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TotDG: Opinions

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#21 Daulmakan


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Posted 27 September 2009 - 11:09 AM

I just finished the quest.

I liked it very much. I love the new IWD areas and what you did with them. The story is nice and the dialogues are well executed. The new bams are cool, and the voices are adequate. I didn't really notice the music, but that's me. Kudos, TotDG is now part of my regular install. :)

Some other comments:

* The Blue & Gray colour essences BAMs could use a bit centering.


Possible typos:


@21 = ~...For now, for tommorow, forever...~



@0 = ~"Your wrath is...



@5 = ~[...] Yes, I do know of the races from your world, and I also know everything about the World of Colours. I am one exists in both realms.~

Doesn't sound right. There should be a 'that' before 'exists'.

@11 = ~Yes, you were. It is obvious. Whether it was a Dream or not, you existed - but still this is not the answer. You were attacked by a wizard in your world. Then you have fainted and then woke up in the Main Cave...

It's in the wrong tense given how the sentence starts and ends. Should be just 'fainted'.

@12 = ~You wanted to find a place like this. A plece where you can hide from Irenicus,



@4 = ~"Thine embrance willst cowl me..."~



@88 = ~[...]STATISTICS:
10% resistance from slashing, piercing, crushing and missle damages.~


Thanks again for the mod. :cheers:

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#22 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 27 September 2009 - 11:18 AM

Thx for the opinion and pointing typos/blue link thing. I will take a look on thos as soon as possible :) I am glad that you like the mod. Yay! Another good opinion ^^
You have to understand typos since this is not my mother tongue and it may be hard for proofreaders to point every typo :)

#23 Shaitan

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Posted 27 September 2009 - 11:54 AM

We fully understand :)

#24 Daulmakan


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Posted 27 September 2009 - 11:56 AM

You have to understand typos since this is not my mother tongue and it may be hard for proofreaders to point every typo :)

I do. No worries, I just post them if I find any for any of the mods I play. :)

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#25 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 27 September 2009 - 12:17 PM

And I did say thank you for that ^^ I will include those things in upcoming version :)

#26 Shaitan

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Posted 28 September 2009 - 02:05 AM

Yay! TotDG is a must so any update will be great :)

#27 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 28 September 2009 - 01:24 PM

I am glad that you await the new version, but... my PC broke down few hours ago... I am on my laptop, but most files are on PC hard drive... I will try to make my PC work as soon as possible. For now I can do only a little with modding. Even my Polish projects are on PC.... F**k!

#28 Daulmakan


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Posted 28 September 2009 - 01:53 PM

No rush from my part, this mod's brand new after all.

I'll be looking forward to the next installment of the series. ^_^

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#29 Kulyok

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Posted 02 October 2009 - 10:35 PM

Just letting you know that we released a new version of Xan which features crossmod with Tales of the Deep Gardens(which certainly means my opinion of this mod is high indeed :) ). Lava himself gracefully helped me with Polish translation. I hope there will be more crossmod with Tales in the future - I'd play it!

#30 Cal Jones

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Posted 02 October 2009 - 11:38 PM

Good to know - I use Xan quite a lot. I'd also say TotDG is one of my "must" installs thanks to the cool spells and other stuff. It's a nice mod.

Hope you get your PC fixed soon!

#31 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 03 October 2009 - 01:25 AM

Thx! I am glad you let me know! :) I hope there will by any announcement about the new version of Xan! Many people love Xan and if you didn't write here about the new version, noone would probably know. :)
My computer is fixed, but I lost everything... Motherboard brakedown + Vista... eh... There was a format of my hard drive, what means I lost most projects... What is most horrible I probably lost all my maps for Innershade (Other mod from Colours of Infinity series)... If I shown someone the images of the map, send me the link to the image via PM.

#32 Kulyok

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Posted 03 October 2009 - 06:32 AM

There'll be an announcement on G3 feed soon, yes. I'm leaving - I've a vacation coming, but jcompton will fix it when he's got time:)

And best of luck with yout computer! I hope some things can be restored.

