Posted 03 October 2009 - 10:19 AM
Hint plz!
Posted 11 October 2009 - 11:55 PM
Ok I can't seem to get the BHHand quest working. I have done everything else <I think>. But I can't find the NPC that triggers the quest.
Hint plz!
Please, may u give some more info? Did u get the sewers? And u've come back to Pelltar then?
Tired of the same boring spawned creatures u face in BG? Try BGSpawn
Posted 21 November 2009 - 06:50 AM

I'm in part 1, and so far have accomplished the following missions:
- Cleared bandits (cave and hut in Bald Hill)
- Talked to Almax, then Martin the Druid in Reddy Forest, then again with Almax
- Cleared burnt down house and cellars from rats
- Killed Zahrdahl
- Killed Wraith, Mage and Beholder in Bone Hill
- Finished the statue's quest (thanks to Amaunator for roasting Viconia

- Talked to Peltar about all that stuff
From what I've read in other threads, there should be at least 6 (probably linked) things I should do before teleporting back:
- find the Hand of Glory
- find the warehouse thief and talk to Welcar
- find the Sewers
- get into the Lighthouse
- talk to Ravella (wherever she is)
- eliminate a second wave of bandits
I'm out of cues... I remember I missed the sewers the first time I played SoBH 3 years ago, but I thought the entrance was in the same area as the burnt down house (on the left side, next to the smaller house there). But I can't remember what triggered showing the entrance there.
Can anybody help?
Posted 21 November 2009 - 08:31 AM
This is done by first going to the map where the main Temple structure is(the map icon is the same as the The Song of the Morning Temples), then exiting from the North on top of the hill where the Temple stands on, you'll find a cemetery and the entrance to the sewers. Which theoretically goes up to the Light house(I have forgotten how).- find the Sewers
- get into the Lighthouse
Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.
Posted 22 November 2009 - 05:20 AM
Posted 22 November 2009 - 07:18 AM

Posted 22 November 2009 - 07:47 AM
Posted 22 November 2009 - 08:33 AM

To make it short, I can't find the trigger that allows me to go down to the sewers, be it Hand quest related or not. All I've found so far points to Pelltar offering that quest, but I can't figure what triggers *him* to offer it. Did I miss any other NPC to talk to? I spent 15 minutes clicking on peasants trying to get all local talk out of them, but nothing had to do with thefts or sewers.
Posted 22 November 2009 - 12:51 PM

I think I figured most of the handling of NI, but I have no clue what triggers those "Actions" in either Gelpas or Pelltar's dialogs to talk to me about that Hand quest, setting that annoying BHHandQuestAccept Global to 1. Does a certain dialog trigger them? Or carrying an item? Or performing an action? Please guys, any help on this would be great!
Posted 23 November 2009 - 03:33 PM
Posted 24 November 2009 - 01:11 AM
We now must take a detour, talk with WELCAR and he will say something about sewers and give it's location. Go the the house north of where you solved the rat problem, it should say "THIS HOUSE IS ABANDONED. THE DOOR IS COVERED OVER WITH WEEDS AND BUSHES" hit "x" to find location x=31, y=356 it should be the small window. Now you can enter the house and find your way to the SEWERS.
There should be an obvious secret door near x=2098, y=610 which will lead you to the WEAPONS AND EQUIPEMENT and a NOTE FRAGMENT, the north exit leads to the CEMETERY but it only countains a NEW GRAVE right now, so nothing for us there yet, go back the way you came and talk to WELCAR about the note and he will redirect you to ZELMAR at the WEST WIND tavern, go there.
ZELMAR will redirect you to SMYTH at the ARMOR, WEAPONS AND SHIELDS he will also mention the gnome BOMARC who lives on the LIGHTHOUSE. Go pay a visit to SMYTH and he will ask you to check on BOMARC for him. Go to the LIGHTHOUSE.
Kill SIRIUS and take his JOURNAL, BLACK PEARL and the GLORIOUS HAND, go talk with ZELMAR and with WELCAR. Go talk with PELLTAR again for absolutelly no new clues.
Now only thing left is discover what happened to BOROMAC, which I'm too tired to do right now. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the Hanging tree and the gate guards though.
Posted 24 November 2009 - 04:00 PM
After talking to the gate GUARD in the TEMPLE near the tree, they will tell you that RAVELLA is the one to talk to and you will need to wait 24 HOURS before she apear at the gates. After that is just talking to her and finding BOMARC, then go back to PELLTAR and finish the first part of the mod.
Which is by far the best mod I ever played on any game!

