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Item Pack

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#1 Daulmakan


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Posted 13 August 2009 - 02:19 PM

File Name: Item Pack
File Submitter: Daulmakan
File Submitted: 13 Aug 2009
File Category: Miscellaneous Released Mods

This mod adds new items to Baldur's Gate II, Tutu, BGT, the EEs, and Planescape:Torment, as well as plenty of item-related tweaks that I find convenient.


Here's the mod's overview:

1. Item Pack v2.2 (Requires Throne of Bhaal)
This is the mod's main component. It will add 45 brand new items to the game, mostly taken from the Icewind Dale series & Planescape: Torment, though modified in several cases. The items themselves are dispersed throughout the game: some of them can be bought in stores, others will be in possession of enemies or other NPCs. In two particular instances, two of the new items will replace vanilla ones as quest rewards (don't worry, you can still get those somewhere else). Cespenar will forge a new item for you as well.
There are two spoiler files included with the mod with the abilities for each item and their exact location if you're curious, though I recommend not using them.

2. Extra Items
Adds a pair of Boots of Speed and a Potion Case to Ribald, a Bag of Holding to one of the containers near the Jailkeep Golem in Chateau Irenicus, the Cloak of Balduran to one of the chests in Irenicus' room, an extra chunk of Illithium to Neb so you can upgrade the Mace of Disruption and complete Sir Sarles' quest at the same time, and 5 extra tokens for the slot machine in Spellhold.

3. Tweaked Items
This component will tweak several items so that:
- The Greenstone is changed to provide its immunity effects simply by being equipped.
- The same goes for the Shield Amulet.
- The Darksteel Shield's resistance to poison is changed to resistance to electricity.
- The Scarlet Ninja-to will now be equippable by fighter classes (except Beastmaster) and thieves.
- The Studded Leather of Thorns +6 will now inflict 3D4 points of Fire damage (instead of just 1D4) and provide a small measure of Fire resistance (+25%).
- The Short Sword of Mask has double chance (30%) of triggering both of its special abilities.
- The Ring of Protection - Warder's Signet is now of +5 enchantment, which is the P&P maximum
- The Staff of Arundel now provides +2 AC bonus, 30% resistance to Fire/Cold (instead of just 10%), and bonus spells are replaced with a once/day cast of Iron Skins
- The Mercykiller Ring will now add a +1 bonus to Backstab multiplier in addition to its vanilla abilities and also gets a new BAM
- The Rod of Smiting is usable by all classes
- The Club of Detonation +5 will now trigger a party friendly Fireball upon 15% of all successful hits. Unfinished Business' expanded item description for it is included
- The Harbinger sword will trigger a friendly Fireball as well
- The Girdle of Fortitude is changed to set Constitution to 18 by being equipped instead of once/day
- The Cloak of the Stars will convey a +1 THAC0 bonus while equipped, as well as SET mastery in Darts
- Malla’s Soul Stone’s cast of Neutralize Poison is replaced by plain immunity to Poison and Disease, as well as providing +1 Strength and +1 AC in addition to its other stat bonuses
- Jerrod’s Mace will now provide immunity to Poison and Bleeding effects while equipped

- The Shakti Figurine has twice the duration (8 rounds) and sets mastery in Short Sword instead of just specialization.
- The Storm Star +5 mace provides 50% resistance to Electricity (instead of just 20%) and has a 15% chance of triggering a Chain Lightning (instead of 5%).

In all cases the item descriptions are updated to reflect the changes.

If installed on Tutu, the Greenstone and the Shield Amulet will be affected in the BG1 portion of the game too.

4. Convenient Free Action Items
This will change the Flail of Ages, Ixil's Spike, and the Ring of Free Action so that they no longer prevent the wielder from being hasted (they will still provide protection against hold, slow, and other similar effects).

If installed on Tutu, the Ring of Free Action will be affected in the BG1 portion of the game too.

