As of phase 2, the installer includes the following components. The number is the component DESIGNATED number which gives it a fixed install position, lets other components detect it and so on. These can be changed, rearranged etc. (before release anyway).
All subcomponents require the main component (they need to since it's the one that installs new content). All components are otherwise optional. Also note that no component affects joinable NPCs, something best left to individual modder discretion. (Hence, if something says it affects all female tieflings, it doesn't include Amber and Fade in that.) Some sections are provisional for now, unless or until someone comes up with a more fitting animation (though I think they're all better than the unmodded alternatives, or they wouldn't be there at all).
0. Infinity Animations
Requires ToB v26498
- Checks mod files and .exe validity
- Backs up and patches the .exe
- Restores and necessary mod-overwritten animations
- Copies new animations (any extracted to /content folder)
- Fixes any affected creatures
- Updates .ids files
50. Distinctive Genies
Requires IA_Fiends_Genies.rar
- Uses djinn, efreet, dao, jann and marid animations where sensible
100. Distinctive Fiends
Requires IA_Fiends_Genies.rar, IA_IWD.rar and IA_PST_Abishai.rar
Requires IA_NWN_01_Modron.rar only if certain mods are installed
- Nabassus get a green-grey tanar'ri animation
- Chromatic Demon gets a somewhat more colourful base animation
- Bebiliths (Longer Road and Drizzt Saga only) get the NWN animation
- Some mariliths get a darker animation
- Gelugons (only if added by a mod) get the NWN osyluth animation
- Yochlols (except those in drow form) get a dark otyugh-based animation
- White, green and red abishai get the relevant IWD or PST animations
- Manes get the IWD drowned dead animation
- Erinyes get a black-winged elf avatar
- Succubi get a red-winged elf avatar
- Maurezhi get a black lich animation (almost always the case anyhow)
- Glabrezu get the proper glabrezu animation
Pit Fiend Animations
150. All get the NWN animation
175. Some get the NWN animation
Requires IA_NWN_01_Modron.rar
- Choice of subcomponent (or none); "some" = roughly half, randomly selected
Cambion/Isair Animation
200. All cambions and male tieflings
210. All cambions only
220. Some cambions and male tieflings
230. Some cambions only
Requires IA_BGII_IWDII.rar
- Same logic as Pit Fiend component
Alu-Fiend/Madae Animation
260. All alu-fiends
270. Some alu-fiends and female tieflings
280. Some alu-fiends
290. Some alu-fiends and female tieflings[/b]
Requires IA_BGII_IWDII.rar
- Same logic as Pit Fiend component
400. Distinctive Undead
Requires IA_Base_Anims.rar, IA_IWD.rar,
(and perhaps an as-yet unnamed archive for MSH1 and MSH2 slots)
- Banshees get the wailing virgin animation
- Floating skulls get the demilich animation
- Greater ghasts get the IWD ghast animation*
- Generic ghosts get the IWD ghost animation
- Greater ghouls get the IWD ghoul animation*
- Greater liches get the IWD lich animation
- Apparitions get the mist creature animation
- Revenants get the revenant animation
- Shadow Beasts get the shadow animation
- Wraiths get the IWD large shadow animation
- Spectres get the IWD large shadow alternate
- Shadows get the IWD small shadow animation
- Some shadows get the IWD small shadow alternate
- Greater skeletons get the skeleton0 animation
- Skeleton warriors get the skeletona animation
- Moon horrors get the skeletonb animation
- Wights get the IWD grey wight animation
- Green zombies get the IWD green wight animation
- Zombie lords get the IWD yellow wight animation
- Undead knights and similar get the IWD barrow wight animation
- Greater zombies get the IWD yellow zombie animation
- Lacedons and sea zombies get the IWD blue zombie animation
(*Not sure about ghasts and ghouls - should this be swapped; i.e. should the "greater" ones have the BG2 animation, which is more beast-like or the IWD one which is more human-like?)
Seer Animation
450. Some beggars and slaves
455. Some beggars
460. Some slaves[/b]
Requires IA_IWD.rar
- Same logic as Pit Fiend component
480. Svirneblin Animations
Requires IA_IWD_Svirfneblin.rar
Skipped if Aurora's Shoes installed (does the same thing)
- Uses all svirfneblin variants for Underdark deep gnomes
500. More Base Animations
Requires IA_Base_Anims.rar
- Histachii get the IWD histachii animation
- Lizardman warriors get the brown lizardman animation
- Lizardman shamans get the green lizardman animation
- Lizardman chiefs get the lizard king animation
- Variant trolls (normal, blue, ice, snow, small) where relevant
- Greater umber hulks get the IWD umber hulk animation
550. More Icewind Dale Animations
Requires IA_IWD.rar
- Animated Plates get animated plate animations
- Archdruids get the IWD Arundel animation
- Variant barbarians (brown, red, tan and shamans)
- Greater elementals make use of variant BG2/IWD animations
- Some fire giants get the IWD fire giant animation
- Iron golems get the IWD iron golem animation
- Adamantite golems get the BG2 iron golem animation
- Sahuagin priestesses get the IWD sahuagin animation
- Sahuagin royal guards get the BG2 large sahuagin animation
- Sahuagin chiefs get the IWD large sahuagin animation
600. More Icewind Dale II Animations
Requires IA_BGII_IWDII.rar
- Greater fire giants and firbolgs get the fire giant variant
- Variant goblins (worgriders, leaders, browns, greens, elites)
- Hook horrors get the hook horror animation
- Shadow druids get the Malarite animation
- Death tyrants get the death tyrant animation
- Wererat gets the wererat animation
- Worgs get the IWD2 worg animation
650. More Neverwinter Nights Animations
Requires IA_NWN_01_Modron.rar
- Greater basilisks get the NWN basilisk animation
- Modrons get the modron animation
There is supposed to be some logic to these components

