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Item Pack

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#101 Lollorian


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Posted 29 September 2012 - 09:18 AM

Small item stuff :P

D1MISC08.ITM error: Ability #0 Effect #6 Opcode (174) - Non-existent Resource (_EFF_P26.WAV)
- Changed to EFF_P26.WAV
D1SW1H02.ITM error: Ability #0 Effect #2 Opcode (177) - Non-existent Resource (D1SW1H02.EFF)
- EFF wasn't being copied by the TP2

You can find fixed versions of the above items in the attachments in this post :)

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin :D when I'm usually around :P.
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"


GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod

#102 Daulmakan


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Posted 30 September 2012 - 07:42 AM

Thanks, Lollo, fixed for next version.

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#103 -April-

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Posted 13 January 2013 - 12:24 PM

The Bitch Queen's Envoy is assigned the wrong name/description during the install. It's given the strings for that other shield from the dwarf smith in IWD-HoW instead. 


Also the Serpent Ring has quite tight usability restrictions, can't be used by any fighter kit dual classed to thief.


And a request, it would be really nice if you could standardize the format for the item descriptions, can really see that the items are taken from several different games and I prefer consistence.


Otherwise this is easily the best item mod I've seen so far, only one that actually feels balanced of all the ones I've tried. 

#104 Daulmakan


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Posted 13 January 2013 - 03:21 PM

The Bitch Queen's Envoy is assigned the wrong name/description during the install. It's given the strings for that other shield from the dwarf smith in IWD-HoW instead. 
I belatedly noticed this after I last updated the mod. It's already fixed for next version. Thanks.
Also the Serpent Ring has quite tight usability restrictions, can't be used by any fighter kit dual classed to thief.
Will make it available for dual kited fighters/thieves for next version.
And a request, it would be really nice if you could standardize the format for the item descriptions, can really see that the items are taken from several different games and I prefer consistence.
Can you provide examples of this? Several items are taken from different games, but I don't just copy/paste the item description since most of them are modified in some way. Also, keep in mind vanilla BG2 isn't a beacon of consistency in this regard, either.
Otherwise this is easily the best item mod I've seen so far, only one that actually feels balanced of all the ones I've tried. 
Thanks. Glad you liked it. :)

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#105 GeN1e


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Posted 14 January 2013 - 01:52 PM

Can you provide examples of this? Several items are taken from different games, but I don't just copy/paste the item description since most of them are modified in some way. Also, keep in mind vanilla BG2 isn't a beacon of consistency in this regard, either.

I'd adopt Item Revisions' template.

Retired from modding.

#106 -April-

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Posted 15 January 2013 - 09:18 AM

I actually did a personal modification of your mod for my own installation where I used the IR template, so yeah, that's what i mean. 


I think IR does a major change in shield descriptions from the vanilla game though, so maybe use a check if IR is installed and use IR version of shield when IR is installed, otherwise use vanilla style shield descriptions. 


Something like that?

#107 Daulmakan


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 02:04 PM

I'd adopt Item Revisions' template.
Yeah, but you're biased. :P
I actually did a personal modification of your mod for my own installation where I used the IR template, so yeah, that's what i mean. 
 I think IR does a major change in shield descriptions from the vanilla game though, so maybe use a check if IR is installed and use IR version of shield when IR is installed, otherwise use vanilla style shield descriptions. 
 Something like that?
Liking IR templates more is a different animal than me just taking the description from other games.

I don't think such a check is worth it.

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#108 Daulmakan


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 02:05 PM

I'd adopt Item Revisions' template.
Yeah, but you're biased. :P
I actually did a personal modification of your mod for my own installation where I used the IR template, so yeah, that's what i mean. 
 I think IR does a major change in shield descriptions from the vanilla game though, so maybe use a check if IR is installed and use IR version of shield when IR is installed, otherwise use vanilla style shield descriptions. 
 Something like that?
Liking IR templates more is a different animal than me just taking the description from other games.

I don't think such a check is worth it.

