Glad to hear I addressed some of your concerns sufficiently already

I'll just remark on the rest at this point.
Still, it'd be nice if at least Lothar bought them. Otherwise they're kinda pointless unique items. And it makes perfect sense for Lothar.
Eh. Well, they have a -use-, it's just that you only need one and there's several available. If I did this, it certainly wouldn't go into the Fixpack. I -may- use Lothar as a source for some of the unused or enemy-only spells, should I get around to doing that. I don't think it'd be appropriate for Lothar to deal in copper, but I could see him trading spell scrolls or maybe even as part of a Spell Key restoration. Not sure if such a mod would go into
UB or Tweak Pack yet.
What's actually buggy about it though is that despite never getting the quest, when I eventually talked to the Rake-person my dialogue options looked like I was on a mission to assassinate him. Essentially I said something more or less like "I'm here to kill you", even though TNO had no reason to do that at that point. So in short, the behaviour of those mobs when the quest is -not- triggered may need looking at.
Yes, I agree Adyzoel's dialogue needs looking at. I'll see what I have to play with in the dialogue file for fixing/restructuring that dialogue to make more sense.
Also, there should be an actual quest entry in the journal after talking to Ratbone and then a new one after talking to the fiends. I re-tested the quest and there was nothing.
No plans for this for the time being... I agree such entries -should- exist, but they don't, and as I've stated elsewhere I'm loathe to intrude my own writing into a restoration without a -really- compelling reason, as that turns many people off from installing it at all.
I love the full HP rolls when levelling. It only makes the game slightly easier, no big deal, and removes the great temptation to reload saves, which is no fun but you feel cheated out of HP when you don't reload after a shitty roll.
I read somewhere else on these forums that there were doubts if this was a good idea for a "recommended" tweak - I definitely support it, it's great and should be recommended IMO.
I also find it pretty much irresistible to reload bad
HP rolls. It's a weakness of mine. That said, the fact that it makes the game significantly easier shouldn't be underestimated, and since the game is too easy as is IMHO, I don't want to give it a "strong" recommendation. It'll probably be somewhere in the middle of the tweak list.
I love the banter. The frequency increase alone makes the installation worth it. Love it, love it. Nordom talking to his crossbows and Grace being "oh" about it was hilarious. So thanks for that. 
Glad you like

