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TotDG: Bug thread

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#1 KakarotUSMC

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Posted 19 August 2009 - 06:43 PM

Congratulations. I registered for the first time here to post on your mod. I've been using this website for years, but only to read and download.

The spell "Violet's Fruit" cannot be copied to a spell book by any of my magi. I keep receiving the failure to copy spell to spell book message. I even had Aerie take a Potion of Genius, and she fails every time.

I noticed a couple of spelling errors in the dialog, but forgot to note them. Sorry. I'll write them down next time.


Edited by Lava Del'Vortel, 10 October 2011 - 02:47 AM.

#2 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 19 August 2009 - 08:28 PM

I am preparing a new version, so this will be fixed soon :) Thx for reporting that and for your congratulations :)

Can you try to remember where were the spelling bugs? The new version will be very soon, and that would really help me :) I knew only about "posion" or something like that instead of "poison" in the item description.

BTW, I will change the tite of the thread. Then people will be able to report other bugs here. I hope it's fine with you.


#3 KakarotUSMC

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Posted 19 August 2009 - 11:20 PM

A bug topic is a good idea, I just didn't want to intrude if you thought it was in your purview to create such a forum.

I will certainly record the misspellings I noticed during NPC interactions my next time through your mod.

The golem was tough!  Great job with a unique fight sequence there.

I look forward to the next version.

#4 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 19 August 2009 - 11:50 PM

Well, I wanted to prepare a new version maybe even today, but I will try to read some parts by myself and finy some misspellings. If I won't find them, I won't make it part of v2 but 2.1 :P

#5 KakarotUSMC

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Posted 20 August 2009 - 06:52 AM

If you want, I can scan through the dialog file(s) if you send them to me in a word processing format (I use OpenOffice.org, so you can send any format).  I'll post the corrections here when I find them.  Let me know and I'll post my e-mail address for you.

Also, another bug (I'll try not to release any spoilers):  When you are attacked by a certain beggar for one of the mage's quest items, all of the surrounding citizens, within camera view, turn hostile once you defend yourself.

#6 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 20 August 2009 - 07:01 AM

I already fixed that. In the new version there won't be problem with that.
To be honest everything should be readable in the tra files. Open tra files (translation folder) with notepad or notepad 2. I preffer notepad 2. Whole text is in the tra files. I fixed another problem few minutes ago... the new version is really close. If you remember any moment where the misspelling appeared I will check the file, but if you don't want to do things like that, just wait for new version. I can include spelling errors in 2.1

#7 KakarotUSMC

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Posted 20 August 2009 - 06:52 PM

Okay, here goes:

@15   = ~What I can do in thin place? Anything special?~  (Should be "this" in 0xALCDG)

@46   = ~I am simple <PRO_RACE>.~ (Should be .. am "a" simple.. in 0xAlchDG)

= ~You will be given gifts. With it you and your copanions will be able to heal everyone who stands in front of you. You will be even able to bring someone back to life. Colours will cure your wounds...~
@33   ("copanions" should be "companions" in 0xDREADG)

These were the ones I noticed while playing the mod.

Looking forward to the next version!

#8 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 21 August 2009 - 02:22 AM

Thx. I did include you in the readme.

#9 KakarotUSMC

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Posted 21 August 2009 - 07:19 AM

Glad I could help.  I'm looking forward to starting another game and playing through the new version of TotDG.

#10 Cal Jones

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Posted 22 August 2009 - 04:21 AM

Well I installed it and planned to play in my current game, but thought I would leave it to Chapter 6 when I had Imoen back.

Problem! One of the items in the treasure hunt can't be got in Chapter 6 because all routes to that area have been blocked.
I'd add something in the FAQ under the When to Start section about doing this in Chapter 2 and 3.

Still, never mind - I had installed v1 - I can now download v2 and play that in my next game instead. I'll let you know my thoughts then.

#11 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 22 August 2009 - 04:52 AM

Which one is blocked? The skull?
SPOILER - Cal, take a look on it and answer in a spoiler option too because we don't want to tell everything to other players. I want them to think a bit :P

#12 Cal Jones

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Posted 23 August 2009 - 12:13 AM

Yes, I'd figured out where it was. You can't get there in Chapter 6.

#13 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 23 August 2009 - 02:01 AM

Thx! I will make it possible to finish this quest in Chapter 6!


Are you sure of this thing? When I moved myself to the area AR0808 the gates are opened and we are able to go to the deeper tombs.
Cal, I moved the posts to this topic, because I think that impossibility of finishing the quest is a kind of bug.
Still I had no problem with that in chapter 6... but in v2.1 player is able to find skeleton in two places to make sure the mod is finishable.