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#109 Piperb

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Posted 06 May 2013 - 05:01 AM

Trying out your mod on this install, (OS=WindowsXP, BG2ToB, Item Pack ver 1.7), and I really like what it adds to BG2.  But had an odd thing happen during the Unseeing Eye Quest with Mummy's Tea that was purchased from Ribald's store.  When Gavin got diseased in the beholder lair, he drank the Mummy's Tea and this, (from the Bracers of Icelandic Pearl), appeared in the text window:

Gavin - It is said that these magnificent bracers were constructed in the Spine of the World Mountains, and not so long ago. On the coastline of the Sea of Moving Ice, there dwelled Prashnak, an abjurer -- and a stubborn one at that. Apparently Prashnak was having a great deal of difficulty fending off a relentless scourge of trolls, who no doubt were interested in nothing more than his dug out, well stationed bower. Prashnak used storms of acid to keep the trolls at bay. However the young mage was tiring of the constant attacks, and the trolls were becoming bolder.

After several months of studying the various effects of wilting magic and magical methods of frosting, Prashnak was finally ready to try his experiment. After summoning a water elemental, Prashnak evaporated choice bodily components and then froze the hapless creature. This lead to the creation of truly horrific sculptures of ice. The trolls, as simple as they are, took extreme offense to these totems and reportedly fled the area. The experiment a gleaming success, the exultant Prashnak continues his woeful studies to this day. What manner of thief took hold of the bracers is unknown, but they have been missing for several years.


Equipped Abilities:
  +50% Cold Resistance

Special Abilities:
  Cast Cone of Cold once per day
  Cast Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting once per day

Weight: 3
Only Usable By:
 Mage (single, dual, & multi-class)

Haven't gotten to Cernd yet so no one in the party has the bracers, but this had no effect on gameplay and everything seems to be working normally since.  And the Mummy's Tea worked fine otherwise - cured Gavin's disease immediately.  Just thought you should know about this wierd happenstance.

#110 The Imp

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Posted 06 May 2013 - 08:35 AM

Trying out your mod on this install, (OS=WindowsXP, BG2ToB, Item Pack ver 1.7), and I really like what it adds to BG2.  But had an odd thing happen during the Unseeing Eye Quest with Mummy's Tea that was purchased from Ribald's store.  When Gavin got diseased in the beholder lair, he drank the Mummy's Tea and this, (from the Bracers of Icelandic Pearl), appeared in the text window:
This is known text error that happens when you load a savegame that was present before the game was last modified. As the process adds strings to the dialog.tlk file, the saves have weard string reference. The only way to trully get rid of those is to start a new game after you hacve installed all the mods you wish to use.

Edited by The Imp, 06 May 2013 - 08:35 AM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#111 Piperb

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Posted 06 May 2013 - 09:38 AM

Current game was a new game and the first game started on a clean install.  Nothing added to install after game was started.  So, apparently it will show up after reloading any saved game.

#112 Daulmakan


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 02:51 PM

Yeah, can reproduce. It's the usual 'Gulp!' string reference that's incorrectly set in the item. Since the set string isn't a vanilla one, the text displayed when drinking mummy's Tea will differ for each player. Thank you for spotting this, will fix for next version, which is due for sometime now.


There shouldn't be any further issues in your game because of this, save of seeing that same wall of text everytime you drink Mummy's Tea (sorry for that). If you have DLTCEP, I can tell you how to change the offending line. I'd recommend against reinstalling everything mod-related just to fix this, it's just not worth it.


