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#1 Aeryn



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Posted 13 October 2009 - 10:46 PM

Over the next few months, when this crazy life of mine permits, I am going to start randomly working on expanding and completing a few things to make this mod even better. :) I cannot promise to have any real time for much of anything until around Christmas, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to strike up this conversation now and let it ride for a while to see what everyone has to say. So, the question is: What would you like to see added to this mod?

I can't honestly say that I will be able to incorporate every single idea - there have been some really interesting suggestions in the past from a wide variety of sources that simply never inspired me. There are some things that work amazingly well in fanfictions that just do not work at all in the scope of a mod. And some of these suggestions would probably end up getting the PC killed by Sarevok. :P (Trust me, she had it coming.) But, some of the best ideas came from discussions I had with other people, so I know the value of seeking inspiration from many directions. To make this easier, here is a short list of things I can remember off the top of my head (there's probably more than this...) that I do have planned to expand already:

- talk regarding a possible "connection" between the PC and Sarevok due to sharing a piece of her soul
- talk regarding Sarevok's foster mother and her murder
- talk regarding the meeting with young Sarevok
- asking about Bhaal, specifically if Sarevok had dreams about him
- talk about the Slayer, if the PC takes the Slayer form at some point
- possible talk about Cyric (leading to a discussion about the gods in general)
- expansion of general flirts for all stages of romance
- class-specific and other special flirts

So, here's your chance to ask for what you want. These can be anything from flirts to PIDs to interjections to NPC banters and so on. I'll just leave this open for a good long while and see what comes of it. :) Thanks everyone!

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#2 Hide and Seek

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Posted 14 October 2009 - 09:50 AM

Cool, great topic.

- talk regarding a possible "connection" between the PC and Sarevok due to sharing a piece of her soul
- talk regarding Sarevok's foster mother and her murder
- talk about the Slayer, if the PC takes the Slayer form at some point
- asking about Bhaal, specifically if Sarevok had dreams about him

From top to bottom ( :lol: ) these were the ones I really liked, and I wish you the best of luck (and time!).
The "connection" between the PC and Sarevok is undoubtly the one that intrigues me the most, cause how many does one know that shares a divine bond, unless they're from a movie? Sure, Imoen is counted here too, but that might be another bond (and mod), and not of the soulsharing kind.

I feel like the PC and Sarevok would have SO much to talk about, about the aspects of Bhaal. You're truly a brave writer to have taken this challenge and keeping Sarevok in-character.

I'll try to think of more ideas besides your own suggestions, but ToB is a bit limited, is it not?
Either way. :cheers:
Favourite Quotes from BG2
Minsc: Minsc will lead with blade and boot! Boo will take care of the details.
Saemon: Pardon?
Aerie: This is gonna hurt you ALOT more than me!
Sarevok: Now I return the favor!
Drizzt: Yes, yes, you have my attention.
Lilarcor: And this one's for Grandma, who said I would never amount to anything more than a butterknife!

#3 Eleima


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Posted 14 October 2009 - 10:04 AM

Like Hide and Seek, here are my personal faves, from top to bottom:

- talk regarding a possible "connection" between the PC and Sarevok due to sharing a piece of her soul
- talk regarding the meeting with young Sarevok
- possible talk about Cyric (leading to a discussion about the gods in general)
- asking about Bhaal, specifically if Sarevok had dreams about him
- talk about the Slayer, if the PC takes the Slayer form at some point

My ultimate fave is the Soul Sharing talk for obvious reasons we've already talked about, and also because I have the firm belief that it has a lot of potential (mostly from my inflamed imagination and reading a couple of fan fics, Domi's One Soul and Sings-off-key's Shared Soul).

But of course, a talk I would really-really-really like to see, and that I've already spoken in another thread is... a Drinking Contest!!!! :whistling:
It's not too original, but I'm thinking that with a couple of constitution checks, you could have Sarevok either laugh at the PC or respect her as a worthy opponent. And besides, I'm thinking a drunken Sarevok must be a sight to see (I certainly wouldn't want to have to carry *him* up the stairs, he'd crush me before we got to the third step! :rolleyes: ). And with a man his size, it'll take quite a bit of mead, ale, elvenquist and wine to get *him* drunk, so maybe you could have another check to have a PC with low constitution discreetly tip her glass in the nearest plant pot... ^_^

Anyways, just a thought! :D

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#4 -Mitheria-

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Posted 14 October 2009 - 11:26 AM

- talk regarding a possible "connection" between the PC and Sarevok due to sharing a piece of her soul
- talk regarding Sarevok's foster mother and her murder
- talk regarding the meeting with young Sarevok
- asking about Bhaal, specifically if Sarevok had dreams about him
- talk about the Slayer, if the PC takes the Slayer form at some point
- possible talk about Cyric (leading to a discussion about the gods in general)
- expansion of general flirts for all stages of romance
- class-specific and other special flirts

Those are great ideas!

