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If KotOR III was made...

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#1 Anonymous2

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Posted 23 December 2009 - 05:09 PM

Hey everybody, nice to be back, despite the fate of the series I still don't mind coming back here talking with the fans...

Anyhow by now we all know that KotOR III is cancelled, officially The Force Unleashed took its place. While it really sucks I still hold out hope that perhaps one day LucasArts may unearth and release it anyhow...a lot of games got cancelled in the 90's by Lucas but we're eventually released into some-such product. I hope they follow suit...just not with TOR lol

For those that haven't seen it (because it passed me by) Lead Designer of KotOR II Chris Avellone revealed some interesting facts about what they were planning on doing with KotOR III given the opportunity. Apparently the 'real Sith' as Kreia referred to were Naga Sadow survivors from his empire, as you can tell from my avatar he was a pretty evil, Sith bad-ass http://starwars.wiki...wiki/Naga_Sadow basically manipulating events behind the scenes 'interfering with key events to cause echoes through the Force and leave it ripe for invasion ? hopefully without a shot even being fired' on an even bigger scale than Sidious did in the movies with of course Revan (being a tactical badd-ass) catching on to this underlying threat. That's where he went and why. Also rumored planets to be included were Coruscant, Mandalore, Rodia, Taloraan...it's all here-

http://www.kotaku.co...chris-avellone/ (Last question of interview)



So it looks like we probably weren't going to be shot into the Unknown Regions with Revan or the Exile, likely a new character following the breadcrumbs maybe?! Ah, at this point the speculation is endless. It's too bad George couldn't lay down a few million to finish it that would've seen him make double his investment back...no, he needed those new pair of Ewok slippers and had to fire off a whole department of people lol

Despite what's happened (being an ameteur writer) that surprise, surprise has had a few things actually published :huh: I've been encouraged to write a sequel to KotOR II, I'm working on a few other articles and books right now but I just have to do this for my own sanity, everytime I see something on TOR it just really pisses me off lol, at least this way I can stop wondering and move on... If anyone is interested I'll happily pass it along to you, don't worry you can tell me if it sucks lol, I welcome the criticism, it's the only way you know in writing if something is good or not...so far I've gotten some good feedback on it from some very good writers I know ;)

So discuss and be gutchecked about what never was lmao x)

Edited by Anonymous2, 23 December 2009 - 05:13 PM.

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#2 Anonymous2

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Posted 29 December 2009 - 11:20 PM

Also, it may surprise you to discover that Master Kae (one of Revans teachers) is in fact believed to be Kreia, meaning that Brianna would be her daughter and the fallen Echani leader Yusanis was her husband...hmmm interesting twist on the story?! Anyone who refutes this, well its pretty obvious when you think about it. Kavar in the finale on Dantooine "I thought you died in the Mandalorian Wars?!" Even though she denied fighting in the war the transition makes perfect sense that she would follow Revan to war once she was cast out of the Order...Chris Avellone left a "nice catch" which seems to confirm it.

If it wasn't obvious enough already ;)

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#3 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 30 December 2009 - 02:49 AM

chris avellone's interview

Hmm, interesting article... I wouldn't bury the hope for KotORIII even this day...

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#4 Archmage Silver

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Posted 30 December 2009 - 09:16 AM

One can always hope. Not finishing a Star Wars game trilogy - not good.

#5 Anonymous2

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Posted 30 December 2009 - 11:02 AM

One can always hope. Not finishing a Star Wars game trilogy - not good.

Well I think that's what they're planning to do with TOR, unfortunetly...you know it's going to get sequels :yawn:

I've sorta given up, a flicker remains inside me yeah but for the most part I've pretty well accepted that KotOR III was cancelled and replaced by The Force Unleashed. TOR is really just to shut the fans up and make money, the RPG series is dead but hopefully not buried ;)

And Jarno I already posted the same interview above :whistling:

I just wanted to get the word out about the planned story of KotOR III.

Edited by Anonymous2, 30 December 2009 - 11:05 AM.

Disappointed in LucasArts and Bioware.

#6 Kaeloree


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Posted 30 December 2009 - 12:09 PM

Am I the only one looking forward to ToR at all?

#7 Tassadar88


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Posted 30 December 2009 - 12:17 PM

Well, that looks like Kotor3 story could have really been up to the series´ standards. I´ll still keep a flicker of hope that it gets out at some point of time :)

EDIT for Kae - No, I´m also very interested, but unfortunately, I will probably have no time to play a MMORPG :(

Edited by Tassadar88, 30 December 2009 - 12:17 PM.

The Mind is its own place and in itself - can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven. -John Milton, Paradise lost

#8 Archmage Silver

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Posted 30 December 2009 - 01:44 PM

Well I think that's what they're planning to do with TOR, unfortunetly...you know it's going to get sequels :yawn:

I've sorta given up, a flicker remains inside me yeah but for the most part I've pretty well accepted that KotOR III was cancelled and replaced by The Force Unleashed. TOR is really just to shut the fans up and make money, the RPG series is dead but hopefully not buried ;)

Yeah, but here's for hoping we'll see KotOR III against all odds! :cheers:

Am I the only one looking forward to ToR at all?

I quit playing MMORPGs after the first month of Warhammer: Age of Reckoning, so it would have to be extremely good for me to give it a shot personally. I'm just enjoying single-player games way too much at the moment.