I can upload a phase 2 package for testing and archival purposes, but I want to make sure there aren't any

Any word on this? I don't really need the actual animation just now, but the slot ID and the name you're going to call the archive would be helpful for coding purposes. And is there anything that could be used (perhaps a recolour) for an erinyes?If you wait with the succubi for a bit, that's one of the NWN animations I've mostly ported.
There is another issue with the IWD Marilith too. It freezes in about mid cycle. When it rotates from right to left and back to center, it'll pause there for about 3 seconds. Very noticeable and unnatural-looking, and the BG2 animation doesn't do it. Maybe a missing frame or sequence or something? I've noticed the same sort of thing with other IWD animations (like the svirfneblin) though for smaller ones it's not nearly as noticeable.
Is it fixable? I've used the IWD animations anyway, but I don't really like the freezing at all.I haven't noticed the freezing thing, will test later.
You're right about the MSH1/MSH2 references. I must've missed the slots when I wrote the list? I don't know. I guess I might fill them with slight variants/recolours.
Do you have time to repalette these or do you want me to butcher them?did you get around to editing the duplicate IWD shadows yet? I haven't used those slots yet either - just the default MSH1 and MSH2 ones. I think we could use greyish versions of them though, since the existing ones are black and the IWD Ghost looks like just a white version of MSH1.

So how do we want to do this? I could just assign the CREs the closest thing in BG2 unless there are known sound clips to be ported, but it seems a bit suboptimal. Belhifet, for example, clearly has sounds in IWD (belh_01.wav, belhif1a.wav, etc.) but they are referenced neither in the CRE file nor in 2DAs. There's no sound references even in his scripts. While it's easy enough to grab the sounds by prefix for some, I'm not sure there's even a logical correspondence of suffix number to sound slot, though there could be.I don't know how either IWD handles creature sounds. There's no equivalent .2da files, and the few CREs I looked at (such as svirfneblin) had nothing slotted for sounds - only a few animals like bears did (though I only looked at a few CREs). And I wouldn't know where to start looking in NWN - don't even have it installed, though I think I do have it somewhere.