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A little help from Polish people?

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#1 Graoumf

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Posted 26 November 2009 - 03:04 PM


We need a little help from Polish people about these strings:


@1000 = ~Wait... there is something in the air...~
@1001 = ~This sensation... I've felt it before...~
@1010 = ~Ack!~
@1021 = ~Retreat!~
@1070 = ~That sword is mine and there is no way I am parting with it, <CHARNAME>. You shouldn't touch it again...~
@1080 = ~(Chloe throws you a withering glare when you try to touch her weapons)~
@1090 = ~Ok, touch any of my swords again and next time you won't have fingers to touch them with~
@1100 = ~I will only part with these swords when they drop from my dead-cold fingers. And I don't plan in letting that happen anytime soon~
@1130 = ~That sword was given to me by the gods themselves. So NO, thanks, I don't want to part with it~
@1160 = ~You really want to see me angry, don't you? Don't touch my sword again, <CHARNAME>~
@1190 = ~<CHARNAME>... don't do that again~
@1200 = ~You must have a problem with the concept "property". Let me clear it up: this sword if MY property, and that means that only *I* carry it. Understood?~
@1230 = ~So when did I tell you that you could play around with MY toys?~
@1250 = ~Ack!~
@1260 = ~Aaah!~
@1270 = ~COWARDS!!~
@1280 = ~(Takes note from the ground and reads it)~
@1281 = ~(Chloe's eyes widen as she reads. The paper slips from her fingers to the ground)~
@1282 = ~This... this can't be...~
@1300 = ~Only a chosen of Akadia can wield this weapon. You have commited sacriledge~
@1301 = ~Only a chosen of Lathander can wield this weapon. You have commited sacriledge~

A polish translator translated its in:


@1000 = ~Czekaj... CoÅ?... coÅ? wisi w powietrzu...~
@1001 = ~To uczucie... już je wczeÅ?niej czuÅ?am...~
@1010 = ~Walcz!~
@1021 = ~WycofaÄ? siÄ?!~
@1070 = ~Ten miecz jest mój i nie ma szans bym siÄ? z nim rozstaÅ?a. Nie dotykaj go wiÄ?cej...~
@1080 = ~(Chloe rzuca ci wrogie spojrzenie, kiedy tylko próbujesz dotknÄ?Ä? jej broni.)~
@1090 = ~Dobra, spróbuj dotknÄ?Ä? jeszcze raz którejkolwiek z moich broni, a możesz straciÄ? te swoje paluszki.~
@1100 = ~Z mÄ? broniÄ? rozstanÄ? siÄ? jedynie, gdy wypadnie z moich sinych i martwych rÄ?k. Wiedz, że nie planujÄ? takiej sytuacji w najbliższym czasie.~
@1130 = ~Ten miecz zostaÅ? mi ofiarowany przez samych bogów, wiÄ?c nie, dziÄ?ki, ale nie mam ochoty siÄ? z nim rozstawaÄ?.~
@1160 = ~Na prawdÄ? chcesz zobaczyÄ? jak siÄ? wÅ?ciekam, co nie? Nie dotykaj tego miecza nigdy wiÄ?cej.~
@1190 = ~... nie rób tego wiÄ?cej.~
@1200 = ~Chyba masz problem z terminem "cudza wÅ?asnoÅ?Ä?". Pozwól, że wyjaÅ?niÄ?: ten miecz to *moja* wÅ?asnoÅ?Ä? i tylko *ja* mogÄ? go nosiÄ?. Zrozumiano?~
@1230 = ~Ach, to kiedy niby ci powiedziaÅ?am, że możesz bawiÄ? siÄ? *moimi* zabawkami?~
@1250 = ~Bij!~
@1260 = ~Aa!~
@1270 = ~Tchórze!!~
@1280 = ~(Podnosi notatkÄ? z ziemi i czyta jÄ?)~
@1281 = ~(Oczy Chleo poszerzajÄ? siÄ? wraz z czytaniem notatki. Papier wymyka siÄ? z jej rÄ?k i upada na ziemiÄ?.)~
@1282 = ~To... to nie może byÄ?...~
@1300 = ~Tylko wybraÅ?cy Akadii mogÄ? dzierżyÄ? tÄ? broÅ?. PopeÅ?nione zostaÅ?o Å?wiÄ?tokradztwo.~
@1301 = ~Tylko wybraÅ?cy Lathandera mogÄ? dzierżyÄ? tÄ? broÅ?. PopeÅ?nione zostaÅ?o Å?wiÄ?tokradztwo.~

But somes codes doesn't work with WeiDU: the install crashes. Does someone know how to convert these strings in a code WeiDU knows?
Here is the Chloe's translation v1.3, and the new strings above in Scripts.tra file. If someone could post the Scripts.tra file in polish that works with WeiDU... it would be great!!

Edit: files joined removed

Edited by Graoumf, 27 November 2009 - 01:54 PM.

#2 yarpen


    Drunken Superhero

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Posted 26 November 2009 - 07:15 PM

Polish translations shouldn't be updated at forums only in files and shouldn't be opened by weatern modders because of another font's coding. As you can see, there's a lot of strange symbols, we don't have them. We've got some special symbol in our alphabet and I think that they're making it difficult, when not properly add to tra files. But also I've to say that translation isn't at its best. I'll fix it tomorrow, okay? Currently too drunk.

#3 Graoumf

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Posted 26 November 2009 - 10:53 PM

Thanks yarpen! The polish files in Chloe v1.3 were not open (instead of what I've posted), so I guess they are in correct codes.
Besides, if you could remove the version number in the setup.tra (because we add the version flag in the .tp2, it would be great. :)

@0 = ~Chloe NPC mod~

I will send you my mail address by pm.
Thanks :)

Edited by Graoumf, 26 November 2009 - 10:54 PM.

#4 Graoumf

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Posted 27 November 2009 - 10:25 AM

Finally it's ok, yarpen. :)
The translator sent me the Scripts.tra in a zip file and so we're almost ready.

There's only the setup.tra, but I have just thought that I opened it for changing the number version in it => that's why it has strange symbols now. ;)

Edited by Graoumf, 27 November 2009 - 01:27 PM.