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Anyone want to turn those items into a mod?

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#1 Kuugen

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Posted 17 August 2009 - 04:42 PM

I created a few items, including descriptions, and stuff, but I actually lack the skills and somehow interest to pack these into a mod. They will not function without ItemUpgrades and a full instalation of the tactics mod ( both mods from weimar ) and some items will not function without the level 50 addition. also ToB is requiered because I basically extended the existing IU mod to contain those items as well.
I know I cannot release a extended IU mod ( at least not without permission from weimar ) and I don't want anyway.
There are 15 new misc items ( material to upgrade, those are spread out to several of the hardest enemies in the game ) and 12 new items ( a whole set ) of cheesy, err, cheese, err, "strong" items. not GENOCIDE LOL strong, but stronger than most regular items. ( not as strong as 10% insta kill ravager, but some people might call them unbalanced and ridiculous )
also, those items are NOT made for a new character. you cannot ( with cheating or at the end of a BWS you can i guess ) reach these stats without cheating. Whoever takes this is free to take the stat requierements out or change them, but I kept them this way because I use the same character over and over for my runthroughs.

What I want is, will someone take those items, pack them into a mod ( i think one might need to add detection if IU is installed but god knows how that goes ) and for all i care can take full credit for everything. Each item ( 27 in total ) has a description, and although there are no unique or new bam's, i think the chosen bam's fit the items. ( whoever takes this up is free to change the bams ) there are no new eff's, bcs's or creatures. it's a simple gold-and-item-eating mod. ( especially gold. now you know where-to with all the mountains of gold you get in a BWS )

if someone marks interest I will .rar the necessary files and hand them over.

here are the item descriptions anyway, including what you need to actually have cromwell forge them. this is straight out of the setup.tra to save copy/paste terror. Taking a good look at the stat and level requierements, without cheating or replaying with the same character, those items are mostly unuseable. I just listed them here because there are people who like this stuff. ( i love the Halberd in combination with the boots. building yourself an army of pit fiends. when your PfE goes out, you're toast. )

Here a list of the items you need to actually forge those monster items. ( most are attainable in a BWS but not in a unmodded game. then, the shield and the sword are even in a modded game unobtainable without taking items in a next playthrough. yes, thats intended. )

2x Gram the Sword of Grief +5 - sw2h18
2x Soul Reaver +4 - sw2h08
2x Vorpal Sword +3 - sw2h15
2x Carsomyr +4 - sw2h10
2x spectral brand +5 -sw1h69
2x foebane +5 -sw1h63
2x Angurvadal +5 -sw1h61
2x the equalizer - sw1h54
1x Ravager +5 - halb11
1x Halberd of the wave - halb09
1x Ixi Nail +5 - sper12
2x Gesen Bow - bow19
2x armor of faith - chan18
2x Crimson chain - chan11
1x white dragon scale - chan20
1x shadow dragon scale - leat19
1x blue dragon plate - plat20
1x fire dragon plate - plat18
3x robe of evil archmagi - clck17
3x robe of neutral archmagi - clck16
3x robe of good archmagi - clck15
2x dragon scale shield - shld21
1x shield of harmony - shld25
1x shield of the lost - shld26
1x wong fei Ioun stone - helm34
1x pale green ioun stone - helm20
1x Circlet of Netheril - helm28
2x gauntlet of ogre power - brac06
3x gauntlet of dexterity - brac07
2x gauntlet of Power attacks - brac10
2x gauntlet of Parrying - brac09
1x gauntlet of extraordinary spec - brac21
2x bracers of archery - brac04
2x Bracers of Binding - brac11
2x gauntlet of fumbling - brac08
3x Ring of Regeneration - ring31
2x Ring of Gaxx - ring39
4x ring of wizardry - ring08
4x ring of acuity - ring40
2 xring of imp. invis - ring42
4x ring of free action - ring09
1x Amulet of Power - amul21
2x Boots of LS - boot10
2x cloak of mirroring - clck26
100x scroll of protection from evil - scrl3h
30x protection from magic scroll - SCRL07
100x scroll of pfnw - SCRL6T
10x scroll of freedom - scrl9Z
50x scroll of true seeing - scrl7m
6x scroll of gate - scrl9n
10x scroll of wish - SCRLB4
25x scroll of time stop - SCRL9R
25x scroll of imprisonment - SCRL9S
20x scroll of improved haste - SCRL7Q
40x scroll of improved invis - SCRL1Y
10x scroll of remove curse - SCRL5G
40x diamond - misc42
50x Potion of Regeneration - potn42
7x Illithium - misc5k
1x blood of a silver dragon - misc8h
1x elder brain blood - miscbv
1x Kuo-Toan's blood - misca7
2x starfall ore - compon08
2x skull of the lich - compon06
2x heart of the dammed - compon15

