Is it really such a "bug" that the two NTotSC amazons spawn in this area while the other 4 vanilla ones are off hunting the PC (in the wrong place, initially anyway) courtesy of SCS? I just don't like the idea of putting more stuff in baldur.bcs (global script that runs all the time) unless absolutely necessary. On your typical megamod, you have talking weapons and who knows what other sort of garbage in there already . Plus, I'm a bit leary of putting things like this in the BWP Fixpack and the havoc that can wreak if the modder then sorts it out.
Shouldn't you all be talking about this in the NTotSC forum or something? I know these "so-and-so's BWP game" threads are popular, and a lot of improvements can come from them, but if they start to talk about a certain mod, that should go in the mod's forum (or thread) so the modders can address it, or see it at least. Maybe here perhaps, if there are bugs that need fixing .
These are minor additions that just extends the code ScS already adds to baldur.bcs. My suggestion would not require it to be done with BWP Fixpack, for precisely those reasons you mention. If it can be done with ScS and Ntotsc, so that they are not even depending on the other one being installed to work, then I think we would have the final solution to this old problem.
As for your first point what happened in my game was that these two came running towards my party, did nothing because of being assigned a non-existing script and gave me a whole lot of +2 loot, practically for free... So I do believe they are a problem.
As for the Ntotsc forum, I think it was Dabus that said that Erebusant is no longer maintaining the mod. I agree that once this has gotten past the discussion phase it should be moved to this forum, but we are not there yet. As it is shaping up it looks like I will volunteer to do something about Ntotsc. Only problem is that I don't know how to code .tp files....
Instead of add something to the baldur.bcs file which i agree is generally not a good idea, (when baldur.bcs isn't optimized enough there is a chance that some of its script blocks never trigger), you could, for example, boost the two NTotSC amazons by rising their levels, and that should be enough. (assuming they have assigned a smart AI script , of course)
However, if you do so remember to check for DW component existance, otherwise some players would be forced to face 4 regular amazons plus two more flying on steroids.
Edited by SirLancelot, 16 September 2009 - 02:41 PM.