Better fix: Make sure tutu_var gets set in the .tp2.BGSpawn %tutu_var% sound thing (DO NOT USE for a non-BWP/BGT install!!!)
Fix: Changed PlaySound("%tutu_var%VWOLF03") -> PlaySound("VWOLF03") ... reason - the %tutu_var% variable stayed in the compiled script
Add this:
OUTER_SPRINT tutu_var ~~ ACTION_IF (GAME_IS ~tutu tutu_totsc~) BEGIN OUTER_SPRINT tutu_var ~_~ END
Right before line 392:
COMPILE EVALUATE_BUFFER ~BGSpawn/cre/mm75wo.baf~
Better fix: Convert to using %tutu_var% and EVALUATE_BUFFER.BG2Tweaks using _KHALID cre's for BGT workaround (DO NOT USE for a non-BWP/BGT install!!!)
Fix: Changed all instances of _KHALIDX -> KHALIDX
First, swap out all instances of _KHALID for %tutu_var%KHALID in p#fw2301.baf.
Then, in the .tp2, add EVALUATE_BUFFER to the two EXTEND_BOTTOMs where this file is used, and make sure tutu_var gets set before they are called:
OUTER_SPRINT tutu_var ~~ ACTION_IF (GAME_IS ~tutu tutu_totsc~) BEGIN OUTER_SPRINT tutu_var ~_~ END EXTEND_BOTTOM ~ar6801.bcs~ ~BG2_Tweaks/baf/p#fw2301.baf~ EVALUATE_BUFFER
OUTER_SPRINT tutu_var ~~ ACTION_IF (GAME_IS ~tutu tutu_totsc~) BEGIN OUTER_SPRINT tutu_var ~_~ END EXTEND_BOTTOM ~_ar2301.bcs~ ~BG2_Tweaks/baf/p#fw2301.baf~ EVALUATE_BUFFER