Infinity Animations Readme
Posted 17 October 2011 - 10:08 AM

Posted 19 October 2011 - 06:20 PM
This is Bridge Day.I have no idea what the "Bridge Day" is

Andrea C., if you have time and want to check out my program as-is (until I have a chance to work on it some more), drop me a PM and I'll send you the link.
"Ok, I've just about had my FILL of riddle asking, quest assigning, insult throwing, pun hurling, hostage taking, iron mongering, smart-arsed fools, freaks, and felons that continually test my will, mettle, strength, intelligence, and most of all, patience! If you've got a straight answer ANYWHERE in that bent little head of yours, I want to hear it pretty damn quick or I'm going to take a large blunt object roughly the size of Elminster AND his hat, and stuff it lengthwise into a crevice of your being so seldom seen that even the denizens of the nine hells themselves wouldn't touch it with a twenty-foot rusty halberd! Have I MADE myself perfectly CLEAR?!"
--<CHARNAME> to Portalbendarwinden
___________Old pen and paper modules of the 70s and 80s.___________
Posted 21 October 2011 - 08:14 AM
Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle
Posted 22 October 2011 - 04:23 AM
I think people just need the password to access the workroom
Confirmed. I could access the workroom with the password you sent me. Thanks

Posted 01 February 2012 - 05:35 PM

Who is the target for this mod? Should I download it as a player, or is it only supposed to be a palette of animations for other modders?
Would it "fix" anything in a game of BGTutu f.ex?
I'd like to thank all the modders who made an already great game even better.
Posted 05 February 2012 - 07:12 PM
Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle
Posted 19 February 2012 - 02:45 PM
Are we there yet? I mean codepage fixesOk, cheers. Erephine in fact fixed this already so it'll be in the next version, but it is taking me a while to update the code (it also involves switching everything over to ANSI so we don't need to switch codepages during installation).

Edited by Creepin, 19 February 2012 - 02:50 PM.
The Old Gold - v0.2 WIP (mod for BGT/BWP/BWS)
Posted 20 February 2012 - 02:35 AM
No. I am still entrenched in academic work, and will be for some time, so my time is limited to things I can fix or release quickly and this isn't one of them.Are we there yet? I mean codepage fixes
I think there are some misunderstandings with code pages and non-English systems, and I should probably pin a topic for it or something (though people often don't read those either) since I have to keep responding to it in multiple topics.
You don't need an English system to install IA or mods based on it (Aurora, Pack Mule, Werebear, Vecna). You just need to change your non-Unicode code page to 1252 *temporarily* while extracting and installing the mod, and while playing the game. See the Megamod FAQ item 3.2 "Installing mods with non-ANSI compatible language systems" for more info on how to do that (also in the mod's readme). This won't affect any *Unicode* programs - just non-Unicode programs like old games (e.g. BG2). And if you have such programs you need in a different code page, you can always set it back after playing the game.
So this really is an issue you can work around if you do it properly; I know people with Russian/Chinese systems etc. have done so and played the mod.
Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle
Posted 06 March 2012 - 04:23 PM
Posted 08 March 2012 - 10:13 PM
Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle
Posted 13 March 2012 - 02:34 PM
Posted 17 March 2012 - 06:43 PM
Posted 17 March 2012 - 07:15 PM
Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle
Posted 14 May 2012 - 07:53 AM
Any help would be appreciated,
Posted 14 May 2012 - 11:05 AM
Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle
Posted 14 May 2012 - 11:19 AM
Posted 23 September 2013 - 08:36 AM
I'm actually quite confused, even after reading all available documentation and posts here, on how to use this thing! I extracted and installed Infinity Animations in my BG2 folder before biffing as it said, then installed General Biffing, and finally Widescreen Mod. I then downloaded the optional components because I didn't realize this mod's components were actually *optional* instead of included until after doing a bit of research. I had to do a bit of digging to understand where these optional components were to be placed, but I figured it out and extracted them (without paths) directly into the BG2/Infinity Animations/Content folder. I then had no idea what to do, because I couldn't find any instructions for this step (although it's possible I'm just an idiot and misread them), so I clicked on "setup-infinityanimations.exe" in the BG2 folder because the first time I did this, IA asked me a bunch of questions about what I wanted installed and whatnot. Well the first question, do you want to ®e-install all components, or (s)kip this step, I'd always skip it because I don't want to reinstall components that are already installed. On the next step, do you want to install "new" components, I put (i)nstall, but instead of installing anything, it just gives me a list of components not currently installed... So the next time I run it, I (s)kip, (s)kip, and it uninstalls several, if not all the gfx, then reinstalls them, but I have no idea if this actually installed the *new* content or not because the next time I run IA and (s), (i), it seems the uninstalled component list has not changed at all... So here I am back at square one unsure if I used the program correctly or not, and unsure if any of the components installed correctly.
So my question is did I install the components correctly? And if not, is it also necessary to uninstall General Biffing before using IA to add components? Nothing I read stated it was necessary to remove General Biffing except for the install of IA itself, but not for the components.
Please help
Posted 23 September 2013 - 08:49 AM
So my question is did I install the components correctly?Well it depends on the out come, and you can check that from your weidu.log file, open it with Notepad...
The General Biffing, and finally Widescreen Mod should be after the IA mod components.... and if you can't get it strait, open the weidu.log file, look which mod is there last and run the setup-***.exe and uninstall that mod component and never install a component until you get to a point from where you can proceed to further install mod components and then install all the rest of the mods too.
Edited by The Imp, 23 September 2013 - 08:51 AM.
Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit).
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.
Posted 23 September 2013 - 05:57 PM
Got it. Yes, I did do it out of order then. Thank you. However the weidu.log shows this:
~INFINITYANIMATIONS/SETUP-INFINITYANIMATIONS.TP2~ #0 #0 // Infinity Animations: v5 ~INFINITYANIMATIONS/SETUP-INFINITYANIMATIONS.TP2~ #0 #25 // Humanoid Animation Fixes: v5 // Recently Uninstalled: ~INFINITYANIMATIONS/SETUP-INFINITYANIMATIONS.TP2~ #0 #9000 // Fix Areas -> Creature References: v5 // Recently Uninstalled: ~INFINITYANIMATIONS/SETUP-INFINITYANIMATIONS.TP2~ #0 #9900 // Saved Game Animation Fixer -> Correct only LOW animations: v5 ~INFINITYANIMATIONS/SETUP-INFINITYANIMATIONS.TP2~ #0 #9000 // Fix Areas -> Creature References: v5 ~INFINITYANIMATIONS/SETUP-INFINITYANIMATIONS.TP2~ #0 #9900 // Saved Game Animation Fixer -> Correct only LOW animations: v5 ~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ #0 #0 // Generalized Biffing: v2.2 ~WIDESCREEN/WIDESCREEN.TP2~ #0 #0 // Widescreen Mod -> for the original Infinity Engine (CHOOSE THIS!): Widescreen Mod v3.02
I did not apply the save game fixer until after installing the components because I kept getting an error message before and it would not let me fix the save game before. So does this mean that I should also reinstall all currently installed animations?
So for final clarification (please bare with me, I'm sure it's a plain as day to everyone, but I'm still learning how this works), I uninstall Widescreen and General Biffing, then start up Infinity Animations. Then when it says, "What should be done with all the components that are not yet installed?", I should install them? And when it says, "What should be done with all the components already installed?", I should reinstall them?
Posted 24 September 2013 - 12:15 PM