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Fixes for the BiG fixpack

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#901 Darpaek

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Posted 01 March 2013 - 09:27 AM

The first dream where you're given a choice, the "Life Is Strength" dream, the game crashes if you choose the evil choice when you start casting the spell to kill everyone.

#902 Darpaek

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Posted 02 March 2013 - 04:33 PM

The SoS cutscene with the bandits in the bar in Trademeet after talking to Ceeb sets you in can't save/can't rest mode permanently. Probably has something to do with the autosave at the end of the cutscene (why it autosaves is beyond me)

#903 Darpaek

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Posted 03 March 2013 - 06:08 AM

Epic.  Coming down the stairs from the second floor of the Five Flagons I get a dialogue box that says, "I feel that somebody is missing in your party" and then CHARNAME kills himself.  To workaround, I tried removing the dialogue completely from Player1.dlg but that caused a CTD on entering AR0509, so I just the removed the Action to kill myself from the end of the dialogue and was able to continue on.

#904 Darpaek

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Posted 03 March 2013 - 08:12 AM

Okay, the last bug broke the bartender in the Five Flagon.  He had a talk with No Valid Replies.  To work around this I had to CreateCreature "Govan" and go through his dialogue.  Then I had to talk to the bartender again and choose the option where I gave up the Leina quest.  Then the bartender gave me the "OMG Why isn't Leina in your party?!"  I told him she was fine, but I'd dropped her from the party.  Now the bartender works normally so I can complete all the other Five Flagons quests.


Looking at these last two bugs now that I've worked my way around them, and easier workaround for these situations would have probably been to CLUA in Hrothgar, add him to the party, and it would have avoided both the instant death and the broken bartender dialogues.

#905 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 03 March 2013 - 08:54 AM

Looking at these last two bugs now that I've worked my way around them, and easier workaround for these situations would have probably been to CLUA in Hrothgar, add him to the party, and it would have avoided both the instant death and the broken bartender dialogues.
Well, the NeJ read me says you need to have the idiot paladin in your group while you do the NeJ quests.
The Instant Death thing is there just to make sure the mod is not broken... the Idiot style.

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#906 Darpaek

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Posted 07 March 2013 - 01:10 PM

Tru dat J-Dog, but why not do the check at the beginning of the quest instead of trashing my game midway thru the quest?  This is why NeJ shouldnt be Recommended.  I didn't cheat to dump the lamer all 18, 18(00) LN Paladin that doesn't believe in Good and Evil and lies to me the whole time.  I dumped him legit and went through the portal back to CI.  I just fig'd I wouldn't be able to do Part 2 (bummer)


Anywho, TT0307 is all kinds of fucked up.  Dump the contents of this attachment into your Override if you want to actually go to Spellhold and save Imoen.  


I swear, this dude purposely fucks up his mods to scam folks into paying $6 to join his forum to get tech support.

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#907 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 07 March 2013 - 01:14 PM

but why not do the check at the beginning of the quest instead of trashing my game midway thru the quest?
Well, the reason is probably coding related ... so much so that no one has ever made a fix for it. Though we ought to.

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#908 Darpaek

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Posted 07 March 2013 - 02:48 PM

It's not your responsibility to fix mods with lousy design decisions.  Just don't include them in the standard megamod.


Apparently, my area fix wasn't that elite.  The Kachiko you're supposed to resurrect spawns way at the middle top of the map.  And raising her doesn't do anything.  If you whack her, she'll stand up but not talk.  To finish this mod and get back on track, kill the dad and the two brothers.  It doesn't matter how, just get the wardstone. Use the console to CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("Kachiko_Saved", "GLOBAL", 3) and then CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("TT0305").  The exit you'll want is almost directly below where your MtA drops you (to TT0102).  Exit to get the sad ending and leave.  


Alternatively, you can set the Saved variable to 2 and this will give you the happy ending.  But it'll probably also screw up Spellhold if you don't have Kachiko in your party.  I dunno - maybe you can CLUA her back in if you're really attached to a mute Kensai.  Either way, it'll get you to Spellhold.

#909 Darpaek

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Posted 07 March 2013 - 07:39 PM

Ugh.  There's no Imoen in Spellhold.  It looks like there's a DestroySelf loop in the area BCS - probably trying to clean up the Double Imoen bug that used to be.  I used the solution from the other thread.  I opened NI and changed her area to Waukeen's Promenade (AR0700) since I couldn't figure out how to change the X,Y it was a large mostly open area.  I then changed her dialogue and her scripts to match the dialogue and scripts in Imoen211 and 213.  I was able to pick her up, she gave me the IR dialogue I expected and she even gave me "You gonna introduce me to your new companions..." banter but that banter died - which may be a problem inherent to the IR mod with custom NPCs (the only standard NPC I have in my party now is Keldorn other than Imoen.)


Still... fun evening of gaming this has been smashing bugs... egads!

#910 Darpaek

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Posted 08 March 2013 - 05:12 AM

That broke encounter in Improved Asylum is broke.  The leader dude will just sit there and spam his defensive spells on himself repeatedly (which is fun because it lets you take out the other three one by one  lol).  Pop the attached script into your override if you want it to work the way it's supposed to (I prefer to take them out one by one).


An interesting aside, at the beginning of the encounter Kivan (from K&D) instantly dies.  I didn't look into why because I found it mildly amusing.  It's not the Charisma drain bug (WAD?) from the girl's weapon.  He just dies like "Kivan - Dead" style and can be resurrected.

