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BiG World Project (BWP) v8.0

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#181 Sjimpie

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Posted 10 September 2009 - 07:12 AM

The installpack replaces all setup-X.exe with a fresh weidu-copy. And yes, 1sylum-setup does not fit with the setup-X.exe structure. ;)
I am not sure if something went wrong, since I can't see Fixpack entries at the top of the BWP.log, although the weidu contains them.
Also, if you can do some editing, you can safe your time and just remove the mods that are done till now.

That was what i just thought also, i'll try editing, can i just throw everything away what is above this mod?

#182 dabus

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Posted 10 September 2009 - 07:16 AM

Nope. See my last edited post. You are too fast. ;)
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#183 Sjimpie

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Posted 10 September 2009 - 07:23 AM

Nope. See my last edited post. You are too fast. ;)

Ok i'll give it a try and thx :cheers:

Edit: I just finished installing, it froze one more time and after i edited the install.bat a second time it went till the end. I hope nothing is wrong, the game started normally

Edited by Sjimpie, 10 September 2009 - 10:45 AM.

#184 dreamer2007

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Posted 10 September 2009 - 10:46 AM

Hi ,

I found a bug with the items sold by a merchant near cow stable in friendly arm inn , that is : the items cost 0 and they are blank except scimitars , after you buy them you cannot remove them from inventory :(

I have the same issue, and although is not serious maybe we can find out why is this the case.

Please do a changelog of CMMER03.sto, CMMER04.sto, CMMER05.sto, and if it exists ... CMMER06.sto and post in a new separate thread.

I did a changelog and nothing appeared, but I looked on the CMMER03.sto file with near infinity and that merchant has for sale one scimitar and the rest "null". Strange...

Edit: now when I look better it seems that those null items are actually normal items that have a "_" before their item link. For example "null (_AX1H01.itm)" which is normally a battle axe. This means something more serious might be going on so I will open a new thread...

Edited by dreamer2007, 10 September 2009 - 11:02 AM.

#185 dabus

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Posted 10 September 2009 - 11:02 AM

I hope nothing is wrong, the game started normally

See the weidu.log and look if you missed something. You can also search the *.debug files for stings like not installed due to see if mods did not installed successfully.
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#186 Sylvan

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Posted 10 September 2009 - 08:50 PM

Hey, still going through the setup for v8, and I've run into a small problem. Namely, I'm getting the message that setup will be aborted and cannot continue without two essential files.

They are:

Manual: The Mod itself (Manual
Restored Textscreen Music(TxtMusic) v7: The Mod itself(txtmusic_v7.rar)

SO, I am confused as to what Manual is and how I can get it (I have an english pdf manual for the install) and TxtMusic_v7.rar is in my mods folder. Should I go ahead and specify what components I want in my install.bat and continue with the installation?

Oh, I also wanted to ask how much space the largest installation you could possibly do would take on your hard drive, once the install.bat is done. This is actually my second attempt to install the BWP, and the first was aborted because I ran out of space halfway through the installation after 2-3 weeks of hunting through forums, selecting components, downloading, installing, uninstalling, and reinstalling many, many things, and I want to know how much I have to work with here.

Should take me much less time this time around because I've worked out many of the problems I had before, but I only have around 20 gigs free on my old-ass hard drive :(

Edited by Sylvan, 10 September 2009 - 09:34 PM.

#187 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 11 September 2009 - 02:25 AM

Hey, still going through the setup for v8, and I've run into a small problem. Namely, I'm getting the message that setup will be aborted and cannot continue without two essential files.

They are:

Manual: The Mod itself (Manual
Restored Textscreen Music(TxtMusic) v7: The Mod itself(txtmusic_v7.rar)

SO, I am confused as to what Manual is and how I can get it ?

You are probably still using the BWS v7.0. My advice is simply to use the v8.0...

Oh, I also wanted to ask how much space the largest installation you could possibly do would take on your hard drive, once the install.bat is done. This is actually my second attempt to install the BWP, and the first was aborted because I ran out of space halfway through the installation after 2-3 weeks of hunting through forums, selecting components, downloading, installing, uninstalling, and reinstalling many, many things, and I want to know how much I have to work with here.

Few posts ago, it was said that the full tactical install can take up to 30 Gb's space, this is do to a lot of file copying, so I would addvice to (get a bigger HDD :devil: ) be careful.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 11 September 2009 - 02:25 AM.

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#188 dabus

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Posted 11 September 2009 - 02:57 AM

Manual: The Mod itself (Manual
Restored Textscreen Music(TxtMusic) v7: The Mod itself(txtmusic_v7.rar)

Hmm, I can't tell you, either.
I can only advice you to open the BiG World Setup\Config\Setup.ini and look for the [Faults]-section.
You can see the mods that caused problems here.

So, I am confused as to what Manual is and how I can get it (I have an english pdf manual for the install) and TxtMusic_v7.rar is in my mods folder. Should I go ahead and specify what components I want in my install.bat and continue with the installation?

If you are sure it's the right one, delete the [Faults]-section and the installation will go on.

