News on version 4.0 release
Posted 11 January 2010 - 08:46 AM
You must really love this game (and have reasons to), considering all the effort you're profusing on this.
Thanks again!
Game Over Only on Party Dead (BGT/EasyTuTu/BG2)
WTP Familiars(BGT/BG2)
Posted 11 January 2010 - 08:41 PM

And here's today's fixes that'll go in v4.0:
1. For some unknown reason, a trigger in Rubikon Wizard's dialogue refuses to detect if Nordom is nearby when you meet him. Used a different trigger, works fine now. (This sets a variable referred to in Nordom's dialogue after the fact when discussing information provided by the Wizard)
2. The thief tattoos (Tattoo of the Cutpurse, Tattoo of the Shadows, Tattoo of the Shattered Lock) can now be invoked from the inventory screen, instead of just from the quick item slots. This is the same issue as with the Tattoo of the Source that was fixed in v1.0.
3. Large gears on northeast wall of Foundry will no longer disappear leaving big black holes in the wall.
4. Keldor will now resume facing his audience after you talk to him.
5. Sight issues (where it was obnoxiously difficult to see the gear-doors) in the Rubikon maze have been significantly improved.
Edited by Qwinn, 11 January 2010 - 10:08 PM.
Posted 11 January 2010 - 11:41 PM
Edited by Qwinn, 11 January 2010 - 11:42 PM.
Posted 12 January 2010 - 01:16 AM
And dear Lord, did I find a ton of bugs along the way. Along the other faction craziness I mentioned in the main thread about it, here's another, just as an example: Take Emoric's quests to join the Dustmen. Talk to Norochj, talk to Awaiting Death, talk to Sere, go find Soego but don't tell Emoric you did it. Then go join the Anarchists. Now go back to Emoric and "Infiltrate the Dustmen for the Anarchists". He'll tell you to go to Norochj. Stay in conversation with Emoric and tell him you talked to Norochj, then Awaiting Death, then Sere, then "Infiltrate" again. Repeat forever for infinite XP. Not a -lot- of XP by that point, but still.
So, anyways, you can no longer infiltrate multiple factions as an Anarchist, you can infiltrate one at a time. This resolves some serious exploits like joining them all as an Anarchist and then leaving the Anarchists which leaves you belonging to the other 4 factions simultaneously. And it fixes a crapload of other bugs like I mentioned.
Anyways... so I'm finally done with Sigil. I'll head off to Ravel in the morning, and hopefully I can finish the game by tomorrow night. Scient's been under the weather and hasn't gotten the exceptional strength or ice knife fixes done yet, and I don't want to pressure him to do so. If I finish my testing and he hasn't gotten that stuff done, we'll just release with what we have, and the strength and spell fixes can be fodder for v5.0. I suspect v5.0 will mostly just be spell fixes (like Ice Knife, Fist of Iron, Aid and a handful of others) courtesy of scient anyway. At least, I can't think of any other non-engine bugs that still need fixing at this point, I've hit pretty much everything I ever wanted to do at this point. Course, I said that at the end of v3.0 too...
Edited by Qwinn, 12 January 2010 - 01:20 AM.
Posted 12 January 2010 - 05:32 AM
I've hit pretty much everything I ever wanted to do at this point. Course, I said that at the end of v3.0 too...
You know you're not going to be happy until you make a mod that actually transports the player into Sigil!

Posted 12 January 2010 - 11:35 AM

Okay, today's news:
I've asked scient to just drop the strength and ice knife fixes for v4.0. Strength will have to wait for v5.0, and the Ice Knife problem is just a bug from the vanilla game that will have to wait for scient to figure out how the engine's spell code works, also for version 5.0. I'm removing the Platter fix to the problem, as I think the cure is a bit worse than the disease. I'll add a "Known Issues" item to the Readme advising players on how to fix the permanent Ice Knife THACO debuff (kill the character and resurrect).
When scient -does- figure out the spell code in the engine, that will hopefully usher in some really nice fixes to some broken spells. For those curious, the spells I'd most like to see get some work are, in order of priority:
1. Ice Knife (Khhhhhaaaaaaannnnnnnnn!!!)
2. Fist of Iron (I don't think it's working at all, but we'll investigate)
3. Friends (make it not cumulative with itself, which the Baldur's Gate fixpacks also treat as a bug)
4. Aid (casting it on someone at max health raises max hp but not current hp)
5. Knock (find out if its efficacy is related to mage level, and maybe tweak it slightly to bring it in line with the "non-trivial locks" fix)
After v4 is released, I'll start a thread where we'll list known spell bugs and people can hopefully point us to problems we're not aware of yet.
I've asked scient to focus from now till release on one engine bug: the horrifying "bug that just won't die" wherein talking to an item right before the game starts a dialogue automatically causes the item dialogue to replace the cutscene dialogue. This bug is potentially game breaking, and while the hundreds of lines of workaround code have softened its impact somewhat, it still keeps popping up here and there, and when it does it can be gamebreaking (well, you can reload and just not talk to an item before the cutscene, but if you don't -have- a save game just before that, you're screwed).
I am willing to delay release until that engine bug gets fixed. Once it is fixed, I will test it by running through the rest of my game.
One other thing that'll go into the Known Issues list. Rarely, if you use the Quick Load feature of the new tweak of that name several times in a row repeatedly, the game will crash. We're not sure why, it looks like it will take some time to diagnose. It is a very handy feature even so, though, and if you were going to load, you were okay with losing all current progress so nothing is really lost, you just need to fire the game up again. At this point, I'm considering Benefit > Cost on that tweak, and will include the tweak in v4.0 despite that issue. If it's a problem for you, don't use QuickLoad!

