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#121 Cahir

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Posted 19 November 2013 - 03:28 PM

Any plans for conversion to BG2EE? ;)

#122 Foggy

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Posted 19 November 2013 - 03:55 PM

The mod can be installed with no conflict in BG2EE, but the item descriptions change kinda breaks the immersion. The game ain't the same without this mod, this is the best item pack and needs to be updated.

" Go not to the elves for counsel, for they will say both no and yes."

#123 Daulmakan


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Posted 19 November 2013 - 03:56 PM

This is my favourite item mod. Cromwells additional upgrades, especially, is a great component- adds some nice features, especially for under-represented items, without feeling the need to try and outdo the likes of the flail of ages, and also acts as a good money sink.
Thanks, great to hear. :D
Arcane spirit isn't really comparable in power to the other elemental items due to magic damage generally being more useful, I'm not sure it makes sense as an "element" either. I think it would be better without it, but if it is to be in the game, it could perhaps fit better if moved to someone encountered later? Perhaps one of the guardians of the seal in watchers gate or draconis maybe?
It's one of the better items of the bunch, no doubt about it, though I'd take Kossuth's Blood before it (for each item in this component, the least powerful comes first in the game, and so on). As you say, its not a proper element per se, but it was included in Ascension64's new effect and there was no point in leaving it out since it's probably the most useful for a mage when considering resistances and spells available. Maybe I needed a better name for the component, heh. I dont think the ring's location makes a difference in this instance.
Sash of the black raven is probably also a bit strong for where you get it; passive +damage is something I see as more TOB than SOA.
It's only usable by monks, who are a bit weaker at the beginning, so I think it balances somewhat. And at higher levels, it becomes obsolete next to other belt choices.
Bracers of icelandic pearl are probably a little easy to acquire. Once a day horrid wilting is a bit much for something you can feasibly have before you have a mage who can cast horrid wilting; I'd give it to a mage in the underdark.
Someone mentioned this before. I think if the party can beat Deril (and maybe the lich as well), the bracers wont make much difference, although I dont have a problem moving it later in the game either. If you have any specific suggestion for it, let me know.
I'd also but the gauntlets of elven might and chaunteas vest in the special stock.
My last playthroughs Ive used Level 1 NPCs to edit my fighters' STR, and so between that and GoEM class requirements, its been somewhat useless for me. Id consider it making it lootable before moving it later in the game as you suggest.

Chauntea is gettable early, but Ribald's special stock seems too late IMO.
Spyglass- one farsight a day is plenty.
Sorry, I'm not following you. Spyglass already grants a single Farsight per day.
Sensate helm, +10%xp is just too much. + Wisdom would be a more suitable replacement.
5% seemed almost negligible to me, and wisdom is useless for non-divine fighter classes. Plus, wisdom stands for other things in 2E as well (such as willpower), I think extra XP better reflects the helm's theme, as does the penalty to physical resistances (didn't make it higher for fear that it'd make the helm undesirable).
Glory of suffering runs into the common practice of stacking together a whole lot of physical damage resitances. Perhaps have it set?
That was kinda the point, I wanted a heavy armor that offered this option, absent in the vanilla ones. I think the penalty to hit points is balance enough.
I forgot the most important one: Axe of the Minatour Lord really needs to allow a save for its stun effect. More than anything else I wrote, probably.
I'm not of the same mind. The very effect you suggest (stun with save) is already available from, for example, darts of stunning or jan's bruiser mates at the start of the game, even if they are a different type of weapon. Plus, I generally dislike high end items' effects that allow for a save, because enemies in ToB almost always save (the ones you want the effect to succeed on, anyway), and since the Axe of the Minotaur has no other effects, allowing a save would render it to a simple magical axe most of the time. As the lone axe in the mod (and you have to go through several enemies to get it), it's intended to be powerful, but still below the Axe of Unyielding.
Sorry if that sounds a bit negative. This is the best item mod going imo, and the only one thats a permanent fixture in my install.
Not at all, thank you for taking the time to post. :)

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#124 -Tinter-

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Posted 20 November 2013 - 08:49 AM

I won't go back through everything, since generally if you make it obviously your views matter rather more! Nonetheless, in vague order of importance;

Bracers of icelandic pearl: Diggot in the underdark or Thaxll'ssillyia are both good fights which it wouldn't be out of place to make give improved drops and would push it back till the party was more powerful. I think it makes a signifcant difference being able to toss out a horrid wilting before you normally would, just as getting a necklace of explosions early in BG1 make a lv1-4 party much more powerful, so I do really think it could do with moving. It has the additional bonus of meaning I don't have to interact with Cernd!

