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Stutter in Baldur's Gate (BWP 8)

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#41 OneEyedPhoenix

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Posted 21 October 2009 - 10:01 PM

I have followed all the steps in Jarno's guide except number 19. Would doing this step help?

First of I hope you don't quit to windows after loading the game up in ToB.

Secondly, yes I recommend installing the Ltest mod. It will tell you if your problem is a looping script

#42 -White Hawke-

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Posted 22 October 2009 - 09:25 AM

Hi OneEyedPhoenix,

Well I did them both. I imported to tob then exited completely, restarted up bg and my save nothing different, the second time I simply exited tob to main menu then started up my save still the same amount of stutter. :(

Now I have downloaded both LStest and near infinity, how do I go about installing LStest? I double clicked but it gives me a ton of options none of which seems to say "Install LStest" or the like. Any help here would be great. :)

#43 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 22 October 2009 - 10:10 AM

Now I have downloaded both LStest and near infinity, how do I go about installing LStest? I double clicked but it gives me a ton of options none of which seems to say "Install LStest" or the like. Any help here would be great. :)

Could you post the LStest.debug files content, you just open the file with Notepad and copy paste the content to a post. It should install.

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#44 OneEyedPhoenix

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Posted 22 October 2009 - 10:16 AM

Now I have downloaded both LStest and near infinity, how do I go about installing LStest? I double clicked but it gives me a ton of options none of which seems to say "Install LStest" or the like. Any help here would be great. :)

You need to rename the "LStest.exe" to "Setup-LStest.exe".

Btw Jarno, why is it packed like this?

Edited by OneEyedPhoenix, 22 October 2009 - 10:18 AM.

#45 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 22 October 2009 - 10:26 AM

Btw Jarno, why is it packed like this?

Guess who forgot? :D
Edit: Archive re-re-updated, there was nothing much wrong, but still.

And when you start the installation, it will take a lot of time to install the mod even though it seems to do nothing, so don't panic even though it seems to do nothing.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 22 October 2009 - 02:03 PM.

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#46 OneEyedPhoenix

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Posted 22 October 2009 - 10:32 AM

Guess who forgot? :D
Archive updated.


I think there were quite a few of us that forgot to tell you as well.

Edited by OneEyedPhoenix, 22 October 2009 - 10:32 AM.

#47 -White Hawke-

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Posted 22 October 2009 - 01:53 PM

You need to rename the "LStest.exe" to "Setup-LStest.exe".

Alright I did that, then redownloaded the updated archive just to be sure but it seems weidu gets stuck early on. I know this suppose to take a awhile but should it take longer then an hour without anything happening?

The problem is that, after I move the files over to my bg2 folder and run the program its seems to work for the first few moments heres what it says:

[C:\Program Files (x86)\BlackIsle\BGII - SoA\setup-LStest.exe] WeiDU version 21
{Setup-Assassinations.exe} Queried (pid = 360) version = 21000
{SETUP-LSTEST.EXE.DEBUG} Queried (pid = -1)

Then it just sits there doing nothing. Also the archive didnt come with a debug txt Im going to assume its made after the LSTest is done right or am I missing a file?

#48 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 22 October 2009 - 02:02 PM

Alright I did that, then redownloaded the updated archive just to be sure but it seems weidu gets stuck early on. I know this suppose to take a awhile but should it take longer then an hour without anything happening?

Well, at least for me it took 89 minutes "copying and patching 11211 files" to install the LStest, but unlike yours, it didn't get stuck in the WeiDU.exe's auto-update process.

