Ok, ok. I think about these terms a lot and finally I've make a decision :
First (for eleima)
A pesky fly is an *annoying* fly. i don't have the context, but I'm surmising that this line is actually in reference to a person. You might want to try "satané bougre", or even try to adapt the entire sentence, such as "Tu n'es/Vous n'êtes rien de plus qu'un bourdonnement dans mes oreilles".
Yes, that's for a person however with the context I would see an expression more abrupt. In any case, thanks for suggestion it's very helpful.
This is actually a reference to the 1971 film Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. It's a song the little oompa loompa's sing. Translating this one's going to be a though one. You could try a French children's song (mais j'ai pas top d'inspiration sur le moment).
As Deathsangel said, better will be to use the french version of the movie but I haven't succed to find the original's movie. Therefore, for the moment I think that I will keep the sentence in the original language.
It's a colloquial form of the verb "counting", probably to convey a dwarf or a rogue or some commoner's way of speaking. Tu peux essayer "Pourquoi, par l'Neuf Enfers, compte-tu com' ça ?". J'ai pas mieux.
Now, that's more précise im my mind. I'm not comfortable with colloquial expressions (in english at least).
A cuckoo is a kind of bird (un coucou), and it's usually used to imply that someone is daft, crazy, out of his/her mind. How about "Et pourquoi fais-tu cela, espèce de maboul ?" ?
Ouais j'
aprécis la traduction je pense faire quelque chose comme ça... Great job !
Try to avoid that light teal font, I can't see it with the asylum config. sad.gif Oh, and si t'as d'autres questions, hésite pas. wink.gif
Ok thank you very much. But fais attention à toi je risque de le prendre au pied de la lettre !
Now (death angel)
I am not sure about what is said here about line 119.
Oh year. That's a korgan's sentence (Korgan was surprised by the very strange way Kido is counting.

It seems you have have a slight problem with the way Korgan talks and the songs of Kido
Yes, as I said, I'm not comfortable with colloquial expressions but I've an excellent proofreader who is also very performant for check poetries. So I don't worry.
Edited by Armand, 09 November 2009 - 06:10 AM.