Seems like everyone supports Harrowmont the first time around.

Well, if you're not the Dwarf Commoner, that is.
I was disappointed that when I got Alistair and Anora to marry(I spared Loghain and didn't want to kill Alistair or allow him to become a drunkard) I got an "Anora-only" coronation video. So I had to look up "Anora and Alistair" coronation video on youtube.
One thing puzzles me: why Alistair and Anora become "full" king and queen, and male Warden who marries Anora(haven't tried it yet, but heard) doesn't become king? Is it because of the royal blood in Alistair? I wonder. Anyway, it was kind of confusing when I played a human noble female, tried a "marry Alistair" ending(it was sort of boring, though, I liked "Anora rules and Wardens remain Wardens" better), Alistair said Warden was going to be queen, and the ending said "princess-consort". I'd wish they said "princess-consort" everywhere, so there's no confusion.