and here who drops the core materials

Kangaxx - Helm x hldemi
Firkraag - Ring x firkra02
Thax'illia - Boots x shadra01
Ira'ki - Shield x ritdrag ( part of tactics mod, the ritual)
Abazigal - Belt x dragblue
Sedain - Cloak x sendai
Yaga Shura - Bracer x yaga01
Adalon - Amulet x udsilver
Demogorgon - Robe #1 / Robe #2 x shugod02 (because there are bugs with demogorgon dropping anything, i gave the items the npc that dies when you kill demogorgon. works just as good )
Saladrex - Sword #1 x gorsal
Aesgareth - Sword #2 x gorcamb
Balthazar - Sword #3 x balth
Black Dragon ( suldanesselar ) - halberd x dragblac
Aran Linvail - Bow x aran02 ( this is the aran that you kill when you work for bodhi )

@199 = ~Useless Amulet~
@200 = ~This amulet bears in it's very core shards of the Soul of Marasfithal, second daughter of the banished Goddess Karnitia. Being the most powerful wizard of all time, her arcane knowledge finally extended beyond the grasp of even the immortals, reaching the heighs that were previously exclusive for the Gods. On her every whim she could unleash a inferno of spells, almost instanteously. The amulet has long lost it's powers though. Maybe some mastersmith might be able to restore it to it's former glory?~

@201 = ~Useless Girdle~
@202 = ~This girdle was forged out of the heart of Tyreithar by Vysfilia herself. The still hot flame of life was so strong that the girdle had to be made out of exceptional strong material, so that only Vysfilia herself was strong enough to wear it. The girdle has lost the will and very life flame of Tyreithar, the Warlord of the seven sisters, and doesn't provide godlike regeneration abilities anymore. Maybe some mastersmith might be able to restore it to it's former glory?~

@203 = ~Useless Boots~
@204 = ~These are the boots that were first in possesion of Hyreisa, and later Tyreithar. Formerly called the "Cias Jir" the "Tracks of Death", they have long lost all power. Extreme measure would have to be taken to repair these boots, but the reward would be immense.~

@205 = ~Useless Bow~
@206 = ~This bow is the legacy of Hyreisa, the Sadistic Hunter, and most likely the most powerful bow ever to be created. Over the course of millenia of rotting away, even the last spark of magic has been lost. To repair this bow, it would have to be remade, entirely.~

@207 = ~Useless Cloak~
@208 = ~Rifar Elamnos, the Wings of the Bloody Star. This cloak was once at the peak of mobility magic but is now just mere trash. The potential still remains, but who would be able to collect all the materials necessary to repair this cloak?~

@209 = ~Useless Gloves~
@210 = ~These Gloves were worn over centuries by Tyreithar, the third daughter of the banished Goddess Karnitia. They were made out of the one of the ten-thousand fangs of the God Devouring beast Anglaurfang. But that was millenia ago, and the gods back then had taken every inch of power from this dreadful piece of magic. If someone were to attempt to re-enchant these gloves, he would have to put a insane amount of effort in it.~

@211 = ~Scroll of Er'lir Maerm Nis~
@212 = ~This scroll was banished many times from the realms, whenever someone of remotely good allignment found it. How it gets back on the prime is still a mystery. This scroll describes the dreadful and terrifying process to create the Halberd Er'lir Maerm Nis, the legacy of a long forgotten beast.~

@213 = ~Useless Circlet~
@214 = ~This Circlet was once a powerful magic artefact, and you can still sense a extremely powerful and calm soul in this. Whatever forced the artefact to lose it's power, you feel it would take enormous powers and effort to break the seal on it.~

@215 = ~Useless Ring~
@216 = ~This ring looks like every other ring, one of the cheap sort of kind. It is entirely silver, a dirty silver, with a single black star on it. However, you can remember a old legend about the rings of a lost god of dark stars. Could this be it?~

