Question Imoen
Posted 21 April 2004 - 06:50 PM
"Immy, you've been through this whole ordeal with me... ever since the very begining. I don't think I could have made it here without you. But now I don't know what to do! Here I am being offered the chance to become a goddess... I could do so much good, but at the same time, I don't want to leave you and the others behind. Immy, I trust you more than anyone, what should I do?"
Or maybe sometime in SoA:
"Imoen, why do you stay with me? You know by now that I've never been a good person, and I never intend to be. You occasionally complain when you think I do something horrible, but you never really try to stop me. Could it be that you enjoy the carnage secretly, as I once did? Or is it something else?"
Posted 22 April 2004 - 01:32 AM
A reminder to people, feedback on the answers is as welcome as new questions... both are better.
"Imoen, why do you stay with me? You know by now that I've never been a good person, and I never intend to be. You occasionally complain when you think I do something horrible, but you never really try to stop me. Could it be that you enjoy the carnage secretly, as I once did? Or is it something else?"
(hands on hips, Imoen looks you up and down, carefully considering her reply) I... I wish sometimes that you wouldn't do the things that you do, that we could be back at Candlekeep where we just played all day... but then I remember we can never go back.
I love you, little sister, and I don't think I could ever leave you. I just hope that you're strong enough to overcome your taint. I would hate to lose you. (looking surprised at her seriousness, she brushes her hair back and grins sheepishly). Gosh, I'm getting all stuffy and serious. Just (she pokes you in the chest). Like (poke). You (poke).
Past: Ascension, Return to Windspear, Imoen Relationship, The Broken Hourglass
"Perfection has no deadline"
Posted 22 April 2004 - 03:01 AM

Right. I know you probably don't want to talk about this, so I'll keep it basic: Do you remember what happened at the Asylum?
Posted 22 April 2004 - 07:55 AM

I... I wish sometimes that you wouldn't do the things that you do, that we could be back at Candlekeep where we just played all day... but then I remember we can never go back.
This is definitely in character, but she already says as much. I think she says it two or three times over the course of the game - how she'd like to go back but knows she can't. I do like the second half though, that's just how I imagined she'd react.

Here's another good-PC since my last one didn't work so well.