I know I probably shouldn't jump in here since I'm just a guest but the one I *really* wanted to see is the talk after the PC meets young Sarevok. I don't know why but I just feel it's something that would have to come up at some point and would be an important discussion between the two.

I'd also like to see bigger reactions from the 'core' NPC's I think. Of course, to be fair, I have no idea what was actually supposed to trigger because mine was one of the games where absolutely none of the NPC's conversations fired, even with a force talk. So that may already be covered.

Um... I'd also really like to see a... *ahem* :whistling: ... more detailed make-out session at the end. I loved your romantic encounters one so much and I'd love to see the same level of hotness for the actual relationship. I know that there are good reasons for it to be toned down but hey, I'm just sayin' :P

Once again, thanks so much for even bringing everyone this mod! And an even bigger thanks for continuing to expand on it! :D

#5 Maid Of Many Names

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Posted 14 October 2009 - 04:58 PM

Uhhh, all of the above?  

I'm greedy and I know it but all of those suggestions would be great.  Of the suggestions I would really like to see more about their shared soul, Bhaal, the Slayer and maybe the other gods.  I think a conversation about the gods would be doubly important for a PC heading towards divinity.  Divine rivalries are huge in the Realms.  Honestly, I wouldn't want to deal with a pissed Cyric who had *another* of his portfolios taken away.  I would also love to hear more about an earlier meeting between the PC and Sarevok.  It always seemed like the should have met when younger, given that Sarevok had been to Candlekeep in the past.  Or you could elaborate on the ring scene from BG1.  As for flirts, they're great but I'd honestly prefer more content over flirts.  I love the flirts but there is just so much untouched territory within the romance that I can't help but want more of that.  Having said that, I'm totally with the previous poster wanting another scene similar to the one from the Romantic Encounters mod ;)


#6 Aeryn



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Posted 17 October 2009 - 11:36 AM

Thanks for the feedback so far. :hug:

Time constraints within ToB are definitely the major factor when it comes to adding new stuff. But, there's a lot of things I didn't cover, possible things Sarevok could comment on that he doesn't already, talks that would probably come up, things of that nature that wouldn't really be bothered by the shortness of the game itself. When I first started this project, I held myself back because it was looking like Sarevok was going to dominate the entire game, but I'm not convinced at this point that this is a bad thing. :P

The drinking contest - That's something I've wanted to add since the start and I always forget or put it aside. Most likely, it will be a series of progressively more difficult CON checks (and that's a great idea to have a check of some kind for a PC only pretending to drink) and it can be a way for the PC to glean information from Sarevok. Sort of a "I ask a question, you ask a question" with each drink kind of deal. But only if the PC wants to ask questions. It's fine if her only goal is to see him slobbering drunk. I have to think about it more, but the rough idea has lots of possibilities.

Sex scenes - It was definitely my first desire to write as explicitly as I did for RE or in some of my fanfictions. The reason I held back, however, is that some people just aren't into that and I didn't want to alienate anyone who might otherwise enjoy the mod by "forcing" them to participate in a detailed sex scene if all they really wanted was an acknowledgment of the act without the extras. And another part of that is that my image of that scene might be vastly different from any other player's image. I won't name any specific mods because I don't want it to seem like I'm criticizing anyone in particular, but there are some sex scenes that just plain did not click for me.

So, what I'm thinking of doing is creating a new, late romance, post-sex only flirt option that conveys "I need you, Sarevok." There would be a wide variety of responses from the big guy, and not all of them pleasant (that's what I love about him ^_^), and some would offer more detailed encounters. That way the people who want to explore those options can, and the people who don't want to read that kind of stuff don't have to.

There's more I wanted to comment on, but I'm running off again (six days until I'm a homeowner! :D). Most importantly, I wanted to say thanks for the encouragement so far, and definitely don't hesitate to suggest something.

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#7 Cal Jones

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Posted 17 October 2009 - 01:46 PM

Ooh congrats on your new home!

