Did you run the BWS ? Cause that's the easiest way to add a already known mod to the 'BiG World Install.bat' file, by tagging the 'Further configure your install...' or something very similar.Could anybody here tell me how to add mods to the BWP batch file?
I tried to do it by simply unpacking them as the Setup program usually does and then adding component installation lines (you know, like %IFTES%scs%S%scs%L%0%SK% 5021 5030 5040 --logapp | %M%) in the install.bat for the mods in question...
So, what did I do wrong?
The other one is to first run the BWS, then let it do all the downloading etc. and when it's done, open the 'BiG World Install.bat' file with Notepad, and insert a line like this: %IFE%scs%S%scs%L%0%SK% 5021 5030 5040 --logapp | %M%
Edit: It most probably needs to actually be:
%IFE%scs%L%0%SK% 5021 5030 5040 --logapp | %M%
Cause the "S%scs" comes from the S Standard...

As the IFE means any English install, while the IFTE means only English Tactic install... here is also a good tutorial on .bat coding.
Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 07 October 2009 - 03:40 AM.