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Unlock all classes for all races

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#1 -Guest-

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Posted 11 November 2009 - 09:14 PM

Is it possible to have the game allow me to choose a Half-Elf Paladin or a Halfling Bard? I thought that sort of thing was hard coded but then i went to the wiki and i found nothing about that...

#2 Azkyroth

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Posted 11 November 2009 - 10:08 PM

Is it possible to have the game allow me to choose a Half-Elf Paladin or a Halfling Bard? I thought that sort of thing was hard coded but then i went to the wiki and i found nothing about that...

It's very possible to change the kit list for a given race+class combination but the number of "class" entries on a given race's GUI might well be hard-coded.

"Tyranny is a quiet thing at first, a prim and proper lady pursing her lips and shaking her head disapprovingly, asking, well what were you doing (wearing that dress, walking home at that hour, expressing those inappropriate thoughts) anyway? It's subtle and insidious, disguised as reasonable precautions which become more and more oppressive over time, until our lives are defined by the things we must avoid. She's easy enough to agree with, after all, she's only trying to help -- and yet she's one of the most dangerous influences we face, because if she prevails, it puts the raping, robbing, axe-wielding madmen of the world in complete control. Eventually they'll barely need to wield a thing, all they'll have to do is leer menacingly and we fall all over ourselves trying to placate them." -godlizard

#3 the bigg

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Posted 12 November 2009 - 04:52 AM

I think it'd be pretty easy to do for Taimon... unfortunately he said he'll focus on fixing bugs for the time being, and he can't share his IDA database because he's on 56K.

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#4 Ankhes

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Posted 13 November 2009 - 09:20 PM

Just choose the class you want and create the character it requires.  Then use Shadowkeeper to change to elf or whatever race you want.  I've done that lots of times.