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#121 Qwinn

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Posted 17 April 2010 - 10:52 AM

With the signed rod form, it's weird. I was taking a baby mage through the Origin, did the spider cave, came out, got my potions from Leorah (I already had a signed form from Sweeney), went over to Owain, got my rod of fire, and yes, I was stuck with the signed form.

I reloaded, took all the exact same steps... and the signed form was removed.

Reloaded 10 more times, and it was always removed.

So, yeah, the code to remove it is there, but every once in a blue moon it doesn't work for some reason. Not sure what to do about it. :( Gonna have to take that off the list of stuff I've fixed for now till I get a better handle on what's causing it.


Edited by Qwinn, 17 April 2010 - 11:02 AM.

#122 Qwinn

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Posted 17 April 2010 - 10:56 AM

- Human Noble's dog is silent in Ostagar - when clicked on, there's a line "Happy Bark", but no sound.

Yah, that's the same thing you get in the post-coronation now that I've made him interactive there. Still haven't managed to find a sound file for his dog bark though.

- Mage Origin, two apprentices talk about someone being a blood mage in apprentices's dormitory. Line with "force demons into your service" is silent - you can hear it only from one very specific angle.

Not sure what I can do about this, unfortunately, sounds like an engine problem, not something I can fix with scripting.

- Quest from Blackstone Irregulars, letters of condolence, girl in Denerim Market District - after giving her a letter, quest doesn't get updated, and the letter doesn't disappear from the inventory.

Can you duplicate this on reload? Be aware that, when you are given the quest, you are given one too many letters, so you will always have an extra one at quest's end (I do fix this already in v1 of the fixpack, you'll only get 4 letters instead of 5). Also, all of the widows use the same dialogue file, so if it can happen to one it can happen to all of them. So perhaps it's a specific dialogue path? I tried to duplicate this and couldn't, but if you can, let me know how please. Note also that I don't believe the quest updates with every letter you deliver, I think it only updates once you finish.


Edited by Qwinn, 17 April 2010 - 11:00 AM.

#123 Archmage Silver

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Posted 17 April 2010 - 11:55 AM

With the signed rod form, it's weird. I was taking a baby mage through the Origin, did the spider cave, came out, got my potions from Leorah (I already had a signed form from Sweeney), went over to Owain, got my rod of fire, and yes, I was stuck with the signed form.

I reloaded, took all the exact same steps... and the signed form was removed.

Reloaded 10 more times, and it was always removed.

So, yeah, the code to remove it is there, but every once in a blue moon it doesn't work for some reason. Not sure what to do about it. :( Gonna have to take that off the list of stuff I've fixed for now till I get a better handle on what's causing it.


Ok... that sounds odd. Usually scripts either work, or they don't. Seeing something that works most of the time, but fails some of the time, with the exactly same variables...

Does the player always receive the same signed request form (toolset item ID) regardless of who signs it? If not, then the problem might be somewhere there, if the script checks for whom the signed form originated from.

#124 Kulyok

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Posted 17 April 2010 - 12:14 PM

Can you duplicate this on reload?

My fault: I wasn't aware that you're given five letters instead of four. I'll recheck but probably you're right - it's already fixed.

#125 Archmage Silver

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Posted 17 April 2010 - 01:13 PM

I don't think anyone has mentioned this one yet, so here goes:

After you return to the Ostagar war camp from the Wilds (camp is now in night cycle), you're able to steal from the NPCs again, such as the quartermaster (Hardy's Belt) and the soldier guarding the hungry prisoner (Food, Water). While the other items are trivial enough to be gained twice, the player can't ever get rid of the Food & Water plot items if they are stolen again during the night cycle.

#126 Qwinn

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Posted 20 April 2010 - 03:25 AM

CRAP! Darziak, my apologies, I just realized I didn't give you credit for your work in my readme! :( Sorry!! That wasn't intentional, it just totally slipped my mind in all the complexities of getting the release out.

That's already corrected in the project details page, and will be fixed in the readme next time I do an update of the files.


#127 Darziak



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Posted 20 April 2010 - 03:33 AM

Relax I wasn't bothered if you put me in or not. :D

#128 Qwinn

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Posted 20 April 2010 - 01:31 PM

Bah, you earned the credit, I probably wouldn't have released the mods yet if you hadn't gotten me those sound files so quickly. Thanks again.


#129 Zander

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Posted 01 May 2010 - 12:56 PM

OK, I fed the hungry deserter and got the key, but didn't use it first time at Ostagar. I used it during Return To Ostagar, and it opened the chest, but didn't update the quest, leaving it open im my active quests list. Given the level of the loot in the chest at Return to Ostagar, I conclude it's better to use the key when you get back to Ostagar after the Korkari Wilds.

#130 Qwinn

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Posted 03 May 2010 - 10:26 PM

Thanks for that info. Hmm. I'll have to think about how I want to deal with the Hungry Prisoner going forward. If we had the source code for RtO, I'd just add entries to close the journal at that point, but from what I understand that's not available, bleh.

#131 Archmage Silver

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Posted 04 May 2010 - 09:45 AM

Thanks for that info. Hmm. I'll have to think about how I want to deal with the Hungry Prisoner going forward. If we had the source code for RtO, I'd just add entries to close the journal at that point, but from what I understand that's not available, bleh.

Unfortunately only the Origins source code is available so far... somehow I think BioWare isn't paying too much attention to the modding scene right now. Or at all.

#132 Archmage Silver

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Posted 04 May 2010 - 11:51 AM

The unofficial patch made the headlines at RPGWatch and GameBanshee.

#133 Yovaneth


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Posted 09 May 2010 - 11:19 AM

Not being a toolkit whizz, I thought I'd throw this one up here just in case it's a wee bug. When doing Redcliffe Castle, it looks like the Enraged Corpse and its two Corpse-type companions have a base class of Mage. One of my party has the following tactic:

Nearest Enemy of Type: Mage -> Mana Drain

and she's popping off Mana Drains left, right and centre at the Corpses. Doesn't seem right somehow.


#134 WeeRLegion


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Posted 09 May 2010 - 01:10 PM

I think that's an fairly universal problem. I get the same with the corpses in the mages' tower too, and some other creeps on occasion (What can I say? I really want those mage's dead! .p).

I'm thinking Bioware probably just has done a lazy job matching creature's special ability sets on fitting base types; some of those corpses use energy drain (or gain it at a certain point in their level scaling), which I'd imagine to be rough about the same as the mage spell, so the laziest way to put it to use was probably to just call them mages.
Or so I figure, might well enough be wrong. o_o