It is my favorite tweak as well.
I'm glad that "explore all areas", "identify all items" and "rest everywhere" aren't in the recommended part. That would have been pretty stupid.
Explore All Areas no longer exists, it is now Explore City Areas, and that one I -do- recommend strongly, because many city areas have unreachable areas that can't be uncovered in any way, and that prevents some really nice artwork from ever being seen. It doesn't confer any gameplay advantage either, so no gripes about it in that respect. Rest Anywhere might as well be God Mode.
minor problem I noticed. After you've recruited Ignus, most people in the bar (rightly) lose the "who's that burning man" dialogue option. Ilquix doesn't, however - I assume that's unintended. Not a big deal, just something that caught my eye.
That does sound like a bug to me, particularly if you can get it even if you've parked Ignus outside of the building. I'll look into it, thanks for the report.
- semi-minor problem: If I solve Reekwind's problem before getting him to tell the story about Ignus, I can't open the dialogue line with Ignus where he tells me I was his teacher. Even though Reekwind "tells me" those stories by putting them in my journal, I can ask Ignus only about the burning of the Alley but not about who taught him. (I tested on a previous game save - getting the story out of Reekwind -before- lifting the curse would have allowed me to ask both). Could something be done about that please?
If you mean that you -do- get the same story via a journal entry that you could've gotten in dialogue, but it doesn't open up the same dialogue option with Ignus that his telling it to you verbally does... then, yeah, that seems very odd and quite possibly unintended, I'll look into it. On the other hand, if you just mean that you solved Reekwind's problem without hearing Ignus's story from him at all, I feel pretty safe in saying, that's the breaks. No reason I can think of to believe that wasn't intended.
This didn't happen for me. The Alley played out for me exactly as it had during previous playthoughs:
- I refused to pay toll
- given gang became aggro to me
- I wiped out the entire gang with no option to stop and no gangmembers regaining any sense of self-preservation.
If I understand the readme right, this shouldn't have happened?
No. The dialogue I'm talking about is only relevant if you pay the toll and actually talk to thugs besides the specific toll-taker one.
The incorrectly named dialogues that the non-leader/non-tolltaker thugs shipped with have like 2 lines, both obsessed with whether or not you paid your toll. The restored and properly named dialogue files give them like 7 lines each, dependent upon what step you're in in either Krystall or Rotten William's quests.
Modron maze difficulty: on the hard Rubicon setting, it's already pretty difficult compared to whatever you're likely to have encountered in the game so far. With the constructs running instead of walking, in that relatively small space, it becomes a little silly. Of course it's nothing I can't handle on per-one-encounter basis, but considering you have to survive many such encounters in order to find Nodrom and then the wizard, it just gets -tedious- with all the healing, running back and forth to rest up spells etc. Unless I just park the whole party somewhere and just run across with TNO, avoiding the constructs, but where's the "dungeon-exploring" fun in that? 
Does it really increase difficulty that much in the maze? The rooms are much too small to try to kite around in effectively. Actually it was the modron maze (along with Baator) that motivated me to do the RunningAttack fix in the first place, I couldn't take every single one of these guys continually repeating "It leaps to the attack!" and then slowly lumbering toward me at a snail's pace. Totally killed my immershun, YMMV.
That said, you raise a good point about the tediousness of the maze. There are other global fixes I was pondering doing that might have resulted in actually making them stronger (like filling in blank weapon proficiencies), but based on what you're saying, I will be careful/hesitant before doing anything like that going forward.
So I don't think making it harder (making them run) was a good move, overall. It's an optional part of the game whose reward is a difficult-to-realize-he's-even-there companion. Let's not make it prohibitive. Er, I mean more prohibitive than it already was originally.
Well, it also has the reward of being the source of many items, many of them useful, and most worth a comparatively ridiculous amounts of copper that lets you buy pretty much anything available in stores. As tedious as it is, I think most people do it anyway, and not just for Nordom. But yes, I won't do anything to increase the difficulty of the Hard maze without a really compelling reason. However, I think the RunningAttack fix on them -is- a really compelling reason, and actually I found that their engaging quicker made the whole thing go slightly faster for me.
Ravel starts the conversation with TO lying on the ground as she should, but from when she first speaks ("Off with you, dead I am") she appears standing again. (She does go through the standing up animation once the conversation gets to the right point, though.)
Yeah, this is a result of the Subtitled Cutscenes mod... I tried like -hell- to fix it for its first version, but there was simply no way to get her to deliver the line in a dialogue box that didn't force her to stand up, its just part of the engine mechanics. In the end, I decided that the first few lines in that scene would be delivered by stringheads above their heads rather than in an actual dialogue box, it's the only way I could see to resolve that problem while still allowing some means for those lines to be translated into other languages.
In summary: It's fixed for version 4.0.
- Ellon Eva Duplication spell - is it restored or was it in the vanilla game already?
Just gotta say I love it.
Nameless one casts Duplication on Grace -> Grace calls Lightning on Ravel -> we get one fried night hag... 
That really is in the vanilla game, and yeah, no kidding, mega powerful spell.
- minor question/suggestion
Probably a very long shot, but would it be possible to let the Nameless One actually use the Godsman items after becoming a Godsman? NO wearing a foundry worker's apron would be awesome *grin* They wouldn't have to actually bestow any bonuses (well maybe a fire protection from the apron would make sense). ATM the items can only be held in inventory, which is silly.
You mean make those items equippable? The apron wouldn't actually appear on the paperdoll, there are no graphics for that. As long as no one was expecting that... it's a neat idea for a little mini-tweak, and I'd agree that giving the apron some fire resistance would be appropriate, but honestly, it's relatively low on my priority list, I do still have what I consider bigger fish to fry before I'd get around to it

Neat idea, though.
I said this a long time ago, but not recently, so let me reaffirm: If any other modders do come up with ideas like this and want to implement them, knock yourselves out, please. I don't own the modding rights or anything

And if someone does do a neat
WeiDU tweak and would like to conveniently distribute it widely by having me package it in my tweak pack or whatnot, with full credit given of course, send me a PM, I'd certainly consider it.
Edited by Qwinn, 13 October 2009 - 01:11 AM.