Now someone just needs to patch all the megamod creatures so they all use the proper animations (easier said than done, no doubt).
What would be involved in that? If it's just a case of correcting the cre files to use the right animation, testing they work right, and exporting them for use in a new version of the mod's install I'd be up for going through some of the ancient mods like TDD (Or whichever one is most abandoned.
Well, that's one way it could be done. The mods are all listed on that link. Most of them anyway... Aurora and Sheena are two I can think of that aren't, but the big ones should all be anyway. LC (Lost Crossroads) we can ignore since it's not released except as a animation pack similar to this (though maybe someone should tell Galactygon he doesn't have to stack animations now

Don't want to step on current maintainers toes, or duplicate effort.) . If it involves Weiduwizardry it would be above my paygrade though.
There are only two problems with modding the CREs directly:
1) Some are messed up. Quite a lot are, actually. You might want to try patching them with the
BWP Fixpack tools first (Taimon's CRE fixer, my CRE fixer and Nythrun's Resource Fixer). And
please do not use NearInfinity to edit them - use
NI is probably what hosed them in the first place (see
this post - likely from one of the
NI developers).
2) The vast majority (perhaps all) of those big mods aren't actively maintained. Maybe this is a good thing, because it allows other people willing to help maintain them to step up without worrying too much about permissions (AFAIK no one's disallowed updates to the mods and it's generally been the rule over the years). Just check with Hoppy if you're doing stuff with
CtB/SOS and erebusant if working with
NTotSC/SoBH but since they've just stepped up for others (like Sir BillyBob and King Diamond) who've stepped up maintaining for others (who remembers anymore), it's not going to be a problem. Also, flysoup is still around but not actively maintaining Drizzt Saga and has given others permission to do so (not sure if anyone else is AFAIK).
Alternately, and this may be easier, you can just make a list of all the CRE files in the mods with an indication of which animation number they should receive (as per the
pinned topic). Once that list exists, a
WeiDU patch that addresses them all would be quick work (for me anyway, if no one else wants to do it). The second benefit of this is I can run the CRE fixers at the same time, and the resulting CREs can be retroported to the original mods.
If this discussion continues and others are interested, perhaps a new topic should be started so we can track who's working on which mod.
The nature of this mod is most useful to those playing or developing mega mods, which is why I thought it was a good idea to put it here.
Perhaps so, but I still think Modding Tools would be more appropriate. The other thing is it's going to be buried very quickly by competition with
BWP/Megamod posts and questions, whereas in Modding Tools it will have constant front-page visibility, as there is little or nothing in the way of competing posts in that forum. But your call.
I've thought about just calling the patcher from WeiDU (I'm not sure if that's possible?). I'd be happy if someone wrote a proper installer for this. Ideally it should:
.patch the executable (same as now, but check whether the version is correct)
.replace _LOW animations in vanilla game files while checking to not accidentally replace them for creatures using new slots
It should be possible (already does the latter, no?) but ideally the whole patch should be converted to
WeiDU. Also then other
WeiDU mods using new animations can do a REQUIRE_COMPONENT or similar on this, whereas it's difficult or impossible now.
Further components could include:
.automatically detecting mega mods and replacing their animation references with compatible ones
.going through the vanilla game files to make use of new animations (i.e. placing the new content in the game)
Aye, something I mentioned above (and Aurora does the latter for goblins, though it'll need to be revised for the new slots).
I could do an extra section for WeiDU? Didn't really think about it to be honest.
I do want to keep it separate, but I could see about getting it a taskbar button, which would make it easier to keep track of it?
Well the
WeiDU code entails the IDS entries, so it's kind of redundant to have both, but I guess it doesn't hurt. I don't really use the Windows taskbar... I didn't see the tiny subwindows since I was copying and pasting into EditPad. I'm just asking if they can be joined to the main GUI that has the batch renaming etc. - not in the same window but separate ones in the same GUI element, if that makes sense (don't know if it's possible in whatever programming language you're using, but it should be).
The .IDS files I supplied look fine in NI to me (and work with the game?), I wouldn't know about anything else. Feel free to attach versions that aren't like that.
NI has some issues as previously mentioned. Open them in a text editor (any one - Notepad, EditPad, etc.). They probably "work" in game, but I wouldn't trust putting a bunch of extra line breaks in the file. It's messy anyway

. But like I said, it would be more useful to have a list of all the necessary APPENDs rather than the files themselves, unless you're actually rewriting existing entries (in which case REPLACE_TEXTUALLY is easy).
Patching the base files with WeiDU would be a mess without much reason (for me anyway) because EVERYONE has the same vanilla animation info, and the extended info is going to be the same for everyone too.
On the contrary, it keeps it from being a mess. Apart from what I mentioned, another problem is that every mod and its brother is going to start overwriting these files repetitively (and perhaps with false data). All they really need to do is check if the specific entries they're using are already present and add it if not (the APPEND ... UNLESS does that just fine). Now if this is installed early and overwrites complete, non-glitchy IDS files to begin with, that's fine, but it's the subsequent modders I'm worried about.
Also note to Miloch: Could you remove the second code box from the listings thread? I can see it being very confusing to people. The first's all that is needed. If you're listing which animations you added, do so in plain text.
Ok, done, but the second was a CODE tag, not CODEBOX, which screws up some browsers, including mine. I can see how the repeated code listings might get spammy, though datawise it's the same either way. (If it really bothered you, don't you have admin/goddess powers to edit other posts

I've removed the Svirfneblin animations you added from the list of animations to port. If you port any remaining IWD animations, leave a note in that thread so we don't end up with duplicates.
Ok, but I'm not planning on doing more any time soon, unless the existing megamods need some and someone else hasn't covered them. It looks like the majority
should be covered, though there may be some exceptions.