Righto. So my favourites for expanding the lovetalks would be the soul sharing talk and the mother one (after all, the PC and Sarevok have both witnessed the murder of their foster parent - that would make for an interesting chat). A chat about the meeting in Candlekeep would be interesting as well.

Sex? Well, I know what you mean about some sex scenes not clicking. I put off playing Tsujatha for the longest time but eventually gave him a go after I'd run out of other males to romance. The sex scene in that, and the description of your skirts getting wet, just made me think "eww!"
I don't think this mod really needs a more explicit sex scene, but you did an excellent job with RE, so I'll trust you on this one. ;)
I've played the good, non-ascending path and the evil ascending one. In the good path, the sex came close to the end and that scene was perfect. I'm not sure expanding on that would be necessary, although you could fit something in (as the actress said to the bishop) between Ravager and the final battle as the pair might well want a night of passion as it could potentially be their last together.
On the evil path, you can bed him fairly quickly and then there's no more mention of it, so this path could definitely do with more nookie, either subtle or more explicity.

#8 xdeathplanetx

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Posted 18 October 2009 - 01:24 AM

Thanks for the feedback so far. :hug:

Sex scenes - It was definitely my first desire to write as explicitly as I did for RE or in some of my fanfictions. The reason I held back, however, is that some people just aren't into that and I didn't want to alienate anyone who might otherwise enjoy the mod by "forcing" them to participate in a detailed sex scene if all they really wanted was an acknowledgment of the act without the extras. And another part of that is that my image of that scene might be vastly different from any other player's image. I won't name any specific mods because I don't want it to seem like I'm criticizing anyone in particular, but there are some sex scenes that just plain did not click for me.

to solve this u can just made them initiated by the main character or for exaple i've played a bit with some mod make u chose if u want install mature contenent so is up to the player if he/she want it.

As for add more it would be nice to see the great/strong/arrogant Sarevok sick maybe some nigth before the first 'private meeting' (or later is the same) he can have some problem by tourning to life and must get used to share your soul

#9 NaharaVensar

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Posted 19 October 2009 - 08:10 AM

Personally I like all your general ideas you had. I think my two favorites are expansion of the general flirts that you have from taking to him and talking about any connection you had when you were younger. I feel that is a lot of untapped places to go. From everything to you meeting in candlekeep before the events of bg1, the ring he gave you, the fact you were both born in the same cult house.

#10 sings

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Posted 27 October 2009 - 07:43 AM

All of your ideas would be great additions. I've always been curious about Sarevok's relationship with Bhaal, how he first became aware of his parentage, and what forces drove him to his ambitions that led to Baldur's Gate. I'm also intrigued by his relationship with his lovely foster father Rieltar. What a childhood that must have been. Does he remember his moment of death, when his divine taint returned to the Abyss? Does he still feel the ache from his lost divinity, like a phantom limb? Does he have any hope of recreating that loss through his shared soul with the PC? So many questions!

As far as more explicit sex scenes, I guess I come from the "less is more" camp. There is such a fine line between the sensual and the ridiculous...really, I'd rather see the writer set the mood and then let my own imagination take over.

#11 Ankhes

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Posted 27 October 2009 - 09:46 AM

I don't mind "slightly" explicit sex scenes. I love the Saravok/PC one in Romantic Encounters very much. But I wouldn't go further than that as far as description goes. But neither do I just want a kiss and then you and Saravok hit the bedroll and that's all, either.

I suppose I mean that I like good description that really shows the love/affection/desire but not go as far as porn.

I also like the questions aspect. I think later on Saravok would open up a bit about how he came to know his heritage and how he feels about losing it. I've also wondered about his foster father. But at times he says he doesn't remember much about certain group members, so would his memory be somewhat impaired? Does it improve the longer he is back from "the abyss?"

#12 -Virodhi-

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Posted 30 October 2009 - 01:33 PM

Of course, if you're feeling like a complete masochist, there's always the option of adding artificial length to the expansion with conditional dialogs. For instance fter each test in the pocket plane (reminiscing about Candlekeep, after the "innocence" test, etc). Why no, I'm not loving this mod to the point where I'm hoping the writer will milk it for all it's worth. At all. *cough*

#13 Mitheria

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Posted 01 November 2009 - 08:09 AM

Yeah, I found myself trying at every available opportunity to get him to talk to me more.  I don't think I would ever, ever, find myself saying that there was too much conversation.  Love this mod so much and all the suggestions here are great.  I forgot to mention earlier that I love the idea of a Sword of Chaos convo and agree with others about the earlier meeting convo as well :D

#14 -Mira-

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Posted 12 November 2009 - 08:07 PM

I agree with most of the suggestions above. I'm also in the minority. I'd honestly put the whole 'soul sharing' as secondary. It's a wee bit sappy, though there is canon evidence soul sharing does give the receiver memories/ideas/images from the 'giver's' life. But I don't think it works in reverse.

