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Problems with Firkraag and his dimension door script

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#1 EBlonsky

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Posted 17 November 2009 - 09:24 AM

Looks like I've fallen behind - lots of new stuff going on at the site here.

I loaded BGT through BiG World 8.0, and have had a blast: great program, more mods than you could shake a stick at!  Loaded fine once I go the hang of it, and so far only really had one problem:  

Played all the way up to Firkraag in BGII and am having problems killing him - and believe me it?s not for a want of trying nor creativity.  In his death throes he?s kept using ?dimension door? when what he really was doing was teleporting (Since he?d vanish, never to return.  Even after resting for days in various places, talking to Garren, going back to Athlatka, etc.  No Firkraag.)  I think it is script- or bug-related.  After about the 12th time, and what I thought would be a sure thing kill: lots of hacking, etc, then Lower Resistance and two mages x Spell Sequencer x Magic Missles while dragon?s at ?near death;? I was pretty sure something was amiss.  After a few more tries I finally cheated in the Varscona longsword (which I hate doing) to confirm the hypothesis, and sure enough after 700 hp of damage done at near death he dimesion doors away.  

I've searched the forums, and can't seem to find any helpful walkthroughs or others who have had this problem.  

Anyone know what?s up with this?  Am I supposed to ?do something? new that I?m not doing?

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#2 --Fennek--

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Posted 20 November 2009 - 03:32 PM

First of all: Please describe the fight with Firkraag. Did you fight Lord Firkraag (human form) and the wyverns, than Firkraag (dragon, not using spells and breath attack)? Did he say something when he teleported away?
If yes: Please leave his lair to the surface and walk around in the ruins in the northeast. An be prepared for hell...

(If you do not find him, rest, and search for another time).

If no: Did you fight only Firkraag the dragon? Then there's maybe an incompatibility between SCSII (newest version), BP and Revised Battles. You did not install Super Firkraag, as it seems.

And something else: Several hundred HP for Firkraag are actually normal... (when installing RB or SCSII)

#3 Dstone

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 08:44 AM

I've just had this same problem. First major bug i've ran into until now.

After all that fighting, he dimension doors away, i've looked all over windspear and his lair, can't find him.

And yes I fought his wyrvens, human and dragon form. I don't think he said anything before dimension dooring though.

Is there anything I can do? Will this problem be fixed with the next Fixpack?

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Edited by Dstone, 08 February 2010 - 08:44 AM.

#4 ScuD

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 10:30 AM

It is probably the Revised Battles. Check my post about that here.

#5 Dstone

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 10:39 AM

Thanks, using the tag b#fir03 i can summon him. :)

my god though looks like a rock hard fight though! wiped out half my party in the first time stop! Time to try again... :)