@217 = ~Scroll of Malarm Rez~
@218 = ~This Scroll describes the near impossible procedure to create the Shield Malarm Rez, without question the most potent shield in all realms. But just looking at the materials, you know that nobody would be able to complete this mighty piece of equipment in a single life-time.~

@219 = ~Scroll of Anglaurfang(Hilt)~
@220 = ~This scroll describes the process to create the Hilt of Anglaurfang, the God slaying sword.~

@221 = ~Scroll of Anglaurfang(Blade)~
@222 = ~This scroll describes the process to create the Blade of Anglaurfang, the God slaying sword.~

@223 = ~Scroll of Anglaurfang(Magic)~
@224 = ~This scroll describes the process to create the magic enchantments of Anglaurfang, the God slaying sword.~

@225 = ~Soul of the Time Goddess~
@226 = ~This is a piece of the crystalized soul of the time Goddess Karnitia. How such a thing can exist on the prime is beyond you, but you can feel the immense evil and power coming from it.~

@227 = ~Otherworlds Grace~
@228 = ~This small orb seems to be not from this plane or even this realm.~

@229 = ~Karnitia's Amulet "Virlarfita"~
@230 = ~This amulet bears in it's very core shards of the Soul of Marasfithal, second daughter of the banished Goddess Karnitia. Being the most powerful wizard of all time, her arcane knowledge finally extended beyond the grasp of even the immortals, reaching the heighs that were previously exclusive for the Gods. On her every whim she could unleash a inferno of spells, almost instanteously. This amulett gives the one wearing it similiar abilities. No time for rest between casting spells is needed. The wearer is under a permanent improved Alacrity.

The old amulett powerless, it was enriched by pure Illithium and the Amulet of Power and was finally restored by <CHARNAME> to it's former glory.


Equipped Abilities:
Permanent Improved Alacrity

Minimum Level of 38
Minimum Strenght of 15
Minimum Intelligence of 25
Minimum Dexterity of 18
Minimum Wisdom of 25
Minimum Constitution of 25
Minimum Charisma of 23

Usable By:

@231 = ~Karnitia's Girdle "Berfes Krem"~
@232 = ~Karnitia's Girdle "Berfes Krem"

This girdle was forged out of the heart of Tyreithar by Vysfilia herself. The still hot flame of life was so strong that the girdle had to be made out of exceptional strong material, so that only Vysfilia herself was strong enough to wear it. The girdle, even today, carries the will and very life flame of Tyreithar, the Warlord of the seven sisters, and provides are godlike regeneration ability. Wounds inflichted upon the wearer heal almost instantly and even if only half of the bodies remains, it will regenerate. However, Tyreithar's lifeflame was so strong that it consumed all other effects over the course of the millenia of years since Elunium was destroyed. At first, the girdle also made nearly immune to almost every weapon that ever graced the realms and provided a insane urge to slay everything on sight, making the wearer are unstoppable monster that would continue to destroy everything in it's path.

Some of the girdle's power was restored when <CHARNAME> had the artefact enriched by the magic power of rings of regeneration and potions of regeneration.


Equipped Abilities:
Regeneration: 1 Hit Point / second

Minimum Level of 30
Minimum Strenght of 25
Minimum Intelligence of 16
Minimum Dexterity of 16
Minimum Wisdom of 16
Minimum Constitution of 25
Minimum Charisma of 16

Weight: 1

Usable By:

@233 = ~Karnitia's Boots "Lavoris Mentis"~
@234 = ~These are the boots that were first in possesion of Hyreisa, and later Tyreithar. Formerly called the "Cias Jir" the "Tracks of Death", Tyreithar wore and stained them in the battle of Lir'as Nir'kr with the blood of over ten-thousand Arkargo, the warriors of the fire lands. The boots initially only provided godlike speed, but after they absorbed the hate, the urge for vegenance and the rage of the people of the fire lands, it now provides inhuman fighting speed as well. Anyone that wears these boots will become a lightning that strikes through their enemies faster than any magic could.

Reinforced by Boots of Lightning Speed, Rings of Improved Invisibility, scrolls of improved Haste and scrolls if improved invisibility, these boots are dangerously close to their original power. <CHARNAME> created a very dangerous object in repairing these boots.

