I went through in BWS and sorted out several of the dependencies & conflicts there. Most if not all of my new rules are sorted at the bottom of the Connections list, in game.ini Just run a search for BP( or BPS in the file, and you'll hit all the BP/Series additions.
Most of what I worked out was between SCS/2 and BP. Those were the main conflictors. I did notice another few candidates in the install this morn, before the day job. Revised Battles has a few suspect components, and Super Firkraag perhaps as well. I don't know what these do on the file level, so I left them alone for now (in Rules). But because of them, BP Dragons is set to off in default setup.
There's a couple tricks in the BWS that I used. e.g., in the Shadows comp. I chose 'All but the Shade Lord', and then let Revised Battles and SCS fight over it while I just added the tougher shadows and wraiths of BP.
I think my presets in BP will choose All but item taking in Spellhold (option #3), chapter 4, leaving that open for SCS2's better system (or others). Improved Spellhold mod I think is the one to watch here, also the other bits of Spellhold Improvements in other mods. IF SCS2 really 'only' handles the item taking in that component, it will be fine w/ BP as described I hope..
You can swap on and off between BP and SCS/2 with things like Generic Mages and Priests, and the General AI as well. Lots of mix and match choices available. I know at least BP does what it says on the label, in those components.
I still don't know just how compatible my components are/aren't with everything, but it surely can't be any worse than the old BP dump-it-all and in theory should be much better.
@Leonardo: My Big World Install batch file might need work anyways, I'm glad that you picked up the torch w/ your qualified hands. I tried it yesterday, and for some reason it installed everything 'except' BP, even after acknowledging its existence. Worked fine the first 2 times, before I released it...
@archlich My recommended order---First all of BP-Ascension, and BP core, right where BP is now. Then SCS/2 and other AI mods. Then the BP components for creatures and encounters. Then, the tweaks (or whatever it is that's chosen next). And finally, any time after a#tweaks and tb#tweaks, you can install BPSeries. Why so late, w/ that? Because I already have code devised to handle the Bigg's altered petrification (auto-cures and such) and a#tweaks mummy rot (special disease handling required, esp w/ cure spells). Some day in near future I might just expand BPSeries to account for certain mods once more, including these--but I can only check for their presence 'after' they are...well, present.
The same goes for BP's components--why they are later in install. If I run into a compatibility issue w/ a mod installed 'before' BP, I can add code into BP to handle it. Afterwards, none such luck. Also, if you choose to use the Generic AI component, it then has 'a chance of' affecting mod-added creatures as well (if they used default AI) 
Edited by horred the plague, 11 June 2013 - 02:25 PM.