Dear Daulmakan,
Would you know if Item Pack v1.8 works well with Weimer's Item Upgrade Mod (this mod gives a slew of new things for Cromwell/Cesp to make/upgrade)?
Does any particular order work best to keep content from your Item Pack and their Upgrade Pack intact?
Where do item packs generally fit in the "generally-good-order-of-things?"
Like thus:
1. Non-Weidu mod (maximum of 1) first.
2. NPCs
3. Banter/flirt packs
4. Quest stuff
5. Tweak packs
(where do item packs usually fit it?)
You are a busy man, so I ask just in case it would get responded to, as I, like many others I can imagine, strive for large, interesting, and compatible mod lists that work together (near)flawlessly.
I want to thank you for your sweat and toil given to this mod (I haven't installed it yet, but I anxiously await doing so!); it is your dedication I respect. You are still here and making updates many years later to it. I just want to show my appreciation.
[clicking Download link now]
P.S. I hope the link above displays correctly, for I see not a Preview to click.