Posted 01 December 2009 - 09:51 AM
-Midnight, mod reviewer
Posted 01 December 2009 - 09:54 AM
Welcome to the midnight review once again, with todays mod -Tsujatha. This mod introduces Tsujatha, a male elf Necromancer specialist, whom you can find just inside the planar sphere in the slums. You need not active the planer sphere to get him, just enter it (and can even boot out Valygar from your party if you wish once the door is open and your inside). Tsujatha is an interesting mod to be sure, but harder than some to play. He is set up in the "bad boy" style of Harlequin novels, a powerful, evil man with a good heart that only the right girl can tame. He is pretty ruthless along the way with other npcs and wont take much lip from anyone, but if the player charector is female and good aligned, he will show a tender side occasionally, and is romancable. Tsujatha is a pretty solid mod if you want a fairly good caster npc, and his personal quest can result in some good armor for a tank in your party(hard fight though), but be cautious; he does not get along with some npcs, as i learned to my dismay (happy-party mod will NOT help in this regard either). You should get some warnings if its coming though. In short, he is from another world/plane so he is a little different from the average elf, and his background gives him a connection to the player charector's role as a bhaalspawn in the sence he can relate to you. Being from elsewhere is also a good way to explain how tsu can do some certain things occasionally. He wont steal the game from you though, he is diffintely a supporting mod, and is a good choice for evil to partially good parties. havent tried him yet in a holy roller group (paladins/rep 20+) but im sure he would be a riot. His stats and gear arent too overpowered, which is a plus and his banters are fairly entertaining. The biggest advantage to this mod is his romance though, if you want the bad boy romance that kelsey, Anomen, and others just dont offer-this guy is for you. For the evil types though or male players, he is just a fair caster mod, so unless you want an evil caster other than Edward, I would look at other mods personally. The girls who try this mod will diffinetly like the romance angle though, which has both SoA and ToB content. I believe he comes with 3-4 pictures and is voiced-I would have to give Tsujatha a solid 8 out of 10 rating -a very entertaining and bug free mod (so far) to see at least once through. My only criticism was the inparty fight he had that cost me a tank and thus a 5 man run through the underdark (i did ignore the warnings though), and the fact that no matter what the charector does in the romance (doing all things right), you really cant reform him at the end (which is realistic, kinda -shrug). Untill next time, Excelsior!
-Midnight, mod reviewer
If I can review your review for a moment, I think it would be improved by using paragraphs.
Ark's Ark Whois
Meddling in the affairs of modders. Modding in the affairs of genie.
Posted 10 December 2009 - 12:48 AM
Her locks were as yellow as gold
Her skin was white as leprosy.
The Nightmare Life-in-Death was she,
Who thicks man's blood with cold.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
The Undying