Before: 150.2 MB
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SET FOLDER=BoneHill\bams BPv179\BAM CtB\cbcrean1 CtB\cbcrean2 CtB\cbcrean4 CtB\Compat\anim\MTIC CtB\Compat\anim\MZO2 DrizztSaga\Anim\MCYC DrizztSaga\Anim\MNO2 DrizztSaga\Anim\MTAN DrizztSaga\Anim\MTIC DrizztSaga\Anim\MUMB Ghost\bam NeJ\bam NeJ2v602\ts_fix planarspheremod\bam RoTerror\anim\Abishai RoTerror\anim\Belhifet RoTerror\anim\Cyclop RoTerror\anim\FrostG RoTerror\anim\Merilith RoTerror\anim\Samurai RoTerror\anim\Virgin RoTerror\anim\Yeti Sheena\Bam SOS\Anim\MBRH SOS\Compat\anim\MLIC TDD\Compat\anim\MCYC TDD\Compat\anim\MNO2 TDD\Compat\anim\MTAN TS\anim\bam TS\Compat\anim TS\Compat\TS\bam SET SLOT=MBAS MBBM MBET MBFI MBRH MCOR MCYC MDOC METN MGH2 MGH3 MGHO MGIC MGLA MGO1 MGO2 MGO3 MGO4 MHIS MKUR MLER MLI2 MLI3 MLIC MLIZ MMAX MMIN MMUM MMY2 MMYC MN01 MNO1 MNO2 MNO3 MOR1 MOR2 MOR3 MOR4 MOR5 MSA2 MSAL MSH1 MSH2 MSHR MSKA MSKB MSKT MSPL MTAN MTAS MTIC MTRO MTSN MUM2 MUMB MWAV MWI2 MWI3 MWIG MWWE MYU1 MYU2 MYU3 MZO2 MZO3 NELL FOR %%x in (%FOLDER%) DO ( if exist "%%x" ( FOR %%y in (%SLOT%) DO ( if exist "%%x\%%y*.bam" del "%%x\%%y*.bam" if exist "%%x\%%y*.wav" del "%%x\%%y*.wav" ) ) )Btw ... I'm not sure whether I should delete the wav's too though
Ok, if I understand what IA does now, the specifics are thus:
1) Megamods play with each other's bam's (and the vanilla ones)
2) IA arrives (like a knight ... with shiny armor ) and restores original BGII anims back
3) IA proceeds to patch BGMain.exe to use new slots other than the BGII ones and copies all the megamod anims again (with new names according to their new slots)
So ... now, with this .bat, we have:
1) .bat deletes all megamod bam's before installing (cause IA has them too)
2) Megamods try to play with each other's bam's ... but can't
3) IA arrives (shiny) and restores original anims (even though it doesn't need to ... )
4) IA proceeds to patch yada yada yada ... stuff
So ... if the megamods are installed, whether or not their bam's are copied, IA still restores the original bam's back (possible waste of space here?? )
Anyway, I found stuff IA might be interested in There are some more mods that overwrite anims (atleast those of the M*.bam type ) .. The links link to the mods themselves btw
Celestiales (not PnP Celestials) - MASGG, MSOGG (new deva/planetar anims without glow)
ding0's Tweakpack - MTASG (tasloi?? )
Attached Files
Edited by Lollorian, 28 February 2010 - 07:12 AM.