Also I think there is a bug with PELLTAR script. As soon as I finished the RAT quest and talked to ZAHRDAHL then I got to the dwarf INN operator and asked him about this person. Got back to investigate the spy house and found a key in the bookcase which I used to open the chest. With his diary in hand I got to PELLTAR and talked exposed the spy, he asked me to dispose of him, which I did. Then I reported back to PELLTAR and this quest was over.
Now on to the bug. After asking to leave the island for the first time, new quests appeared and with it the option to talk to PELLTAR about the SPY again, but this time the answer I could give him was "NO VALID RESPONSES". For me it is obvious that his is a script leftover or an oversight in the mod, as you will never be able to finish the quest during the second part of the first travel to the island.
Posted 26 November 2009 - 08:57 AM
PS: anyway the mod is really enjoable, it has some bugs left, but it deserved to be played.
Edited by melkor_morgoth75, 26 November 2009 - 08:58 AM.
Tired of the same boring spawned creatures u face in BG? Try BGSpawn
Posted 28 November 2009 - 03:16 AM

And yes, I agree that aside from some minor obstacles the mod is very well done

Edited by Rakhu, 28 November 2009 - 03:17 AM.
Posted 20 January 2010 - 05:43 PM
Posted 06 February 2010 - 09:11 AM
1. you talk to Pelltar and tell him that you're ready to leave
And then here are the main:
2. Then you are interrupted by Gelpas who accuses you and Pelltar of robbery and murder... blablabla... finally you must talk to Welcar (he's on the south of Restenford map with some dogs)
3. you must find the thieves (there are on the map Thief's Den, near the bridge at north... you pick up a scrap paper on them
4. let's show this paper to Pelltar who invites you to read some books... 8 hours later, you've got some informations on a famous thief (Reinhardt or somethink lihe this)
5. let's go to the temple map, and speak to the guards near the hanging tree (it's the red one near the wall)... here you'll meet Ravella who finally indicate you the graveyard
6. dig the grave near you... you find "someone". The entrance of the sewers is near this grave
7. you find an hand and a note in the sewers... go to Pelltar, and then to Welcar, who tells you to speak to Zelmar (Wind West tavern)
8. Speak to Smyth (weapons, shield...) and then go to the lighthouse. You'll find the thief.
Edited by Graoumf, 07 February 2010 - 02:48 AM.
Posted 11 March 2010 - 12:18 AM
[*]cleared Bonehill completely
[*]kill bandits on balhill
[*]meesage delivered to martin
[*]found the black opal
[*]killed 2nd wave of bandits
But still when I talk to Pelltar he asked if we find something. I think ther was a line about the gnome Boromac(?) who runs the lighthouse. I didn't know what happened to him or at least I can't dig up the new grave near the sewer entrance -although the cursor become 2 semicirle- it only say: It's a new grave. Nothing else. Isthere somethig tool needed to open the grave?
Posted 11 March 2010 - 04:21 AM
I can't get oput from Restenford! I was everywhere:
[*]cleared Bonehill completely
[*]kill bandits on balhill
[*]meesage delivered to martin
[*]found the black opal
[*]killed 2nd wave of bandits
But still when I talk to Pelltar he asked if we find something. I think ther was a line about the gnome Boromac(?) who runs the lighthouse. I didn't know what happened to him or at least I can't dig up the new grave near the sewer entrance -although the cursor become 2 semicirle- it only say: It's a new grave. Nothing else. Isthere somethig tool needed to open the grave?
Did you get the cutscene where you search the library after showing Pelltar the note from the hand bandit leader? If so, you need to speak with the guards at the Hanging tree on the temple map near the gate on the road to garrotten.
It takes a village...
Posted 12 March 2010 - 12:41 AM
It was pretty tricky to find the guard by the hanging tree. He was covered by leaves.
Posted 12 March 2010 - 03:25 AM
Now that would be really greatI'm planning to make a walkthrough for this mod using the informations on this site.

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin when I'm usually around
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"
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