The problem is that, after I move the files over to my bg2 folder and run the program its seems to work for the first few moments heres what it says:
[C:\Program Files (x86)\BlackIsle\BGII - SoA\setup-LStest.exe] WeiDU version 21100
{Setup-Assassinations.exe} Queried (pid = 360) version = 21000
{SETUP-LSTEST.EXE.DEBUG} Queried (pid = -1)

Well, the problem there is two or three folded, you have Vista and your game is in C:\Program Files sub-folder, which will prevent you from editing the game files by hand. So your best option is to actually move the whole game to C:\Games\BGII - SoA\ folder, and then open the baldur.ini, and Reallocate the [Alias] headers to C:\Games\BGII - SoA\
Then you can edit the files by hand, so you need to delete the Setup-Assassinations.exe, and copy the WeiDU.exe to the same directory where it is, so you'll get WeiDU - copy.exe, and then rename that as the Setup-Assassinations.exe, and then you can try to restart the setup-LStest.exe ... and perhaps you should delete the SETUP-LSTEST.EXE.DEBUG too.

Then it just sits there doing nothing. Also the archive didnt come with a debug txt Im going to assume its made after the LSTest is done right or am I missing a file?

You aren't missing anything, the setup-*modname*.debug is first created during the install, and it's job is to write down everything that's processed in the installation process.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 22 October 2009 - 02:13 PM.

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#49 -White Hawke-

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Posted 22 October 2009 - 04:07 PM

Thanks Jarno that did the trick!

Following should have been my dialog txt contents inside a spoiler, but apparently thats too good for firefox since its crashed four times now trying to do that. Anyway I can give you the dialog txt?

#50 -White Hawke-

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Posted 22 October 2009 - 04:21 PM

Well lucky me its crashed IE twice, guess ill have to do it differently

Anyways in the mean time I thought I would post this since it seems important:

WeiDU Timings
unmarshal BIFF 0.000
parsing .log files 0.000
BUT_ONLY 0.000
Parsing TPA files 0.015
parsing .ids files 0.032
adding translation strings 0.046
unmarshal KEY 0.078
READ_* 0.215
find local string 0.406
parsing .tra files 0.485
marshal and save TLK 0.593
add strings to TLK 0.686
eval_pe 0.735
strings to add 1.092
Parsing TP2 files 2.212
unmarshal TLK 6.942
stuff not covered elsewhere 19.503
parsing .baf files 41.575
COPY 43.410
saving files 43.528
marshal BCS 83.515
parsing .bcs files 90.180
loading files 107.023
process_patch2 1282.262
TOTAL 1724.533

#51 White Hawke

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Posted 25 October 2009 - 08:09 AM

Alright so I registered with these forums now I can attach my dialog file (for whatever reason my internet would crash trying to c/p it)

Hope you guys can figure it out, and thanks for taking the time to look at it :)

Attached File  SETUP_LSTEST.DEBUG   1.99MB   827 downloads

#52 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 25 October 2009 - 08:36 AM

Hope you guys can figure it out, and thanks for taking the time to look at it :)

Well from the looks of that file, the LStest did install fine, so it should be working, well at least in the Windows XP compatibility mode...

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#53 White Hawke

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Posted 26 October 2009 - 07:00 PM

Oh sorry I turned blond and forgot about using Near Infinity sorry!

So I'm using near infinity at the moment, nifty tool btw, but I don't completely understand

use NearInfinity to export the .bcs's that are reported by the dialog window the most frequently, and report us what it gives and upload the files, someone should be able to help you then.

from your mega faq.

So what area do I look under bcs, dgs or do I edit dialog.tlk?

If its the former two what do I do? Do I just scroll all 6500 bcs' or 4500 dgs'?

Or is there a simpler way. Also if I do have to scroll what should I look for?

Thanks again

#54 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 26 October 2009 - 10:41 PM

So I'm using near infinity at the moment, nifty tool btw, but I don't completely understand

use NearInfinity to export the .bcs's that are reported by the dialog window the most frequently, and report us what it gives and upload the files, someone should be able to help you then.

from your mega faq...

Well, first of all, is the dialog window reporting any "Running block 5 of ar4500.BCS", yes the window that usually says all the game dialog, if your game is paused etc.
If it's not, you haven't correctly installed the LStest mod I gave you, and yes the mod might take a long time to install, but it's just doing it's job, nothing else. -So, a question, what OS do you run the "game as", cause if it's Vista and your game is in the Program Files sub-folder, your mods might not actually work, cause the Vista protects the whole game folder from "alterations". This is of course under the understanding that you didn't run the BiG World Install.bat as the Administrator, and if you did, you also need to know that you also need to run the WeiDU.exe called setup-LStest.exe as the Administrator, or play the game within the Xp-compatibility mode.