"Hey Immy, does it ever bother you that all the stories about how I saved everyone from Bhaal's rebirth only barely mention you? It'd definitely bug me. If you want I can bash some heads in ... or write some nasty letters ... and maybe shout your name from the rooftops to proclaim your goodness! How about it?"
Posted 22 April 2004 - 09:06 PM
Posted 25 April 2004 - 05:56 PM
Something about alignment would be appreceated in an interjection as it would continue the whole choice vs destiny/fate thing.
Perhaps a question(or to be more precise, an answer) on the reason given to her about why she was taken to candlekeep?
Did Gorion know she was a Bhaal child? If so why didn't he take her with PC? Not enough taint to be noticed by Sarevok? Hoping she would go unnoticed?
What are Imoen's earliest memories?
Does she ever get bothered by violence and death being the most often outcome of the parties encouters with most everyone they meet, despite any good it may cause? Does the end justify the means?
What number am I thinking of?
As to the replies, Spot on and well thought out as far as I'm concerned, but what else are we to expect from you?
Posted 26 April 2004 - 02:58 AM
Don't have time for the questions now, but expect answers shortly.
Past: Ascension, Return to Windspear, Imoen Relationship, The Broken Hourglass
"Perfection has no deadline"
Posted 04 May 2004 - 01:22 AM
Hmmm. (Chewing her forefinger, she seems to give your question some careful thought.) I think I'd be in a high tower... with lightening and storms and flowing black robes! (She appears to warm to the theme,)
I'd stand on the balcony and give out chores to everyone. (Wiggling her eyebrows, she tries to give a menacing cackle, but manages little more than a croak.) Well... you did ask!
Right. I know you probably don't want to talk about this, so I'll keep it basic: Do you remember what happened at the Asylum?
I... I'm not sure I want to.
Hey Immy, does it ever bother you that all the stories about how I saved everyone from Bhaal's rebirth only barely mention you? It'd definitely bug me. If you want I can bash some heads in ... or write some nasty letters ... and maybe shout your name from the rooftops to proclaim your goodness! How about it?
Heh, heck no! I can go into bars without people pointing and shouting at me. Poor little Rasha, can't even get a quiet drink anymore. Nope, I'm quite happy back here in your shadow.
"Um Imoen, what is it like getting your soul back? Did any bit of Bodhi stick with you?"
Hey, don't be so glum! We'll get yours back from I... Ir... him! Then you won't need to ask me.
What number am I thinking of?
Three? Don't look at me like that, it comes after two.
The rest of your questions are in the wrong format.
Past: Ascension, Return to Windspear, Imoen Relationship, The Broken Hourglass
"Perfection has no deadline"
Posted 04 May 2004 - 06:35 PM
Terribly sorry, I'll rephrase:The rest of your questions are in the wrong format.
Imoen, do you think Gorion knew you were a Bhaal child?
Why do you think he didn't take you with me?(obviously this is only applicable if the answer to the previous question is yes)
What are your earliest memories Imoen?
Imoen, do you ever get bothered by the the fact that violence and death seem to be the most often outcome of our encouters with most everyone we meet, despite any good it may cause?
Posted 05 May 2004 - 08:12 AM
Well, he always seemed more interested in you than me, that's why I ended up spending most of my time with old Puffguts.
Why do you think he didn't take you with me?(obviously this is only applicable if the answer to the previous question is yes)
I don't remember ever seeing Sarevok at Candlekeep. Maybe he didn't know I was here, or that I was a child of Bhaal? I suppose if Gorion knew that then he might have thought me safer at Candlekeep. Heh, not that I was letting you out of my sight.
What are your earliest memories Imoen?
There was the strangest smell and I looked up and saw this face, covered in spots and very ugly... you haven't changed a bit. (she punches your shoulder, then dances away before you can retaliate)
Imoen, do you ever get bothered by the the fact that violence and death seem to be the most often outcome of our encouters with most everyone we meet, despite any good it may cause?
I leave always the serious thinking to you. At least one of us needs a sweet enough smile to buy things, and while you're doing that I'm taking the good stuff. Heh heh.
Edited by Quitch, 05 May 2004 - 08:19 AM.
Past: Ascension, Return to Windspear, Imoen Relationship, The Broken Hourglass
"Perfection has no deadline"
Posted 07 May 2004 - 01:23 AM
(wiggling, lol.. but it actually suits the NPC better as you write her, anyway)If you could be anywhere but here, Imoen, where would you be? And why, and what would you wear?
Hmmm. (Chewing her forefinger, she seems to give your question some careful thought.) I think I'd be in a high tower... with lightening and storms and flowing black robes! (She appears to warm to the theme,)
I'd stand on the balcony and give out chores to everyone. (Wiggling her eyebrows, she tries to give a menacing cackle, but manages little more than a croak.) Well... you did ask!
<looking a bit nervous> Uh.. Lightening and black robes? Sometimes I worry about your de.. er.. illusions, Imoen. Heh-heh.. you'd better work on that cackle but you nearly got the eyebrows waggle down. Yeesh, why black?
(an easy one but well done, none-the-less.)Right. I know you probably don't want to talk about this, so I'll keep it basic: Do you remember what happened at the Asylum?
I... I'm not sure I want to.
I can understand that, Imoen. <wanting to press the issue, but being considerate> Well.. if you need to talk, I'm here. But you know that, right?
Posted 07 May 2004 - 04:55 AM
All evil arch-mages wear black!
I can understand that, Imoen. <wanting to press the issue, but being considerate> Well.. if you need to talk, I'm here. But you know that, right?
I know. Thanks, Cybersquirt.
Past: Ascension, Return to Windspear, Imoen Relationship, The Broken Hourglass
"Perfection has no deadline"
Posted 10 July 2004 - 11:25 PM
Male Protagonist Imoen, does this outfit make my butt look fat? Would I look better with it off?
With Aerie in party I could of sworn my birthday gift to Aerie was in my pocket a few minutes ago. Have you seen it?
Ask a joke or taunt to Imoen (Wayne's World