Glad you're liking the mod so far. :)

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#113 Daulmakan


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Posted 12 August 2013 - 08:27 PM

Item Pack has been updated to v1.8. Here's the changelog for the new version:

* Version 1.8:
- Added new BAMs for Edwin’s Amulet, Malla’s Soul Stone, Mauler’s Arm, The Sleeper, Jerrod’s Mace, Everard’s Morning Star, Wong Fei’s Ioun Stone, and a slightly recoloured Scarlet Ninja-To to the More Distinguishable Items component
- Added two new items to the Tweaked Items component: the Cloak of the Stars and Malla’s Soul Stone
- Added new BAMs for Perdue’s Sword, Edwin’s Amulet, History of the Sisters of Light and Darkness, and the Vial of Mysterious Liquid to the Item Pack for Tutu/BGT component. A new BG1-only item is also added to this component: Ulcaster Academy Ring
- Fixed an issue with Mummy’s Tea using Tutu-only sound resource & ground icon
- Fixed Keryvian’s bonus against demons, which weren't working because of the effects not being copied to the Override folder
- Fixed Mummy’s Tea “Gulp!” misplaced string reference that should appear after drinking it
- Fixed the misplaced description for The Bitch Queen’s Envoy
- Fixed the misplaced name string for Tutu’s modified Free Action Ring
- Removed ‘Beta’ tag from +X% Elemental Damage component
- Tweaked the Serpent Ring so dual kited Fighters/Thieves can use it too
- Updated Russian translation
- Updated the tooltip macro

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#114 Zargon

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Posted 13 August 2013 - 01:39 PM

Dear Daulmakan,


Would you know if Item Pack v1.8 works well with Weimer's Item Upgrade Mod (this mod gives a slew of new things for Cromwell/Cesp to make/upgrade)?


Does any particular order work best to keep content from your Item Pack and their Upgrade Pack intact?


Where do item packs generally fit in the "generally-good-order-of-things?"

Like thus:

 1. Non-Weidu mod (maximum of 1) first.
 2. NPCs
 3. Banter/flirt packs
 4. Quest stuff
 5. Tweak packs

(where do item packs usually fit it?)


You are a busy man, so I ask just in case it would get responded to, as I, like many others I can imagine, strive for large, interesting, and compatible mod lists that work together (near)flawlessly.


I want to thank you for your sweat and toil given to this mod (I haven't installed it yet, but I anxiously await doing so!); it is your dedication I respect. You are still here and making updates many years later to it. I just want to show my appreciation.


[clicking Download link now]

P.S. I hope the link above displays correctly, for I see not a Preview to click.

#115 Daulmakan


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Posted 13 August 2013 - 02:37 PM

Hi Zargon

Dear Daulmakan,
Would you know if Item Pack v1.8 works well with Weimer's Item Upgrade Mod (this mod gives a slew of new things for Cromwell/Cesp to make/upgrade)? Does any particular order work best to keep content from your Item Pack and their Upgrade Pack intact?

Yes, it does. As the full ReadMe states (you can see it inside the .RAR once you download the mod or before doing so by clicking on the link in the mod's Download page, in the File Information section), Item Pack should be installed AFTER Weimer's Item Upgrade.

Where do item packs generally fit in the "generally-good-order-of-things?"
Like thus:
 1. Non-Weidu mod (maximum of 1) first.
 2. NPCs
 3. Banter/flirt packs
 4. Quest stuff
 5. Tweak packs
(where do item packs usually fit it?)

It sounds like a non-answer, but truthfully, it depends. If a mod overwrites vanilla resources, it should go earlier than one that doesn't (by patching instead of overwriting), regardless if it's an item mod, an NPC, or a quest mod. For this very reason, I advise to install Item Pack after Quest Pack and Anishai One Day NPC, since they both overwrite files that Item Pack patches.
As a very general rule, I usually go 1.Old Mods; 2. Item mods; 3. Quests; 4. NPCs; 5. Banter/Flirts; 6. Tweaks. But you should always follow whatever instructions each mod suggests, as not all mods do things the same way even if they fall in the same category. For Item Pack in particular, there's a Compatibility section dealing with specific examples.

I want to thank you for your sweat and toil given to this mod (I haven't installed it yet, but I anxiously await doing so!); it is your dedication I respect. You are still here and making updates many years later to it. I just want to show my appreciation.

Thanks. I hope you enjoy it. :)


(clicking Download link now) P.S. I hope the link above displays correctly, for I see not a Preview to click.

Yep. The Preview link is now called "More Reply Options" (it does exactly that).