Equipped Bonus:
Sets walking speed to 30
Doubles attacks per round
Permanent Improved Invisiblity

Minimum Level of 33
Minimum Strenght of 20
Minimum Intelligence of 20
Minimum Dexterity of 25
Minimum Wisdom of 20
Minimum Constitution of 25
Minimum Charisma of 20

Weight: 1
Usable By:

@235 = ~Karnitia's Bow "Airis Lirn"~
@236 = ~This bow is the legacy of Hyreisa, the Sadistic Hunter, and most likely the most powerful bow ever to be created. It draws from the very soul of the user and fires amplified arrows made of hate, that pierce through armor, flesh and even magic. Nothing can run away from the owner of this bow. His eye sees all and his aim is unfailable. Not only is almost every hit by this bow a fatal wound but the arrows of hate inflict major damage to the victim. Where Hyreisa got the bow and what of he is made is pure speculation. Most say, it's the solid form of her hate against every living being, others say, it's just her masterwork. Whatever it is, not only is it indestructible but also a extremely powerful artefact. While this bow may seem weak of magical enchantments at first glance, it will soon prove it's tremendous power in a battle, when the enemies of the owner of this bow start falling like flies.

After being remodeled by <CHARNAME>, this bow has regained some of it's power, now being a devastating weapon of destruction.


Equipped Abilities:
Eye of the Hunt: +50% Chance to strike a critical Hit

THAC0: +14 bonus
Damage: 1D20 + 7

Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Long Bow
Type: 2-handed

Minimum Strenght of 25
Minimum Intelligence of 23
Minimum Dexterity of 25
Minimum Wisdom of 23
Minimum Constitution of 25
Minimum Charisma of 25

Usable By:

@237 = ~Karnitia's Gloves "Baliz Murl"~
@238 = ~These Gloves were worn over centuries by Tyreithar, the third daughter of the banished Goddess Karnitia. They were made out of the one of the ten-thousand fangs of the God Devouring beast Anglaurfang. Much bloodshed was done with them, and whoever uses them soon doesn't want to let others as much as look at them. They lead their owner to victory, but in more than one case, this victory comes at the cost of too much blood.

Recently found and repaired by <CHARNAME>, these gloves are very dangerous in combination with any weapon and just devastating in combination with Karnitia's Bow.

+50% chance to strike a critical hit

Weight: 1

Minimum Level of 36
Minimum Strenght of 23
Minimum Intelligence of 18
Minimum Dexterity of 22
Minimum Wisdom of 18
Minimum Constitution of 21
Minimum Charisma of 18

Usable By:

@239 = ~Karnitia's Cloak "Rifar Elamnos"~
@240 = ~Rifar Elamnos, the Wings of the Bloody Star. This clock has been made out of the wings of Tyreithar, after she fell against the Six Legends. Tyreithar was the sister of time governing Masacre, Bloodshed and Insanity, but also Freedom and Vitality, as she was the physically strongest of the seven and also the only one not bound by her bound to a destiny. Vysfilia drove away the Six Legends and took back her sisters corpse, hacking her wings off, and giving them to Zirfera, the sister that governed the past. Zirfera made a extremely powerful cloak out of the wings of her dead sister, which carries much of the power the Blood Seeking Demon, as Tyreithar was called, within it.

After being coated with the essence of cloaks of mirroring, rings of free action, Ioun stones and diamond dust and being infused with the magic of scrolls of freedom, the cloak now provides the protection it did back then, when it was created.


Special Abilities:
Makes immune to nearly everything that would restrict the users movement.
Rises the Maximum Hit Points by 25%

Minimum Level of 42
Minimum Strenght of 22
Minimum Intelligence of 20
Minimum Dexterity of 25
Minimum Wisdom of 20
Minimum Constitution of 25
Minimum Charisma of 20

Usable By:

@241 = ~Karnitia's Halberd "Er'lir Maerm Nis"~
@242 = ~This more than evil Halberd was once the most favored weapon of Tyreithar, the Lady of Masacre and Empress of Bloodshed, the third sister of seven of the seven sisters of time. This Halberd was crafted from her very desires. While it is usual for Halberds to pierce their enemies, for Tyreithar it was more like a glaive, a slashing weapon, cutting off limbs and heads or even whole bodies apart. Over the millenia many evil and grotesque people wielded this Halberd, and it has become stronger than ever. Even though one needs exceptional strenght and mental power to withstand the perverse urge to kill everyone, including their own party, this weapon is well worth it. It's blade cuts through anything and if it connects to a body, he may very well be already dead. It has another, very interesting, abilitiy and that is that with each hit, each time it draws blood, there is a high chance that a pit fiend will be lured into the planes by the stench of this weapon. If the wielder of this weapon is too greedy or gives in to the urge to masacre, you may very well look very fast at a legion of pit fiends, a demonic legion, out to destroy the very realms.