#33 Toxeus

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Posted 17 October 2009 - 03:22 AM

Compared to other mages (with SCS2 scripts) Lord of Black Dream acted quite lame :) I expected more difficult fight with mage who can cast gate.


Overall i really like this mod and will definitly play it again. Nice and not overpowered items, interesting spells, beatiful new locations - well done!

#34 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 17 October 2009 - 04:48 AM

Yeah, but I always didn't like the mods for hardcore players with almost unable to kill oponents. I preffer something more... normal :P However thanks :)
The Golden Link also doesn't work correctly - I have just realized that. I will try to prepare a fixed version this weekend. Thx again.

#35 drawnacrol

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Posted 18 November 2009 - 01:50 PM

Hey man, just tried out this mod today and taught it was brilliant, I've always found the real fantasy/magical side of baldurs
gate my main interest in the games like durlag's tower and the Underdark, took me about 2 hours to complete, great dialogue
and a very very weird concept, loved the Icewind Dale scenery and the new spells are really cool, just one question though:

When the women is able to paint you a colour does this have any effect???

Thanks again dude and hope you make another quest mod like this,10/10

#36 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 18 November 2009 - 02:18 PM

Thx! I am glad that this mod was given so great opinions!

Yes, but I would like to keep the secret what the colour link does (and it's something more than just hair colour change :P It's only a symbol the player is connected to a colour ^^)
You may check the resistances, thac0, number of attacks, experience... every colour gives a different bonus ;) The duration of the effect is for the whole game :)

#37 Urborg Vengrath

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Posted 22 December 2009 - 05:57 PM


When I first entered the "contest" and read the riddle I figured this was another person trying to exploit a Bhaalspawn. An obvious trap. So, I had a new enemy. Best to walk into the trap knowing it is a trap rather than tip them off and let the person come up with another plan. So, gathering the goodies I prepared to sick Kendrik (my go-to-guy for gutting spellcasters) on the Mystery Guy.

Nice surprise. Nice twist. Got you expecting one thing, then threw a curve ball. After returning from the Deep Garden I hoped to find the Mystery Guy and let Kendrik have his fun. But oh well. It was the journey and new experience that mattered. It felt like one of those Bhaalspawn inner struggles that we see in the Pocket Plane during ToB, where the PC delves into his psyche, uncovers his true nature, and taps into it. I kept getting that sort of vibe from the Gardens.

The setting itself felt very awkward. Like the PC didn't belong there. The concepts were easy to grasp, the people and their extremes felt very alien. Adding Touch to that, someone you could connect to, helped. But I was never certain that Touch wasn't just one more alien personality. I defiantly could see this place growing and more personalities being added to the environment.

The tactical encounters were fun. I like that each one was very different. The Silver encounter, I figured out the nature of immediately. But I kept killing myself in the process. So I felt that there might be another approach. Some tool that I needed to use but hadn't exploited in the process. This lead to my purchasing the Silver healing spell and casting it on the Monument. That one encounter took me more time than the rest of the quest because I kept going in circles trying to figure out what I did wrong. Which was dish out too much damage to the PC. The idea itself, I enjoyed though.

Leaving the Deep Gardens I was both happy to get away from it and reluctant. Being a cold hearted bastard my character had exploited the place as best he could. Unfortunately, he didn't have the coin to aquire a stock of cool new Colour inspired items. I really wanted to see what that sign painting thing, where you get connected to a colour, was all about. At the same time, the place gave off such an unnerving vibe I was glad to be returning to a world of manipulative vampires, power hungry liches, and man eating trolls. Something I was familiar with and knew how to deal with.

There was, however, some text that stated the Deep Garden had been added to my world map (yes, I installed that component). However, when I looked, nothing had changed on the map. A bug? I do not know. On one hand, if feels fitting that you shouldn't be able to return to this otherworldly realm. On the other, it might be nice to visit again. See if the Bhaalspawn's pressance had any lasting effect. Colour's Dream seemed to allude to this ...

Edited by Urborg Vengrath, 22 December 2009 - 06:10 PM.

I shall consume the living and the dead.

