente debe ser fiel a sí misma, no a otro. Y, desde este momento, reniego de las creencias de los Divinos."~
@00107 = ~Infiltrarse en los Hombres de la Ceniza para los Anarquistas: "Si así es como debe ser, que así sea. Mi mente debe ser fiel a sí misma, no a otro. Y, desde este momento, reniego de las... eh, 'creencias' de los Caóticos."~
@00108 = ~Infiltrarse en los Hombres de la Ceniza para los Anarquistas: "Si así es como debe ser, que así sea. Mi mente debe ser fiel a sí misma, no a otro. Y, desde este momento, reniego de las creencias de los Sensibles."~
@00109 = ~Infiltrarte en los Caóticos para los Anarquistas: "Entonces... żcuál es el siguiente paso?"~
@00110 = ~Infiltrarte en los Caóticos para los Anarquistas: "Unirme a los Xaositectos preparado para estoy. Lealtad ninguna facción anterior yo tengo Divinos."~
@00111 = ~Infiltrarte en los Caóticos para los Anarquistas: "Unirme a los Xaositectos preparado para estoy. Lealtad ninguna facción anterior yo tengo Hombres de la Ceniza."~
@00112 = ~Infiltrarte en los Caóticos para los Anarquistas: "Unirme a los Xaositectos preparado para estoy. Lealtad ninguna facción anterior yo tengo Sensibles."~

...and.... did I correctly translate these....

@74=~"Tell me about yourself, Dak'kon."~ [FFG122]
@75=~"*Zerths* are those that know the words of Zerthimon. They protect the githzerai communities against all threats, whether to the body, or to the spirit."~ [DAK043]
@76=~"Chief, we really oughta ditch this guy before he remembers something the last you did."~ [MRT475CA]
@77=~"Tell it to the gods, Nordom."~ [MRT570B]
@78=~"Through observation, sensation and experience, the truth of the multiverse shall be revealed."~ [FFG104]

...into this?

@74=~"Hábleme de usted, Dak'kon."~ [FFG122]
@75=~"*Zerths* son los que saben las palabras de Zerthimon. Ellos protegen las comunidades de githzerai contra todas amenazas, de el cuerpo o de el spiritu."~ [DAK043]
@76=~"Jefe, debemos librarnos realmente de este individuo antes de que él recuerde algo el último usted lo hizo"~ [MRT475CA]
@77=~"Dígaselo a los dioses, Nordom."~ [MRT570B]
@78=~"A través de la observación, la sensibilidad y la experiencia, la verdad del multiverso será revelado."~ [FFG104]

Thanks tons for your help, bud!

(If you were *bored*, the readmes could use an update too... spanish is the only language with all the readmes translated!... but I won't have those ready for v4.1 for a bit yet :/ Want me to PM you when I do?


#28 Ghildrean

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Posted 24 January 2010 - 06:07 AM

Don't worry Qwinn, I'm already updating the readmes. I will post them when I finish them.

About the other translations (you did a good job when translated to spanish, I just polished those strings), I've fixed typos and translated some missing strings in near every file, so I'm going to send you the files instead of posting the translation.

BTW, dscales.tra should be deleted from every tra folder. It won't be used anymore (you implemented the scale in your Fixpack), so I've deleted the file in the attachment.

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#29 Qwinn

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Posted 24 January 2010 - 07:27 AM

Don't worry Qwinn, I'm already updating the readmes. I will post them when I finish them.

To 4.0? That's awesome! The 4.1 readme is going to have significant updates, but only to the Fixpack readme, mostly, hopefully. (I do think I need to add to the translation credits on the other two, but that's just an edit, not a version update).

And you're right about dscales.tra, I should've thought of that, thanks.


EDIT: As for actual changes in 4.1, there's 7... I listed them above, but the main thing I need you to confirm is that I correctly translated:

Distract her so you can poison her drink: "What's that over there?"


@10605 = ~Distraerla para que puedes envenenar su bebida: "¿Qué es aquello de allí?"~

The other 6 changes were just to the description on the Entropic Blade, and just changing the stats. That was easy for me to do, I just pulled those descriptions out of the Clan Dlan translation and changed the numbers.

Do you want me to send you the updated 4.1 fixpack.tra when I'm done with it, for your own records?


Edited by Qwinn, 24 January 2010 - 07:42 AM.

#30 Ghildrean

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Posted 24 January 2010 - 10:43 AM

@10605 = ~Distraerla para que puedas envenenar su bebida: "żQué es aquello de allí?"~

A little fix done ("puedes" --> "puedas"). Overall, a good translation.

I will thank you if you can send me the new fixpack.tra.