Edited by Lava Del'Vortel, 23 August 2009 - 04:35 AM.

#14 Cal Jones

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Posted 23 August 2009 - 11:37 AM

Nice one. ^_^

#15 Cal Jones

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Posted 24 August 2009 - 10:35 AM

I've started a new game with 2.1 installed. I have various mods running (WeiDU log below). Just to let you know there are two Mysterious Wizards in the Government District. I don't know what's caused this - I don't think it's a major problem. I also got the multiple Brus bug so I don't know if it's anything to do with your mod or not. Just thought I'd better report it though.
I haven't spoken to him yet, in any case as my party is still low level. I'll report if I find anything else.

// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #100 // Restore innate infravision to Half-Orc characters: v2.61
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #101 // Prevent skeletal undead from being affected by Illithids' Devour Brain attack: v2.61
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #102 // Change Spiritual Hammer into a ranged force weapon: v2.61
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #103 // Allow Dispel/Remove Magic to take down Globes of Invulnerability: v2.61
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #110 // Magical arrows and bolts deal bonus damage equal to their enchantment level: v2.61
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #120 // Restore innate disease immunity to Paladins: v2.61
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #125 // Rangers' Animal Empathy improves with experience: v2.61
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #130 // Additional racial traits for Dwarves: v2.61
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #140 // Additional racial traits for Gnomes: v2.61
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #200 // Allow Breach to take down Stoneskin effects applied by items: v2.61
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #201 // Instant casting for warrior innates: v2.61
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #202 // Consistently spell-like Bhaalpowers: v2.61
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #203 // Make druidic shapeshifting uninterruptable: v2.61
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #204 // Prevent Mislead clones from singing Bard songs: v2.61
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #210 // Restore the Dispel Magic vulnerability to Nishruu and Hakeashars: v2.61
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #301 // Change the appearance of Valygar's armor: v2.61
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #302 // Change the appearance of the Robe of Vecna: v2.61
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #303 // Give Shambling Mounds their proper soundset: v2.61
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #310 // Distinctive creature coloring: v2.61
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #600 // Expanded temple services: v2.61
~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #2 // Kalah and What He Was Promised: v18
~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #12 // Item Restorations: v18
~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #15 // NPC Portrait Restorations: v18
~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #17 // Corrected Character Names and Biographies: v18
~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #19 // Restored Bhaalspawn Powers, by David Gaider: v18
~SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #21 // Throne of Bhaal Minor Restorations: v18
~SETUP-TSUJATHA.TP2~ #0 #0 // Tsujatha v9 (BG2:SoA NPC) created by Sillara of the Tamari
~YOSHIMO/YOSHIMO.TP2~ #0 #0 // Yoshimo Friendship Mod for BGII: SoA: 1
~TOTDG/SETUP-TOTDG.TP2~ #0 #0 // Colours of Infinity: Tales of the Deep Gardens
~TOTDG/SETUP-TOTDG.TP2~ #0 #1 // NPC Reactions (Aerie, Viconia, Jaheira, Anomen, Haer'Dalis, Keldorn)

#16 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 24 August 2009 - 12:01 PM

Thx, I will take a look on that.


Well... I am stupid. When I was fixing scripts I copied one script too much so the 2 mages appeared instead of 1. I would also like to apologize for making so many versions in so little time... That probably made a problem or two... and Liam will kill me because of uploading the new readme...
... so the version 2.2 is available in downloads.

Edited by Lava Del'Vortel, 24 August 2009 - 12:25 PM.

#17 Cal Jones

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Posted 28 August 2009 - 09:08 PM

Well it's nice to see a modder who fixes things quickly. :)

I've found a very small issue with the helm available from the DG merchant. It says usable by mage, thief, bard. I guess that's "not usable" because I thought I'd give it to my mage, and he can't wear it (and nor can Yoshimo).

#18 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 28 August 2009 - 10:05 PM

Ok, thx! Tomorrow there will probably be a new version. I will fix that.
German players, prepare for a german translation ;)

#19 Shaitan

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Posted 29 August 2009 - 01:37 AM


I've send a mail to your gmail containing my debug file. During installation it rolled back...


#20 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 29 August 2009 - 06:32 AM

It would be great if you could paste here (as a codebox) you weidu.log. It is a file in your main BG2 directory.
I think I will need a help of Miloch and Yovaneth because I used their method to get rid of "you should start a new game" thing. I will solve that thing as soon as possible!