5. More Distinguishable Items
This component will change the inventory BAMs for the Ring of Regeneration, the Girdle of Fortitude, the Saving Grace shield, the Defender of Easthaven flail, the Robe of Vecna, Dak'kon's Katana, the Sensate Amulet, Vhailor's Helm, the Skull of the Lich, the Mercykiller Ring, the Plate of Balduran, Edwin’s Amulet, the Scarlet Ninja-To, Everard’s Morning Star, Jerrod’s Mace, Mauler’s Arm, The Sleeper, Malla’s Soul Stone, and Wong Fei’s Ioun Stone.
Previously, all of them shared BAMs with other existing items. They should all stand out now.

A new Werewolf paperdoll for the Shapeshifter class is included as well.



6. Familiar Faces (Requires Throne of Bhaal)
This will make Joluv and Deirdre appear in Amkethran's Inn, in case you forgot to buy something or didn't have enough funds while in SoA.

7. More Work for Cromwell

This component will allow Cromwell to forge more items for you, as follows:

Ring of Protection +2
Cloak of Protection +2
Mace of Disruption +2
Ilbratha +3
Belm +4
Jhor the Bleeder +4
Adjatha the Drinker +4
Periapt of Proof Against Poison
Mauler's Arm +4
Reflection Shield +3
Dak'kon's Katana +4

Cromwell will tell you ingame what's needed, or you can check the ReadMe for the components needed for each item.

8. Pocket Store (Requires Throne of Bhaal)
This component will enable a new vendor in the pocket plane, mainly for dumping stuff purposes, though he has 2 new items for sale as well (these are not included in the main component). In order for him to appear, you need to have rescued (killed) Dola Fadoon, the genie being tortured near the entrance of Ust Natha. If you talk to him after the destruction of Saradush, he will help you a bit with your upgrade components (you can get another copy of either the Heart of the Damned, the Bowstring of Gond, or the Eye of Tyr, just once).

9. Item Pack for Tutu/BGT (Tutu/BGT & BGEE only)
Adds a small amount of the main component's items to the BG1 part of the game (13 of them to be exact). Furthermore, a Bag of Holding is added to Winthrop's shop, as well as new BAMs for Perdue’s Sword, Edwin’s Amulet, History of the Sisters of Light and Darkness, and the Vial of Mysterious Liquid. There’s also a new item exclusive to the BG1 part of the game: Ulcaster Academy Ring.

As with the main component, there's a spoiler file with their exact locations inside the mod's directory.

10. +X% Elemental Damage (Requires Throne of Bhaal & ToBEx)
Making use of Ascension64's ToBEx magic, this component will add 5 new items with the +X% Elemental Damage ability. There's one item for each "element" (acid, cold, fire, electricity, and magic), and each of them will increase their respective element's damage by 20%. This component is based on (and requires) ToBEx Beta0021_test_110709 or greater.

If playing BG2:EE or EE:T, whis component will be unavailable and instead the items will be included with the main component.

There's a spoiler file with the items' locations inside the mod's directory as well.