PD: I've finished the readmes. Only the UB and Tweak Pack readmes are fully updated to 4.0 version. The Fixpack readme still doesn't have the FAQ and Documentation Fixes fully translated, but the rest of the readme are updated (Introduction, Credits and Installation).

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#31 Qwinn

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Posted 25 January 2010 - 05:38 AM


I'll send you the fixpack.tra for 4.1 as soon as it's finished. Thanks again!


#32 tanman

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Posted 02 February 2010 - 08:21 PM

Hello Qwinn,
do you still need some help with the Italian translation?
I'd be glad to help

#33 Qwinn

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Posted 03 February 2010 - 10:07 AM


Yes! Very much so. I only got translations for version 1.0, and everything since then I've been pretty much winging with google translator or leaving untranslated.

Let me pack up the files for v4.1 and I'll send them over to you. I'll send you both the english and italian .tra's. Thanks *tons*. Having all the translations be more or less complete would make me much happier with the mods.


#34 Qwinn

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Posted 03 February 2010 - 10:12 AM

Here ya go.

Thanks again!


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#35 tanman

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Posted 03 February 2010 - 12:00 PM

Here ya go.

Thanks again!


Not a problem. But I do not promise anything before the weekend ;)
Just to be sure, for any line in the English files you have a corresponding one in the Italian ones (even maybe with a botched translation by Google) or are there lines that you skipped altogether in the Italian files?

On a side note, does the DVD version require the 1.1 patch?

Edit: OK, I just opened some of the files and it looks like all the lines are there, just kept in English. That way I'm sure not to miss anything

Edited by tanman, 03 February 2010 - 12:17 PM.

#36 Qwinn

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Posted 03 February 2010 - 01:54 PM

On a side note, does the DVD version require the 1.1 patch?

My understanding is yes, the stickied installation guide can probably confirm.

And yeah, I should've put english placeholders in for any lines I couldn't get translated. I gave you the english version so you can confirm what it's supposed to be in case any of my google attempts translate to "the dog unattach the gyroscope" or something.

If you *do* find a line in the english files that doesn't exist in the italian files, yes, it does need to be copied over.


Edited by Qwinn, 03 February 2010 - 01:55 PM.

#37 tanman

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Posted 21 February 2010 - 06:41 AM

Hello Qwinn,
Just wanted to tell you that I'm still alive and planning to finish the Italian translation, it's just been a very busy period :)
By the way, is the complete game available in Italian as well? Because I could not find any language pack.

Edited by tanman, 21 February 2010 - 06:41 AM.

#38 Qwinn

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Posted 21 February 2010 - 10:18 AM

Thanks! I was wondering, I admit :)

And I think there's actually more than one italian translation. I was told one was considered good and one not so much, but I have no idea which is which. Here's one:


I downloaded one at one point and I use it when I'm basically just copying pieces of strings and maybe just changing one word. Not sure if this is the same version.


#39 tanman

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Posted 21 February 2010 - 11:53 AM

Thanks!  I was wondering, I admit :)

And I think there's actually more than one italian translation.  I was told one was considered good and one not so much, but I have no idea which is which.  Here's one:


I downloaded one at one point and I use it when I'm basically just copying pieces of strings and maybe just changing one word.  Not sure if this is the same version.


Thanks. I actually checked that link and got the archived page, but then was not able to access the download links archived page. I went over a couple of Italian forums and it seems like that translation was quite good (I was actually impressed by some of the lines translated in your files, I guess it is where you copied pieces of strings off that).
If you still have the downloaded files of that translation I would be very interested to get them (rapidshare if they are too big). It would be a shame that such a deal of work gets lost in the internet.

Here attached the first part of the translation. I still have to do fixpack.tra and XPDeionarra.tra. I checked and corrected all the others.
Please check the readme file I included, there are some points to clarify.
At what point in the game happens the dialogue inside XPDeionarra? As I'm still thru my 1st playthru, I don't want it to be too spoilery if it happens later in the game than where I am at.

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#40 Qwinn

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Posted 21 February 2010 - 02:41 PM

Expanded Deionarra's Truth is a mod of my own making, and is part of Unfinished Business. It really is a mod (in fact, it's really the only true content mod, as opposed to fix/restorations/tweaks, ever done for PS:T to my knowledge), although it exists in order to unlock a few lines of dialogue (with Iannis and Yves, mainly) that did ship in the original game, but the way things turned out, the prerequisites for unlocking those dialogues couldn't ever be met.

It does take place much later in the game, so no, sorry, can't tell you anything about it. Just make sure you keep at least one seed that you get from Ravel, and talk to Mebbeth after you return to Sigil.


Edited by Qwinn, 21 February 2010 - 02:43 PM.