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Edited by Darpaek, 08 March 2013 - 05:12 AM.

#911 Darpaek

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Posted 09 March 2013 - 06:25 AM

Kivan from K&D makes Adalon, the silver dragon, go hostile on sight.  I was able to workaround it by keeping him out of sight the first time around.  The second time I talked to Adalon, to return the eggs, I had to drop him from my party.

#912 Darpaek

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Posted 09 March 2013 - 08:53 AM

Eek!  Whatever that portal spawning quest thing in the Umar Hills in Chapter 6 is, it spawns so many creatures it kills my computer.  It's not a bad .cre, it's just quantity in a Tactics mod.  It was like walking through molasses and crashed in after a half minute or so.  If other's have this problem, SetGlobal("DuImnesInit",GLOBAL",1) before heading to Umar and it won't spawn whatever army it was trying to spawn.  Too bad - sounds like I'm missing out on a fun tongue-in-cheek quest.


For folks that don't know, there's an entrance for Tashia's kidnapping quest in the Tethyr forest @3425,3250 for compatibility with CtB.  I had no idea and just CLUA'd myself to AR2602.  Maybe a journal entry would help.  I actually thought to look in the Mimic cave in Umar first.

#913 hook71

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Posted 09 March 2013 - 10:28 AM



Could you please start a new thread for your issues during playthrough. This thread is mainly meant for submitting fixes for the BiG fixpack.

#914 Darpaek

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Posted 10 March 2013 - 02:27 PM

Well... yeah.  These aren't bugs in individual mods (at least, I think they aren't) these are bugs inherent to the BiG World megamod when multiple mods aren't playing well with each other.  Isn't that what the BiG World Fixpack fixes?  Or am I fundamentally misunderstanding the purpose of the BiG World Fixpack?


Like in the Kivan problem above.  I looked for solutions to this problem while I was fixing it.  I assume that Kivan works just fine if you install him by himself.  I think the problem is a conflict between Kivan's "Death to the Drow" shouts as you wander through the Underdark and the "Smarter Dragons" component that turns a dragon hostile if you pre-buff in a dragon's lair.  I don't know, I'm just guessing here.  But I could go to the Kivan forum and report a bug that exists with some other mod that I don't know and maybe the mod author, if they're still around, will update their readme to be "Incompatible with Smarter Dragons", or I could come here and the Fixpack could tweak Kivan's .bcs to not shout "Death to the Drow" in the area with Adalon.


Since the mod author's stated goal is to make Kivan work, and Kivan WADs just fine, to me it makes more sense to post here at the group whose stated goal is to make 400 mods play well together.  But I could be wrong.







Ohhh.  And Cromwell still spawns the Hammer of Helping (hamm09 for IR) when creating Crom Faeyr.  The correct hammer that should be spawned is hamm09a

Edited by Darpaek, 10 March 2013 - 03:01 PM.

#915 Fouinto

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Posted 11 March 2013 - 04:00 AM

Well... yeah.  These aren't bugs in individual mods (at least, I think they aren't) these are bugs inherent to the BiG World megamod when multiple mods aren't playing well with each other.  Isn't that what the BiG World Fixpack fixes?  Or am I fundamentally misunderstanding the purpose of the BiG World Fixpack?

No offense, but you just misunderstand the purpose of this thread :).

Fell free to start your own thread to post your problems, and, when a fix is found, you can post it here, and then, Leonardo can add it to the next BiG World Fixpack...

#916 hook71

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Posted 21 March 2013 - 11:05 AM

Some more fixed files for IA:
Wyvern and tanar'ri crash fix:

#917 hook71

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Posted 23 March 2013 - 10:56 AM

BiG World Fixpack 11.3.5 has been released.

Edited by hook71, 07 April 2013 - 01:42 PM.

#918 Nightfarer

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Posted 01 April 2013 - 09:01 AM

Darian v2.3 still needs the Sarahtob patch.


It still looks for Setup-Sarah.tp2: REQUIRE_COMPONENT ~Setup-Sarah.tp2~


While that should be: REQUIRE_COMPONENT ~setup-sarahtob.tp2~


According to Darian-v2.3 and Sarahtob-v3.1.

#919 dabus

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Posted 07 April 2013 - 04:00 AM

English BiG World Textpack patches Setup-Huple_NPC.tp2 so it looks like this:
LANGUAGE ~Castellano~ ~castellano~ ~Huple_NPC/tra/castellano/Setup-Huple_NPC.tra~
LANGUAGE ~Francais (par Althea)~ ~frances~ ~Huple_NPC/tra/frances/Setup-Huple_NPC.tra~
LANGUAGE ~English~ ~english~ ~Huple_NPC/tra/english/Setup-Huple_NPC.tra~

BiG World Installpack\Tra,txt looks like this:

So either tp2-patching should include the German language-line or the Tra.txt should both use translation 2. Otherwise the English one will never get installed.

Txtmusic added Polish translations at 6, Russian is moved one up.

bgqe has a Polish translation.

BGT has a new Czech translation, too.

RR has Japanese and Polish

Edited by dabus, 07 April 2013 - 04:11 AM.

THINK! - It's not illegal.

#920 hook71

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Posted 07 April 2013 - 09:42 AM

BiG World Fixpack 11.3.6 has been released.

Edited by hook71, 07 April 2013 - 01:42 PM.