11. Item Pack for Planescape:Torment (Requires Planescape:Torment)

Unlike the previous ones, this component modifies the items by patching, although since modding for PS:T is so scarce, it hardly matters. I made this with all of Qwinn's excellent mods installed, so no need to worry about compatibility with those. All modified items have their descriptions updated as well.
This component makes the following changes:
  • The following items are now stackable: Minor & Greater Dustman Embalming CharmsMirrors of ImagingRods of Mordron MightNotched daggersPhantom daggersAbyssal Pipes
  • Emoric's store now has an infinite stack of both Embalming Charms
  • Assassin's Knuckles and Club of Nettles are now usable by Annah
  • Magus' Guard is now usable by everyone (save for Morte & Nordom)
  • Magus' Shield is now usable by everyone (save for Morte & Nordom)
  • Included a detailed description for the Axe of the Jester's effects
  • Restored the previously unavailable Indep Earring. Only usable by Annah, this earring is now added to Quint's shop in the Buried Village
  • Added the previously unavailable Lower Planes' Vermin Armor. Only usable by Annah, it's added to Crumplecrunch's store. As the item had no special properties, I've also taken the liberty to add bonuses according to what an armor upgrade for Annah would be at that point in the game: AC 2, +2 THAC0, +25% Pick Pocket Skill Bonus, +35% Stealth Skill Bonus
  • Added new BAMs for Gehraise's RingGorgon SalveKaarlac's Knife, and Tear of Salieru-Dei
  • Adahn's Dagger: raised its Enchantment level to +3 and doubled its selling price
  • Ascension: raised its Enchantment level to +3
  • Butcherer of Innocents: raised its Enchantment level to +3
  • Celestial Fire: increased AC bonus from +2 to +3 and THAC0 bonus from +2 to +3 to match Enchantment Level, increased relevant physical resistance from +10% to +15%
  • Enlightment: raised its Enchantment level to +3
  • Eye of Vecna: changed -3 INT penalty into a +3 bonus (why would a lich archmage's eye REDUCE Intelligence?? Probably to balance the extra spells, which are mostly useless anyway because practically every enemy has magic resistance. Now it's actually useful as it befits an item of its magnitude)
  • Ogre Gauntlets: made them a miscellaneous item that grants 19 STR instead of a weapon, also extended usability to all non-mages
  • Reason: raised its Enchantment level to +3
  • Dhall's Quill: increased its +1 permanent Lore bonus to +10
  • Xacharia's Liver: before it was merely flavor junk, now it's a one-time use item that provides a permanent +1 bonus to ranged weapons and damage (only usable by Nordom)
  • Included a detailed description for the Number of Ku'u Yin
  • Tattoo of Annah: raised thieving skills bonuses from +3% to +10%
  • Tattoo of Devouring Vermin: raised Acid Resistance bonus from +5% to +25%, raised saving throws VS. Poison bonus from +1 to +5
  • Tattoo of Dreams of Es-Annon: raised hit point bonus from +2 to +10, raised saving throws VS. Spell bonus from +1 to +2
  • Tattoo of Enduring: raised hit point bonus from +3 to +6
  • Tattoo of Greater Enduring: raised hit point bonus from +9 to +18
  • Tattoo of Grosuk's DemiseTattoo of the Black-Barbed MazeTattoo of the Restless DeadTattoo of Sebastion's EndTattoo of the AnarchistsTattoo of Spite, and Tattoo of the Bonesinger now have 33 charges each
  • Tattoo of Ignus: raised Constitution bonus from +1 to +2, raised hit point bonus from +3 to +10
  • Tattoo of Tenement of Shadows: raised Stealth bonus from +15% to +25%
  • Tattoo of the Master Thief: raised thieving skills bonuses from +5% to +10%
  • Tattoo of Silent Coins: raised equipped Pickpocket bonus from +5% to +10%, raised permanent Pickpocket bonus from +3% to +5%
  • Tattoo of the Sensates: raised Lore bonus from +3 to +10, Sensory Touch now has 33 charges
  • Tattoo of the Skull: now adds 10% physical resistance
  • Tattoo of the Tale-Weaver: raised Lore bonus from +5 to +20
  • Tattoo of the Unbroken Circle: raised Cold Resistance bonus from +10% to +35%
  • Tattoo of Trist's Savior: raised save VS. Death bonus from +3 to +6


12. Cursed Items


IE veterans will know that cursed items suck, and that at best only careless first timers wil get to "use" them (and even then only once) as was originally intended. This component aims to remedy that, by adding benefits to the items so it's not all drawbacks, hopefully making them appealing enough to at least consider using them. Check the ReadMe included with the mod for a list of all the changes. 


Click here to download this file

Edited by Daulmakan, 16 March 2025 - 07:41 AM.

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Posted 15 August 2009 - 05:26 AM

Congrats! :)

#3 yarpen


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Posted 15 August 2009 - 12:07 PM

Dunno why but Item Packs are rare this times so that's nice! :)

#4 Daulmakan


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Posted 15 August 2009 - 01:31 PM

Thanks, guys. :cheers:

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#5 -ax-

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Posted 22 August 2009 - 04:39 AM

At custom install (everything, except the first component) - bams (d1iREGR.BAM...) are not copied in override.