#38 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 23 December 2009 - 01:04 AM

Wow, that opinion was written in quite a... strange style! A bit like a journal!

Thank you for telling me what was your feelings when getting through the mod, not only an opinion that formed after reacheng the end. I agree - all villagers of the Gardens are alien, different than those we met in Faerun. The first question appears here - if they have never seen surface, if they do not understand Faerun, if they are "fruits" of the Colours - are they really human? I don't know either.
The mod should add this oriental and different athmosphere to the mod - something like fairy tale combined with art. Did I succeed? Again - I do not know. It is not me who should give that kind of answer. Most opinions were positive, so maybe I did somehow. Harder task appears when writing other Colours of Infinity mods - there should be links between the mods, the idea slightly different from other CoI mods but still will simillar atmosphere and this drop of fairy tale. Will I manage to do that? We will see!
Escaping the Gardens may be seen as both escape from a prison and leaving the dreamlike land because we do not belong with that place ( even if we like it very much ). This deppend on "shade" of character we play.

There was, however, some text that stated the Deep Garden had been added to my world map (yes, I installed that component). However, when I looked, nothing had changed on the map. A bug? I do not know. On one hand, if feels fitting that you shouldn't be able to return to this otherworldly realm. On the other, it might be nice to visit again.

Unfortunatly, there is no way back to the Gardens... I was thinking about Colours of Infinity: Return to the Deep Gardens, but then a question appeared - isn't leaving Gardens as a memory, leaving player wish a wish to see it again a better idea? A favorite drink drunk to many times becomes something more ordinary, isn't it like that?
About the map update - when you install this component when you appear in Deep Gardens it is marked on map thet you are there, not in the Goverment D. However, when you leave the Gardens, the icon disappears from the Worldmap.

Thank you again for your post.

Edited by Lava Del'Vortel, 23 December 2009 - 01:07 AM.

#39 Ipsissimus


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Posted 12 March 2010 - 09:21 PM

Finally posting my long-overdue praise of this mod...

Bizarre and beautiful in equal measure. The music fit perfectly, for a start. The items were unusual and interesting, but not overpowered, and the overall air of mystery added to this mod's appeal. The scenery and the characters actually seemed alien. Unlike some mods that require you to hunt down every item/NPC, I enjoyed wandering around the Gardens. This is a truly unique quest mod, and I mean this in a purely positive sense. Is there any chance of seeing Gentle/Temper Touch or Colour's Dream expanded at some later point?

And this might be kind of weird, but...the current quiz at the Attic sort of inspired me to start writing something about this mod; would you mind if I posted it there?

Also, I went through most of the dialogue files, and I'm pretty sure I got all the typos (in Spoiler block).


Return to the Deep Gardens could be interesting. What if it the Gardens had undergone some major change? Maybe the birth of new Colours, return of the Lord of the Black Dream, a dream of some sort...just an idea. In any case, great work. Posted ImagePosted Image
And the mirror, it reflects a tiny dancing skeleton, surrounded by a fleshy overcoat and swaddled in
A furry hat, elastic mask, a pair of shiny marble dice, some people call them snake-eyes, but to me they look like mice
-- "Nothing's gonna change my clothes", They Might Be Giants

#40 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 13 March 2010 - 12:54 AM

Thank you for the such a nice feedback :) I remember about your fixes, but I just wait for one person to send me something first. I will include your fixes, but not immediatly. I will do that as soon as I get something from other user ;) Then I will add some more technic fixes too :)

Unfortunatly, since the project is finished for so long, there are written crossmods, one translation is done and some other are in progress I won't add more content, sorry, but hey - Gardens are the first CoI mod. You should expect more. TotDG can't be a new center of Baldur's Gate 2. It's just another adventure. If everything goes fine, soon maybe you will see something new... but please, be patient :)

:cheers:, friend!


Forgot to answer to your question :P Of course I don't mind! whatever is connected to TotDG is welcome in TotDG Forums ;) If that's not an opinion, bug report etc, feel free to make a new topic :)

Edited by Lava Del'Vortel, 13 March 2010 - 12:56 AM.