In terms of Chaunteas and GoEM, I recommended the Special Stock because I like that the mod provides extra money sinks (I likes to spend me money, as it were). While you could use another of the above, then, personally I'd prefer some combination of a) a price increase and b) Perhaps moving one of them to the Brynnlaw merchant? That puts it in between the two and would mean he actually had something unique to sell as well, which is always cool. I do think you need to treat GoEM as if most players are playing with NPCs with unmodded strength, which obviously increases its utility significantly.

My problem with glory of suffering is that together with DoE and Armour of faith it makes it trivial for F/Cs to have well over 50% resistance to physical attacks. I think thats somewhat unbalancing, even with the HP drop, especially since it also provides the best HP bonus. Still, it sounds like you want armour that does physical resistance; in that case, I'd make it have worse AC than it currently does, so as to make the player have to choose between resistance or AC (which is an interesting choice). I'd also probably move it to Saradush, but thats just me.

Axe of the Minotaur Lord: OP in general is probably wrong, at least compared to vanilla which has CF (not the biggest fan of that either, but it should set your standard) even if I prefer a save with a large penalty. However, De Arnise' is very early for such a weapon; compare how difficult CF is to acquire. 25% stun is substantially more powerful than 33% chance to slow; the elemental damage makes it more useful but I still think its not the optimal placement. I'd move it to a "harder" stronghold- perhaps the Tazok fight?

Arcane spirit: For no apparent reason I confused "forest of mir" with "north forest" (which of course includes no skeletal mage). Whoops, sorry.

Finally, two other things. Theres a lot of immunity to level drain with the mod; I don't think the mail of life really needs it.

Also, any chance of some more low level items, thinking especially of BG1/Tutu (which has far fewer and a mountain of gold)? Off the top of my head the necromancers robes, ring of shadows, and the symbol of sehadine moonbow from IWD1 all immediately come to mind and would have some use in early BG2 as well. 

Once again, regardless of the above thanks for all the hard work and results.

#125 Daulmakan


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Posted 20 November 2013 - 06:34 PM

Any plans for conversion to BG2EE? ;)
The mod can be installed with no conflict in BG2EE, but the item descriptions change kinda breaks the immersion. The game ain't the same without this mod, this is the best item pack and needs to be updated.

No plans in the immediate future, sorry guys. Thank you for the kind words.

Bracers of icelandic pearl: Diggot in the underdark or Thaxll'ssillyia are both good fights which it wouldn't be out of place to make give improved drops and would push it back till the party was more powerful. I think it makes a signifcant difference being able to toss out a horrid wilting before you normally would, just as getting a necklace of explosions early in BG1 make a lv1-4 party much more powerful, so I do really think it could do with moving. It has the additional bonus of meaning I don't have to interact with Cernd!

I originally thought that having the Bracers on one of Cernd's quest related NPCs made for a better, dispersed experience, though it's true that people might miss it because of this (it's been mentioned to me before). Even though I don't really like Cernd, I always do his quest since it's very easy to trigger (just going to the Promenade) and it doesn't take additional time to do so.
I'll move the Bracers to Thaxll'ssillyia for next version, see how that works.

In terms of Chaunteas and GoEM, I recommended the Special Stock because I like that the mod provides extra money sinks (I likes to spend me money, as it were). While you could use another of the above, then, personally I'd prefer some combination of a) a price increase and b) Perhaps moving one of them to the Brynnlaw merchant? That puts it in between the two and would mean he actually had something unique to sell as well, which is always cool. I do think you need to treat GoEM as if most players are playing with NPCs with unmodded strength, which obviously increases its utility significantly.

Since Chauntea's lootable, a price increase would only benefit the player. As for GoEM, they're already almost 3x the price of the Gauntlets of Ogre Might, even more when considering merchant's markup, I think they're fine as they are.

