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#1 Alex1986

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Posted 08 November 2009 - 01:57 AM

Hey i just want to know fev things what are main difreances betwean NPC IEP 3.2 and Banter Pack v10?

Currently i try to read read me,faq well and its no big help...example:

Is this a SoA & ToB or SoA or ToB mod?
Eventually, the Interaction Expansion Project will be for both SoA and ToB.

Still i don't know if is for soa+tob...

Any way this is my instalation order so far i just finished BGI+TOSC and want to move too BGII+TOB so im asking if it will be all right if i install banter mods after worldmap?

1.BGII Fixpack
2.BGT Weidu
3.Unfinished Business for BG1
5.Unfinished Business for BGII v18
6.BGII TweakPack
8.Rogue Rebalancing
10.NPC IEP 3.2 or Banter Pack v10 or both maybe....not yet installed thinking about it...

So now my main question is wich one or maybe both? not sure but from what i read in banters pack read me it said "it adds content orginaly cut" NPC IEP is doing same thing?

I really need help thanks in advance.

#2 Kaeloree


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Posted 08 November 2009 - 02:56 AM

You want to install both IEP and Banter Pack, both add new material and they don't conflict. IEP is primarily for SoA, but there are components for ToB as well.

#3 Alex1986

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Posted 08 November 2009 - 04:04 AM

You want to install both IEP and Banter Pack, both add new material and they don't conflict. IEP is primarily for SoA, but there are components for ToB as well.

Any order first npc iep then barter pack or other way? also its ok if i install it now after i got tweaks and other mods installed?

#4 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 08 November 2009 - 04:22 AM

Any order first npc iep then barter pack or other way?

If they don't conflict, you can install them in either order, but it's suggested to install them; banterpack first, iepbanters second.

Also is it ok if I install it now after I got tweaks and other mods installed?

It is, although you might need to start a new game, and as you say, you are near the BG1-> BG2 transition, so I would suggest to make a backup save before you talk to the Belt, run the transition before you install the mods, then make another backup save. Then exit the game, install the mods, and start a new game from BG2 - SoA, (import the Main character), as you can with the new BGT's.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 08 November 2009 - 04:25 AM.

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