After the plans of the weapon were found, <CHARNAME> had the weapon built, but it consumed three powerful weapons, Illithium and scrolls of gate to do so. However, may the gods have mercy upon anyone that will stand against <CHARNAME> now.


Combat Abilities:
Gate to Evil: 50% Chance to summon a Pit Fiend with each Hit

THAC0: +7 bonus
Damage: 4D10 + 7
Damage type: Piercing / Slashing
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Halberd
Type: 2-handed

Minimum Strenght of 25
Minimum Intelligence of 25
Minimum Dexterity of 25
Minimum Wisdom of 25
Minimum Constitution of 25
Minimum Charisma of 25

Usable By:

@243 = ~Karnitia's Circlet "Er'ir Mar"~
@244 = ~This Circlet was once sewn together with the Soul of Marasfithal, the second daughter of the banished Goddess Karnitia. Truly the wizard of the wizards, standing at the pinacle of magic, not spell was complete power over her. Given her nature, she wasn't much of a fighter but a observer. This circlet protects against even the most powerful non-magical weapons as well as against Time Stop and Imprisonment, two of the truly more horrible spells to encounter.

After <CHARNAME> found out about the powerful Circlet that is Er'ir Mar, it was clear what the next step would be. After looking everywhere for the necessary materials, the circlet was finally made.


Equipped Abilities:
Immunity to Time Stop and Imprisonment
Immunity to All Non-Magical Weapons

Armor Class Bonus: None
Protects Against Critical Hits

Minimum Level of 39
Minimum Strenght of 16
Minimum Intelligence of 24
Minimum Dexterity of 17
Minimum Wisdom of 24
Minimum Constitution of 16
Minimum Charisma of 22

Usable By:

@245 = ~Karnitia's Ring "Drias Ira'tyr"~
@246 = ~One of the two Rings of Karnitia. One is a exact duplicate of the other so telling them apart is completely impossible. Even their magical enchantment is absolutely identical. Both are made from the fury ignited soul of Hyreisa, the fourth daughter of Karnitia, the banished. Being the epitome of greed and jealousy, she assasinated Marasfithal in the second war of Elunium "Mar'es Lif" and was later beheaded by Tyreitha, who was angry at the betrayal among the seven sisters. Tyreitha took Hyreisa's soul and forged magic enhancing rings out of it, two of them, to spot Hyreisa and as legacy to the strongest spellcaster there ever was. The Rings were later given by Tyreithar to Vysfilia, who used them in combination with the Robe "Asyr'limar" and the Circlet "Er'ir Mar" to annihilate the fire lands Arakorgars.

<CHARNAME> managed to repair the powerful ring Drias Ira'tyr after a long journey of collecting the materials.


Equipped Abilities:
Seven additional spell slots for all Arcane Spell Grades
Seven additional spell slots for all Divine Spell Grades

Minimum Level of 44
Minimum Strenght of 20
Minimum Intelligence of 25
Minimum Dexterity of 25
Minimum Wisdom of 25
Minimum Constitution of 20
Minimum Charisma of 25

Usable By:

@247 = ~Karnitia's Robe "Asyr'limar"~
@248 = ~Karnitia was, before she was banished from the realms, known as the Goddess of Time, Evil and Magic, one of the all-powerful seven Gods that existed long before the realms existed.
This extremely powerful piece of clothing is said to be sewn by her personally for her first daughter, Vysfilia - Crownprincess of Time, who was permanently imprisoned by the Six Legends.
It provides supreme protection and spells can be cast on every whim. If combined with the Amulet of Marasfithas and the Rings of Lisdir, this Robe is one, if not the deadliest piece of equipment there is in the hand of a skilled mage. However, it requieres extreme experience and physical as much as mental strenght. It is more than just suicide, one might call it foolishness, to attack a mage wearing this robe.

The Robe was recreated by <CHARNAME>, by mixing some of the most powerful components in the realms together with robes of the archmagi.