Edited by Qwinn, 12 January 2010 - 11:35 AM.
Posted 12 January 2010 - 01:07 PM

Like Qwinn said, it is possible to trigger crash using quick load repeatedly (say you do it 10 times in a row it may crash once). I've located code where it's trying to access invalid memory but it isn't anything I'm calling directly via quick load. So my guess is it's an existing bug with memory management that quick load has flushed out.
I've been fighting off some bug/flu past week so I haven't been up to doing much. Hopefully I'll be able to sort that bug with dialog triggers in engine which will do away with need for workarounds.
Edited by scient, 12 January 2010 - 01:08 PM.
Those interested in the classic TBS game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri / Alien Crossover should check out the unofficial patch I work on here.
Posted 12 January 2010 - 03:43 PM
Posted 12 January 2010 - 05:36 PM
Oh, by the way, the actual flat-out bugs in the Power of One spell, where it ignored class/race restrictions, -are- fixed and going in v4.0.
Just for clarification class only. PST or version of IE it uses I've never seen a "race" check.
Edited by scient, 12 January 2010 - 05:37 PM.
Those interested in the classic TBS game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri / Alien Crossover should check out the unofficial patch I work on here.
Posted 14 January 2010 - 10:41 AM
This final round of testing is proving worthwhile, I am still finding things to fix or improve. As an example, the specialization checks in the Pillar's dialogue was reversed for mage and thief, so if you were a specialized thief, you'd use the Art to free "someone" from the Pillar, and if you were a specialized mage you'd do the whole "feint and grab" thing.
Can't see any reason why I won't be done with testing over the next couple of hours. Then I'll spend another hour or two updating the readmes, and then version 4.0 will be released

Posted 14 January 2010 - 10:54 AM
Posted 14 January 2010 - 11:36 AM
I think the idea of him teleporting next to you the first time he sees you is awesome and I'd love to make it work like that, but unfortunately I don't think the engine supports it. There's "JumpToPoint", but there's no "JumpToObject" that I can see. Oh well.

Posted 14 January 2010 - 12:08 PM
Regardless, there should be RunToObject() you can try if you want it to move faster.
Posted 14 January 2010 - 12:25 PM
But no, I wouldn't assume they knew what the action specifically did. There are other places where they similarly use an action in ways that don't match their actual use. I'm sure -most- of the programmers knew what it did, but perfectly possible the specific programmer in charge of this implementation didn't know or got it confused. At any rate, what other plausible reason do you see for the demon to be instructed on a one-time basis to "MoveToObject" then "Attack", setting a variable called "Demon_Gate" in the process, when the behavior that results is identical to just saying "Attack", which it does from that point forward?
Edited by Qwinn, 14 January 2010 - 12:25 PM.
Posted 14 January 2010 - 12:34 PM
Posted 14 January 2010 - 02:45 PM
Edited by scient, 14 January 2010 - 02:46 PM.
Those interested in the classic TBS game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri / Alien Crossover should check out the unofficial patch I work on here.
Posted 14 January 2010 - 11:20 PM
I won't disagree with you that some of PST seems sketchy, but StartDialog() isn't something they actually ever used, so I don't think it really works as an example here (you can imagine they just purposely left it to rot when they added their weird item dialogue code).Nor is version of IE PST uses a shinning example of being bug free code and working as "intended". Case in point, issue with StartDialogue() which I fixed few days ago for Qwinn.
As for Demon_Gate, I don't believe the argument (at least to state it's the only logical conclusion) is compelling, but it's beside the point (it won't do anything perceptible in vanilla, and it's easy to change it for fixpack's RunningAttack()). I don't see any "tells" in the script to indicate any particular behavior (it looks dumb to us, sure, but there are lots of scripts that have move or run or other actions in the attack blocks instead of just Attack() or RunningAttack(), and it's a style pretty common to BIS) beyond the fact that the script was adapted from one of the standard templates (more likely to me is that if they wanted him to teleport, they realized it wasn't easily possible in PST and just left it as-is). As for the engine, I'm referring specifically to BIS internal developers (they did their own thing, and BioWare wouldn't be much help since little actually works the same as in normal IE); regardless, given the same four or five (if even) tech designers who scripted the whole game, I don't think it's logical to assume one of them was harboring phantom ideas of how MoveToObject() (a pretty fundamental and rote action) performed.
Anyway, congrats on getting v4 out!