It should give you the exact script (the .bcs -file name) to look for...
Of course there is the minor fact that the mod will prevent some of the gameplay cause the game might hang on "the scripted action movies", or "cut scenes". Yes, I am trying to resolve that... I just don't have an idea what to look for. :whistling:

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 26 October 2009 - 10:50 PM.

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#55 White Hawke

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Posted 27 October 2009 - 07:01 PM

Oh I see, I didnt know that you where suppose to run the game first; after doing so its makes a lot more sense :whistling:

Anyways there are two files that are shown continuously also one file that is shown a lot when first loaded up but disappears after 10-20 seconds.

I'll upload the two culprits. Also these are the only two that show up after 20 seconds, one then the other and so on.

Attached File  BPWTSIGT.BCS   68.24K   297 downloads Attached File  BPMAG10C.BCS   71.47K   278 downloads

Edited by White Hawke, 27 October 2009 - 07:03 PM.

#56 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 27 October 2009 - 11:35 PM

Attached File  BPWTSIGT.BCS   68.24K   297 downloads Attached File  BPMAG10C.BCS   71.47K   278 downloads

Those scripts are BP related AI scripts, so there might be a hidden mage lurking around somewhere around the map you have explored, or if you use the CLUAConsole to teleport yourself.

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#57 White Hawke

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Posted 28 October 2009 - 06:34 PM

Alright so a bit more testing, and your probably right about the mage since Im in Ulgoths Beard.

So I exited the map to a different one and 5 of WDRUNSGT.bcs ran 10-12 times before stopping nothing else appeared (still lagging as bad). Again I tried a different map same thing 10-12 times for the WDRUNSGT.bcs

Heres the file, maybe this is causing it?

Attached File  WDRUNSGT.BCS   2.95K   273 downloads

Edit- Not sure if it came across in my post but BPWTSIGT and BPMAG10C did Not show up on the other maps.

Edited by White Hawke, 28 October 2009 - 06:35 PM.

#58 OneEyedPhoenix

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Posted 28 October 2009 - 11:00 PM

Alright so a bit more testing, and your probably right about the mage since Im in Ulgoths Beard.

So I exited the map to a different one and 5 of WDRUNSGT.bcs ran 10-12 times before stopping nothing else appeared (still lagging as bad). Again I tried a different map same thing 10-12 times for the WDRUNSGT.bcs

Heres the file, maybe this is causing it?

Doesn't sound like it.
A looping script block would continue to fire constantly. In other words you'll see the same message repeated many times.

Tried disabling all ambient sounds in the config screen?

#59 White Hawke

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Posted 29 October 2009 - 10:23 PM

Back at it again today and visted a lot of places and it seems BPWTSIGT is possbility, since in most of the areas this line is constantly firing. Even in the random battle between areas this was firing. Odd thing is that in some areas it doesnt fire at all and the game still lags :(

Ive noticed imoen has her green circle as the 'four pies' instead of a complete circle. Maybe she is trying to fire off a convo and failing? Also in some maps the pc character stops completely while the rest of the team continues with the order which would go along with the someone wanting to talk to him

#60 Martin27

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Posted 31 October 2009 - 08:11 AM

I got some Stutter probaly caused by the Imoen romance. It happend after i killed Bodhi, and restored Imoen's soul, i thought the romance was over after the campfire scene, but after i came up from Bodhi's lair it gave me a new dialog. If i kill imoen, but have her in my party still the stutter stops. If i remove her from party it still lag, if i kill her and revive her, the stutter returns. Im sure it the romance variables. Is there any chance i can continue game with Imoen in my group, she is pretty essential for the storyline. Or any suggestions what else to do plz?

Thanks alot in advance

Edited by Martin27, 31 October 2009 - 08:11 AM.