Equipped Abilities:
Protection from Good
Casting speed: +14 bonus
Magic Resistance: +70% bonus

Armor Class: -3
Weight: 1

Minimum Level of 46
Minimum Strenght of 15
Minimum Intelligence of 20
Minimum Dexterity of 20
Minimum Wisdom of 20
Minimum Constitution of 18
Minimum Charisma of 20

Usable By:

@249 = ~Karnitia's Shield "Malarm Rez"~
@250 = ~This Shield is made out of the remains of Anglaurfang, the god devouring beast. It is the only piece of armor that is able to defend against the Anglaurfang Sword that Vysfilia yields. Constructed out of the inpenetrable Hide of the beast, providing protection against even the fiercest attacks, a shield no weapon, godly or not, can break. Ornamented with it's blood and fangs, the shield also makes the one wearing it absolutely immune to any magic or element. However, this power comes at a high price. No being in the realms is able to do anything but just wield the shield and stand like a invincible monument. No man can lift a sword while wielding this shield, no wizard can cast a spell, for all magic is absorbed into the blood of the beast, no priest can draw upon the power of his god for this shield belongs to Karnitia, a goddess without priests. No thief can use their abilities, simply because of the size and weight of the shield, and no being has the will to overcome the wrath of the god beast Anglaurfang to break this curse. Standing invincible might be a nice thing, but at the same time, the one wielding this shield will also be pretty helpless. However, it is the only chance to survive an encounter with someone that wields the sword of Anglaurfang.

The shield was rebuild by <CHARNAME> and it still provides absolute immunity to everything on the prime plane.


Equipped Abilities:
Wall of Time: Immunity to all weapons, all magic and all elements, Timestop, Level drain and Imprisonment.
Unliving Curse: Unable to attack, use spells, items, turn undead, use stealth or thieving abilities or innate abilities.

Weight: 2500

Minimum Strenght of 25
Minimum Intelligence of 25
Minimum Dexterity of 25
Minimum Wisdom of 25
Minimum Constitution of 25
Minimum Charisma of 25

Usable By:

@251 = ~Karnitia's Sword "Anglaurfang"~
@252 = ~This sword may very well be the most powerful weapon in the realms. It's history is very long and it has played many major roles in wars in combination with the other artefacts of Karnitia. It was created out of Anglaurfangs soul. Anglaurfang was the beast Karnitia created from a shard of her own soul, to devour the gods of Elunium. The beast was too powerful for her to dominate and control and it went on a rampage in the world of the Immortals. The six lands and Gods stood together to destroy the evil beast. It fangs turned into mountains, it's body into a continent, it's stinking breath into the deadly mist of Krif, and finally, it's soul was taken by Vysfilia and forged into a Blade. This blade. Not only was only Vysfilia herself able to wield this powerful weapon, it also proved to be too dangerous for her to use it. It has lost much of it's power over the time since it was forged, but some of the most fearsome effects still remain. The sword is still able to kill any good creature upon touch and is the nightmare of every wizard in the realms. Not even gods are freed against this blade, for it is the only weapon with a enchantment that is clearly not of this world. Not even the Unholy Avenger, forged from the perverted essence of Carsomyr, can stand equal to this evil blade. May the gods themselves have mercy for the poor souls that stand against the godlike wielder of this Sword. If someone were to aquire all of Karnitia's artefacts, he would be truly invincible, well capable of killing a god in it's own realm.

It is believed that <CHARNAME> had the blade build to kill all opposing bhaalspawns and gods.


Combat Abilities:
Anti-Magic: Each hit gives a mali of 2 to the casting speed of the target for 5 rounds ( Save vs. Spells -7 to negate )
Anti-Magic: Each Hit has a 70% chance to drain one spell from any wizard. ( Save vs Spells -7 to negate )
Indestructable Blade: Each hit has a 20% chance to reduce the targets AC by 2 for 1 turn
Hate for the Gods: Each hit has a 5% chance to slay all good alligned creatures.

THAC0: +7 bonus
Damage: 4D10 + 7
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Two-Handed Sword
Type: Two-Handed

Minimum Strenght of 25
Minimum Intelligence of 25
Minimum Dexterity of 25
Minimum Wisdom of 25
Minimum Constitution of 25
Minimum Charisma of 25

Usable by: