If you liked the City Elf experience, I recommend trying Dwarf Commoner as well.I pretty much share your opinions in ranking (although I still haven't played Dwarf Commoner), but I'd put City Elf higher myself. I'm not fond of playing elves either, but I think City Elf offers a bit of a different experience than how elves usually presented in a fantasy setting. And this is the only origin where you're not someone high and mighty - in every other origin you play a significant person. Not that I'd have a problem with that, but it's good to start off as an actual nobody and climb your way through to the title of Hero of Ferelden. (I was told that even if you play as Dwarf Commoner it is proven later that you're actually an noble outcast, but I might be wrong.)
Mage is Origin is still my favurite though, because the atmosphere of the Circle beats every other Origin for me.

Most favorite and least Favorite Origin?
Started by Vicen, Nov 26 2009 08:38 PM
26 replies to this topic
Posted 26 March 2010 - 02:23 PM
Posted 27 March 2010 - 02:27 PM
I revised my opinion of the Dwarf Noble. First time I played it on its own (I was just checking out a few origins one day). Second time I actually made a dwarf with the intention of finishing the game with him. I did a few things different in the origin and enjoyed it more. Still not keen on the Deep Roads but hey, I guess I'm used to them now. The political shenanigans are certainly pretty interesting.
I still like human noble best - it ties in to the main story better than most others, and has more emotional impact for me - but I think the dwarf noble comes a good second. Still, I've played more mages than anything (though mostly going for those stupid achievements, heh).
I still like human noble best - it ties in to the main story better than most others, and has more emotional impact for me - but I think the dwarf noble comes a good second. Still, I've played more mages than anything (though mostly going for those stupid achievements, heh).
Posted 29 March 2010 - 08:53 AM
I agree that you tend to like certain Origins more if you actually plan to play the characters. That's probably why I find the elven Origins so boring - I have no interest in playing as an elf.
Posted 29 March 2010 - 10:36 AM
I know what you mean. I don't like elves, never have - but at least they're a bit different in this game (the traditional, beautiful, wise, mystical and immortal elf type is so Mary Sue it's not funny. Ugh. At least they're downtrodden and miserable in DA). My second character was a female city elf and I quite enjoyed playing her story. I actually hated my Dalish, though.
I'm definitely human-centric - I'll always play a human character by preference.
I'm definitely human-centric - I'll always play a human character by preference.
Posted 29 March 2010 - 10:39 AM
Yeah, I always play a human character where available as well, but I enjoy playing dwarven characters on the side. Come to think of it, that's probably where my dislike of elves stems from...
Posted 06 April 2010 - 11:19 AM
I finally finished all the origin stories, and my opinion didn't change much, only that I liked the Dwarf Commoner origin so much that I'm currently playing through the game with the character I created, even though I wasn't planning another playthrough anytime soon. (And with a female charactet, to boot. I rarely play a female character.)
Mage is still #1 for me, but I guess I have already praised that one enough. I also enjoyed City Elf and Dwarf Noble, and I might play through with those sometime too. But I didn't only find the Dalish origin dumb but the Human Noble as well - it may tie up nicely with the main plot but I found the origin story too short and none of the NPCs were really sympathetic.
Mage is still #1 for me, but I guess I have already praised that one enough. I also enjoyed City Elf and Dwarf Noble, and I might play through with those sometime too. But I didn't only find the Dalish origin dumb but the Human Noble as well - it may tie up nicely with the main plot but I found the origin story too short and none of the NPCs were really sympathetic.
Posted 07 April 2010 - 12:25 PM
Favourite was Dalish Elf Rogue. Have done (so far) HN Warrior/Rogue, City Elf Rogue, H Mage, all male. Mage came close second till O found a mod that lets me be a Dalish Elf Mage. This is IT for me! Going for Arcane Warrior/Spirit Healer to take to Awakening.