I would love more comments from the NPCs. Namely, I'd love to see Viconia react to this, considering her utter failure to tame Sarevok. Yes, I know she has words with the PC, but still, she can be vindictive as hell to the male who rejected her.

... I would also love to read an epic Jan story hinting at MAJOR disapproval for the incest between Binky and the PC.

#15 -Jazara-

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Posted 25 May 2010 - 03:13 PM

Any news about how the mod updates and additions are going? I'm sorry but I can't get enough of Sarevok, need more! :devil:
Also, I hate how short ToB is, so I was thinking, is there any way to put Sarevok into SoA? I understand how it wouldn't make sense moving into ToB so make it an SoA only version. To play ToB to its entirety you can be done in a day or less. It still takes me almost a week to complete ALL of SoA, and that's playing like almost all day (husband works 12 hours and so I turn to romancing my evil half-brother while hes away :whistling:).

With SoA there's so much more time to flesh a romance out, and I think it would be perfect for one as complex as one with Sarevok, given his personality and all the history between him and the PC.

I would like to see sexier lovetalks but I agree with most of what's posted about not wanting it to be porn. Anywayz, I love the mod, and I can't thank you enough for writing it, Sarevok is one of my favorite hottest bad guys and you do him justice with your talent!

#16 Aeryn



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Posted 27 May 2010 - 07:03 AM

At the moment, I'm thoroughly entrenched in writing a novel and can't seem to force my mind to focus on anything else. I'm sure once my customary writer's block rears its ugly head, I'll use it as a good excuse to work on some more of Sarevok's talks.

There have been some decent ideas over the years on how to integrate Sarevok into SoA, but I don't really have any desire to make the attempt myself. There was another writer working on some sort of dream sequence, but I'm not sure what happened to that project. Sarevok seems to curse most ideas with his name on it so they never see the light of day.

Thank you for the praise :hug: and even though I know I sound like a broken record (a broken record of BS <_<), I really do plan to do more with this mod in the near future.

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#17 berelinde



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Posted 02 August 2010 - 04:33 PM

(Casts thread necromancy)

The mod that featured Sarevok in a dream sequence was Midnight Visitor, one of Domi's mods, I believe. The mod has been abandoned since about 2006 and Domi no longer mods for the IE engine.

That doesn't mean that you couldn't take the idea of a dream Sarevok and do your own thing with it, though.

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#18 -Guest-

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Posted 12 October 2010 - 05:33 AM

This is my favorite mod for BG2 - then again I've always been a secret fan of Sarevok :] Excuse my guest-ness, but joining the forums would just mean having one extra lurker on this specific page. Any-how...

I like all of the above suggestions, and probably couldn't add anymore to what's already been said, but I do have a little list... (little, pssh, yes... "little" list) of things that I think could make this mod even more awesome.

- more PC initiated flirts
- Sarevok initiated flirts
- more "on rest" dialogues, just talking by the fire or flirting, w/e you like
- option to give Sarevok something... like... I dunno... a ribbon to tie on his armor or something silly like that
- scenes like the Romantic Encounters one *cough* x]
- more comments from party members - I loved the ones already included x]

And of course, I fully support the drinking contest idea x] Anyway, I still love this mod. Any news about updates, perhaps? Has writers block reared its ugly head yet? *shameful and hopeful* :devil:

#19 Nowaru

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Posted 13 October 2010 - 10:38 AM

Dear Aeryn ,

I 've found this mod quite fun to play and original, and i would like to know if you are interested by a french translation.

#20 HighTimeRodeo


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Posted 24 July 2011 - 10:47 AM

I'm definitely a hand up for steamier scenes, even if the morning after was great.

Maybe add a talk with Minsc about Sarevok and <CHARNAME>'s relationship or if Imoen gives him a piece of her soul, maybe Sarevok could relate some of her memories to <CHARNAME>?

I don't know, but I can't wait to see more Sarevok!

Ooh, and more descriptive oogling of the backside if you please. :)
That gave Jarlaxle pause. "Because I love you as a brother, I pray that you will one day fathom the truth of it all, my friend."

"They're dragons," Entreri muttered. "And I know how Drow love their brothers."

-Road of the Patriarch