Should take me much less time this time around because I've worked out many of the problems I had before, but I only have around 20 gigs free on my old-ass hard drive :(

It's about 30 GB in the BGII - SoA folder, 2,5 GB for Baldur's Gate and 2,5 GB for the download-folder. If you installed expert with all mods. So you have to choose less mods. ;)
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#189 Sylvan

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Posted 11 September 2009 - 11:39 AM

See, under the [Faults] section it says BG1PatchSound.exe=3.

There is also a Setup_TxtMusic.exe=3.

The Setup_TxtMusic I'm pretty sure I can ignore, since I have checked, double, and triple checked to make sure I have the rar, but the BG1PatchSound looks important xD

In this install I've left off a lot of the big mods, like TDD, CtB, SoS, etc. I've mostly included NPC, shop, and tweak mods.

Basically, if it says it adds a few quests or makes the rules closer to PnP versions, I added it. Any idea how large that sort of game would be? I know it's hard to be exact without specific mods, but do you have a general idea?

And yes, Jarno, I am using v8 already.

Edited by Sylvan, 11 September 2009 - 12:04 PM.

#190 dabus

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Posted 11 September 2009 - 12:31 PM

See, under the [Faults] section it says BG1PatchSound.exe=3.
There is also a Setup_TxtMusic.exe=3.

The Setup_TxtMusic I'm pretty sure I can ignore, since I have checked, double, and triple checked to make sure I have the rar, but the BG1PatchSound looks important xD

The 3 tells me that you don't have the localized version of the packages. 1 would be the main-package, 2 the addon-package (like a patch or something).

So it is TxtMusic_ENG.rar from here.
And BG1MissingFiles_ENG.7z from here.

Put them in your BiG World Download-folder.

Just wondering: Did you select to download the files manually? This should have told you the same as me... or better, should have opened the url in your default browser and told you how to save the files...
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#191 Sylvan

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Posted 11 September 2009 - 02:46 PM

Yes, I had to download them manually. The BWS didn't get them with the rest of the files.. There were a few others I had to download manually, but they were all grabbed successfully. (I hope)

I think the installpack and fixpack were among those.

#192 dabus

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Posted 11 September 2009 - 03:02 PM

Btw.: If any test with the BWS fails and you know that you should pass it, you can delete this section.
Of curse that is not recommended, though it can be your last chance to proceed.
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#193 Uri

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Posted 12 September 2009 - 03:20 AM

-BWP 8.1
-english (multilanguage)

- too much xp (for rat from candlekeep about 800 xp. points)

Attached File  Weidu.log   56.4K   229 downloads

Edited by Uri, 12 September 2009 - 03:20 AM.

#194 dabus

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Posted 12 September 2009 - 03:36 AM

Do not install ENEMYUPGRADE. That mod is imba.

And I just wonder: Why do you guys keep installing Expert when it's obvious that you will get all the crap that tactic-lovers do not want to have? That's calling for trouble -- if you ask me. ;)

Edited by dabus, 12 September 2009 - 03:45 AM.

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#195 dreamer2007

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Posted 12 September 2009 - 05:08 AM

Do not install ENEMYUPGRADE. That mod is imba.

And I just wonder: Why do you guys keep installing Expert when it's obvious that you will get all the crap that tactic-lovers do not want to have? That's calling for trouble -- if you ask me. ;)

Why do you say it's imbalanced? If you apply this fix it seems okay (although you run away from most enemies, at the beginning at least :P) . And it's part of the tactical install, not expert...

Edited by dreamer2007, 12 September 2009 - 05:09 AM.

#196 dabus

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Posted 12 September 2009 - 05:34 AM

Enemy-upgrade should be expert right now.
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#197 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 12 September 2009 - 05:49 AM

Enemy-upgrade should be expert right now.

And please make it stay there, cause the randomness makes it far too unstable to be installed at all before most of the files are put to .bif'fs.

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#198 dreamer2007

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Posted 12 September 2009 - 06:17 AM

Enemy-upgrade should be expert right now.

And please make it stay there, cause the randomness makes it far too unstable to be installed at all before most of the files are put to .bif'fs.

So I should expect major bugs because of it? Or just ridiculously powerful enemies?

#199 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 12 September 2009 - 06:33 AM

Enemy-upgrade should be expert right now.

And please make it stay there, cause the randomness makes it far too unstable to be installed at all before most of the files are put to .bif'fs.

So I should expect major bugs because of it? Or just ridiculously powerful enemies?

Just a few potentially almost unkillable enemies(Golems), nothing else game breaking. And it's luck based...

Although there should be a securing fact that makes the enemy a bit more killable, if all the resistances exceed the 100%, the bludgeon damage is reset to 90%, making the enemy killable.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 12 September 2009 - 08:34 AM.

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#200 dreamer2007

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Posted 12 September 2009 - 06:50 AM

Just a few potentially almost unkillable enemies(Golems), nothing else game braking. And it's luck based...

Aa okay then :D . I am curious to see if I will be able to defeat them anyway :lol:

Edited by dreamer2007, 12 September 2009 - 06:51 AM.