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#116 Zargon

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Posted 21 August 2013 - 09:12 PM

Thanks Daulmakan,


I've actually stumbled upon BWS and have been using that now for my item-mod-order-needs.




BWS really needs more publicity because I bet not many BG fans even know of its existence.


Anyway, I am thrilled to say it recognizes your most up-to-date downloadable version as of this typing: v1.8.


Can't wait to have fun with your mod and if I think I find any bugs I can go ahead a post in your bug thread?


I'm sure Item Pack 1.8 is fine-tuned enough by now that any bugs won't be actually noticed unless you dig into the code behind the scenes...which I've actually never done (e.g., I've never even CLUA-controlled anything in my life (bought BG2 in stores when it came out back in the day) and just recently used Shadowkeeper to see how that program functions).

#117 Daulmakan


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Posted 22 August 2013 - 06:43 PM

I've actually stumbled upon BWS and have been using that now for my item-mod-order-needs. BWS really needs more publicity because I bet not many BG fans even know of its existence.
BWS is ok and a lot of work is behind it, though I don't use it myself and wouldn't recommend it for newish mod-players due to the sheer size of it. Even so, I suppose it serves as a good mod order guide for those unfamiliar with all the mods out there.
Can't wait to have fun with your mod and if I think I find any bugs I can go ahead a post in your bug thread? I'm sure Item Pack 1.8 is fine-tuned enough by now that any bugs won't be actually noticed unless you dig into the code behind the scenes...which I've actually never done (e.g., I've never even CLUA-controlled anything in my life (bought BG2 in stores when it came out back in the day) and just recently used Shadowkeeper to see how that program functions).
Sure, just post them here if you find any.

Happy gaming. :)

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#118 The Imp

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Posted 22 August 2013 - 09:30 PM

I've actually stumbled upon BWS and have been using that now for my item-mod-order-needs. BWS really needs more publicity because I bet not many BG fans even know of its existence.
BWS is ok and a lot of work is behind it, though I don't use it myself and wouldn't recommend it for newish mod-players due to the sheer size of it. Even so, I suppose it serves as a good mod order guide for those unfamiliar with all the mods out there

And it also gives an install base to look things, like if you wish to install Divine Remix or not... after a few tries, you know what mods you wish to leave out of the game, and which you definitelly wish to keep.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#119 -Tinter-

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 06:20 PM

This is my favourite item mod. Cromwells additional upgrades, especially, is a great component- adds some nice features, especially for under-represented items, without feeling the need to try and outdo the likes of the flail of ages, and also acts as a good money sink. A handful more upgrades here would be great. More "small" magic items, especially at BG1/early SOA level in niche areas, like the boots of the forgotten ones, would also be great.

Still, I thought I would offer some balance comments on some other items in the mod, because...why not?

Arcane spirit isn't really comparable in power to the other elemental items due to magic damage generally being more useful, I'm not sure it makes sense as an "element" either. I think it would be better without it, but if it is to be in the game, it could perhaps fit better if moved to someone encountered later? Perhaps one of the guardians of the seal in watchers gate or draconis maybe?

Sash of the black raven is probably also a bit strong for where you get it; passive +damage is something I see as more TOB than SOA.

Bracers of icelandic pearl are probably a little easy to acquire. Once a day horrid wilting is a bit much for something you can feasibly have before you have a mage who can cast horrid wilting; I'd give it to a mage in the underdark. I'd also but the gauntlets of elven might and chaunteas vest in the special stock.

Spyglass- one farsight a day is plenty.

Sensate helm, +10%xp is just too much. + Wisdom would be a more suitable replacement.

Glory of suffering runs into the common practice of stacking together a whole lot of physical damage resitances. Perhaps have it set?

Sorry if that sounds a bit negative. This is the best item mod going imo, and the only one thats a permanent fixture in my install. 

#120 -tinter-

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 07:36 PM

I forgot the most important one: Axe of the Minatour Lord really needs to allow a save for its stun effect. More than anything else I wrote, probably.