Axe of the Minotaur Lord: OP in general is probably wrong, at least compared to vanilla which has CF (not the biggest fan of that either, but it should set your standard) even if I prefer a save with a large penalty. However, De Arnise' is very early for such a weapon; compare how difficult CF is to acquire. 25% stun is substantially more powerful than 33% chance to slow; the elemental damage makes it more useful but I still think its not the optimal placement. I'd move it to a "harder" stronghold- perhaps the Tazok fight?

Uh, Axe of the Minotaur Lord is in Watcher's Keep, at the final fight of the mallet level where the minotaur (brothers?) Rock and Garock (who wields it) reside, two levels before Demogorgon, not in de'Arnise Keep. That would be straight overkill.

Arcane spirit: For no apparent reason I confused "forest of mir" with "north forest" (which of course includes no skeletal mage). Whoops, sorry.

NP. :)

Finally, two other things. Theres a lot of immunity to level drain with the mod; I don't think the mail of life really needs it.

I thought it fit the armor's concept, and figured there wasn't much to choose from in chain/splint mails at the early stages of the game.

Also, any chance of some more low level items, thinking especially of BG1/Tutu (which has far fewer and a mountain of gold)? Off the top of my head the necromancers robes, ring of shadows, and the symbol of sehadine moonbow from IWD1 all immediately come to mind and would have some use in early BG2 as well.

Necromancer Robes seem like an inferior version of the Archmagi robes, aren't enough of those in Tutu/BGT?
I might consider the other two for a future version, but no promises.


Once again, regardless of the above thanks for all the hard work and results.

Thank you. ^_^

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#126 -tinter-

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Posted 20 November 2013 - 09:35 PM

Necromancer robes have utility either as earlier availability or for parties with more than one arcane caster of the same alignment (bards included, in a tutu context). But, they were just general suggestions off the top of my head. Either way, more BG1 content and more stuff for Cromwell to do are the things I personally would look forward too most- although naturally I expect with a mod like this what you want to do is of the most import.

Mail of life: I get the idea, but with the mod I can have 3 items offering immunity for the first bodhi encounter and 4 for the final one; it really undermines the tactical element and the threat vampires should present. Immunity from poison and disease and/or a con bonus might be other on theme upgrades? On GOEM... I just really like money sinks! But I guess I can't assume everyone is a completionist with a number of mods.

Apologies again for another error; I came to give feedback on reinstalling rather than after a playthrough (my last was several months ago) and so I've taken locations from documentation; simultaneously, I appear to have misread the documentation repeatedly through some special incompetence on my part. I apologise for the annoyance doubtless caused!

Anyway, I've said what I have to say and I'm sure that you will go on succesfully either way, perhaps a little happier without Cernd in tow. Thanks for your pleasant responses as well as your mod.

#127 Cahir

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Posted 25 November 2013 - 12:00 AM

Any plans for conversion to BG2EE? ;)
The mod can be installed with no conflict in BG2EE, but the item descriptions change kinda breaks the immersion. The game ain't the same without this mod, this is the best item pack and needs to be updated.

No plans in the immediate future, sorry guys. Thank you for the kind words.

That's a real shame :crying: There is practically no chance that I'll ever return to vanilla BG(2) after playing EE editions for awhile, but I really like this Item Pack and would like to have it usable in my runs. Maybe you'll reconsider this, pretty please? :devil:

#128 Daulmakan


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 07:35 AM

Any plans for conversion to BG2EE? ;)
The mod can be installed with no conflict in BG2EE, but the item descriptions change kinda breaks the immersion. The game ain't the same without this mod, this is the best item pack and needs to be updated.

No plans in the immediate future, sorry guys. Thank you for the kind words.

That's a real shame :crying: There is practically no chance that I'll ever return to vanilla BG(2) after playing EE editions for awhile, but I really like this Item Pack and would like to have it usable in my runs. Maybe you'll reconsider this, pretty please? :devil:


I'm in the dark as to the new stuff the EE editions add/modify exactly and how to make it compatible, what the potential upkeep for such a conversion implies, and last but not least, I'm not planning on getting EE for now, so I wouldn't be able to test it or bughunt it should any issue with it arise.


I haven't ruled out making it compatible, but it's not planned, either.

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#129 GIS88

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Posted 24 March 2014 - 10:41 PM

Please convert this mod to EE version. This is best item mod!

#130 Sergio

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Posted 27 May 2014 - 01:16 PM

Hey, your item pack is outstanding! Thanks for it :)
May I ask if there is any chance you could add a little more work for Cromwell for the silver sword, so from +3 it becomes +4?

Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.

#131 Daulmakan


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Posted 27 May 2014 - 05:56 PM

Hey, your item pack is outstanding! Thanks for it :)
May I ask if there is any chance you could add a little more work for Cromwell for the silver sword, so from +3 it becomes +4?

Hey, thanks. Glad you like it.


I like your suggestion, but since it's Cromwell who originally forges it together, I don't think he'd be a suitable option for improving it (it might imply he didn't do his full effort the first time around). I'll try to add such an option for Cespenar for the next update.

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#132 Sergio

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Posted 28 May 2014 - 01:02 AM

Thanks! I look forward to it :)

I was talking with Lollorian on another topic, and I asked him about making the item upgrade version of human flesh more coherent with the item pack version; I asked if it was possible that

<< when both item upgrade + Item pack by him are installed, the bonus you get from the human flesh are coherent. I mean, that's what Item pack does to malla's stone:

Malla’s Soul Stone’s cast of Neutralize Poison is replaced by plain immunity to Poison and Disease, as well as providing +1 Strength and +1 AC in addition to its other stat bonuses

Any chance you could add that +1 strenght and +1 ac to the human flesh embedded with malla's stone ? ;)>>


And he answered with the following post:



Edited by Sergio, 17 June 2014 - 03:09 AM.

Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.

#133 Sergio

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Posted 17 June 2014 - 03:09 AM

Hi Daulmakan,
I'm wondering how this mod works with Item RAndomiser by wisp, seen and considered that it even changes two quest rewards ;)

Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.

#134 Daulmakan


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Posted 17 June 2014 - 06:57 PM

Thanks! I look forward to it :)

I was talking with Lollorian on another topic, and I asked him about making the item upgrade version of human flesh more coherent with the item pack version; I asked if it was possible that

<< when both item upgrade + Item pack by him are installed, the bonus you get from the human flesh are coherent. I mean, that's what Item pack does to malla's stone:

Malla’s Soul Stone’s cast of Neutralize Poison is replaced by plain immunity to Poison and Disease, as well as providing +1 Strength and +1 AC in addition to its other stat bonuses

Any chance you could add that +1 strenght and +1 ac to the human flesh embedded with malla's stone ? ;)>>


And he answered with the following post:



I'd rather not modify mods that are not my own. And the bug Lollo mentioned is fixed for next version, thank you both.


Hi Daulmakan,
I'm wondering how this mod works with Item RAndomiser by wisp, seen and considered that it even changes two quest rewards ;)

I'm almost positive Item Randomiser won't touch any of Item Pack's custom items, don't know about the vanilla items rewards that IP moves. I recall mentioning to Wisp about Item Pack adding an extra chunk of illithium, not sure if he accounted for that. Maybe you could ask him about these things, he'll know better than me for sure.

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#135 -Guest-

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Posted 22 June 2014 - 11:06 PM

Can the component "Item Pack for Tutu/BGT" be installed stand alone or is it dependent on the main component "Item Pack" being installed beforehand?

#136 Daulmakan


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Posted 23 June 2014 - 02:52 PM

Can the component "Item Pack for Tutu/BGT" be installed stand alone or is it dependent on the main component "Item Pack" being installed beforehand?

All components can be installed separately from the main one.


If you're playing Tutu, the mod itself won't allow you to install anything else other than the Tutu component.

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#137 Sergio

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Posted 25 July 2014 - 06:19 AM

Mr . Daulmakan, I'm using your mod, and I stembled upon the serpent ring.

The problem is that none of my npc can use it: even if it is said that thieves should be able to do so.


Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.

#138 Daulmakan


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Posted 25 July 2014 - 06:50 PM

Mr . Daulmakan, I'm using your mod, and I stembled upon the serpent ring.

The problem is that none of my npc can use it: even if it is said that thieves should be able to do so.

Is your thief a multi-class or dualed one, with a kit in the other class?

Edited by Daulmakan, 25 July 2014 - 06:54 PM.

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#139 Sergio

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Posted 26 July 2014 - 02:17 AM

No, the pure-thief npc I'm currently using is Fade.

Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.

#140 Shaitan

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Posted 05 February 2015 - 06:45 PM



Can you make the upgrade versions not overwriting changes made by Item Revision rather xpanding them?