Posted 11 July 2004 - 01:53 AM
At all other times my friends only leave their items behind, it seems they are all children of Bhaal as well - afterall, it seems to me that their essences dissolve and are only reconstituted by raise dead?
(This is my take on why the game doesn't make sense!)
Posted 11 July 2004 - 09:39 AM
*pulls out the purple jump suit from BGI*
Posted 16 October 2004 - 11:43 AM
Heh, I don't think I would wish that on anyone. What about you, Jaheira?
Jaheira. It is possible that you misinterpret my long-standing friendship with Seraph. Wisdom will come to you with years.
(Snorting at this remark, Imoen retorts) With years? You're no older than I am. You might fool the others, but I've been around Seraph too long. I can read the signs.
I could of sworn my birthday gift to Aerie was in my pocket a few minutes ago. Have you seen it?
Appearing busy with something, Imoen sounds hesitant and speaks with her back turned. "Uh... no... why would I have." There is a clatter as a small, brightly coloured box falls to the ground at the feet of Imoen.
"Um... Hey, I found your present, Seraph!" Quick as a flash, she behind Aerie and peers over her shoulder at you, a guilty smile on her face.
Imoen, any idea why the only time I get to recover a body in Amn, it belongs to the lady friend I'm romancing?
(Stopping mid-stide, Imoen turns, her face a quintessential picture of surprise) Romancing? Gosh, haven't we become all proper. (Nose in the air, Imoen proceeds to strut, a haughty air about her person) Why, I hope to 'romance' myself one day. (As she passes by, she adminsters a quick jab to your ribs)
I would have thought you'd be more upset at the loss of Aerie, Aristothenes. I... miss her. (Smiling sadly, she continues trudging)
At all other times my friends only leave their items behind, it seems they are all children of Bhaal as well - afterall, it seems to me that their essences dissolve and are only reconstituted by raise dead?
"Heh, that's just because you're too lazy to carry them, it's left to me to lug them around." Cupping her hands around her mouth, she shouts, "You could do with losing a little weight, Keldorn!" You notice the paladin raise an eyebrow at the remark, but he makes no move to respond.
Hey Imoen, look what I found in the Prominade!
*pulls out the purple jump suit from BGI*
Urgh. Where did you find that smelly old thing? Purple is so last game!
Edited by Quitch, 16 October 2004 - 11:48 AM.
Past: Ascension, Return to Windspear, Imoen Relationship, The Broken Hourglass
"Perfection has no deadline"
Posted 27 October 2004 - 01:45 PM
"Hey Imoen, you haven't seen that gold necklace we picked up, have you? I was just wondering because I found out it was cursed."
Edited by Jinnai, 27 October 2004 - 01:52 PM.

Posted 28 December 2004 - 03:34 AM
"Why didn't you warn me there was a trap there!?"
"Hey Imoen, you haven't seen that gold necklace we picked up, have you? I was just wondering because I found out it was cursed."
How about:
"Say, Imoen. You know all the stories they tell about what happens to thieves who steal from archmages? You have a unique perspective -- what do you think? And who would you sooner wager on, the thief or the archmage?"
"Remember the night... the night we left Candlekeep? I'm so glad you followed at a distance instead of hiding in the luggage-- had you done that instead, you'd have died as well... but what made you do that?"
Posted 06 August 2005 - 04:35 AM

Edited by Rachel Grey, 06 August 2005 - 04:35 AM.
Posted 30 June 2006 - 06:36 PM
"Imoen, what do you think of my relationship with Jaheira?"(I think this would be the most interesting question on romance matters, seeing how you, Imoen and Jaheira know each other way back from BG1, and because a good friend of yours, who just happened to be Jaheira's husband died. Off course you could ask the same question with Aerie or Viconia instead of Jaheira.)
"Imoen, did you ever stop to think what would happen if you would end up in my place? What would you do then?"
(In ToB, after defiting Balthazar)"Tell me Imoen, did I do the right thing? I can't help but wonder if he couldn't be talked out of it?"(This, of course, means you don't have Ascension installed)
"We grew up together, and yet I know almost nothing of you. Tell me, what is you earliest memory?"
For now this, I will add more when it strikes me