#6 Daulmakan


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Posted 22 August 2009 - 05:00 AM

At custom install (everything, except the first component) - bams (d1iREGR.BAM...) are not copied in override.

Damn, you're right. Guess I figured everyone would try the main component. Thanks for the report, ax, I'll fix that for the next release.

In the meantime, this issue can be solved by copying the following files from the mod's Bams folder to the Override:
d1iGFORT.bam, d1iREGR.bam, d1iGRACE.bam, d1iDEF.bam.

Edited by Daulmakan, 22 August 2009 - 05:01 AM.

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#7 -ax-

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Posted 22 August 2009 - 06:50 AM

Guess I figured everyone would try the main component.

I like other components more. :) As the request, it would be desirable to have still possibility of replacement of effect for the Girdle of Fortitude on the constant. :)

In the meantime, this issue can be solved by copying...

Thanks for advice, Daulmakan, I already have made it.

PS I apologize for my poor English. :(

#8 Daulmakan


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Posted 22 August 2009 - 10:57 AM

I like other components more. :) As the request, it would be desirable to have still possibility of replacement of effect for the Girdle of Fortitude on the constant. :)

Sorry, I'm not following you here. For the next version I'll move the alternate bams to the proper component so they don't depend on the main one being installed, if that's your worry. :)

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#9 Daulmakan


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Posted 03 September 2009 - 04:54 PM

Item Pack has been updated to v1.1. Here's the changelog for the new version:

* Version 1.1:
- Added a new item to the main component, the Badge of the Svirfneblin
- Added a new icon for the Robe of Vecna to the 'More Distinguishable Items' component
- Changed Mantooth's sword colour, removed silver & cold iron flags
- Corrected a few typos
- Fixed an issue with the alternate BAMs not being copied to the Override folder if the main component was skipped
- Fixed an issue with the Serpent Ring not displaying the Magic Resistance icon while equipped
- Renamed Component IV. Added the Ring of Free Action to it

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#10 Rodman49

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Posted 19 September 2009 - 06:10 AM

Yeah! New item mods are probably my favorite content hands down!

#11 Daulmakan


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Posted 08 January 2010 - 10:43 AM

Item Pack has been updated to v1.2. Here's the changelog for the new version:

* Version 1.2:
- Added a new component: 'More Work for Cromwell'
- Added an extra chunk of illithium and a Potion Case to the 'Extra Items' component
- Added a new icon for Dak'kon's Katana to the 'More Distinguishable Items' component
- Added three items to the 'Tweaked Items' component: the Shield Amulet, the Studded Leather of Thorns +6, and the Short Sword of Mask +5
- Changed ReadMe format
- Fixed some compiling issues that were causing problems in certain instances (thanks to temujin)
- Fixed an issue with Mantooth's bonuses against liches and golems, which weren't working. Added bonus against wizards

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#12 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 08 January 2010 - 12:05 PM

II. Extra Items
... a Potion Case to Ribald, a Bag of Holding to one of the containers near the Jailkeep Golem in Chateau Irenicus...

All very well made, but could I request you to change the storage amounts from 999 to 32 000(<32 768), this way they can store a lot more, and they won't do anything bad either.

Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.

#13 Daulmakan


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Posted 08 January 2010 - 12:41 PM

II. Extra Items
... a Potion Case to Ribald, a Bag of Holding to one of the containers near the Jailkeep Golem in Chateau Irenicus...

All very well made, but could I request you to change the storage amounts from 999 to 32 000(<32 768), this way they can store a lot more, and they won't do anything bad either.

I set it at 999 because I understand that's the optimum high value that won't cause slowdowns ingame (as stated in aTWEAKS) . You seriously stockpile over 1000 potions? :blink:

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#14 Chevalier


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Posted 13 January 2010 - 12:53 AM


Cool item pack! I like your 'More Work for Cromwell' and think it upgrades some items that needs it later in the game. Two items I would love to see be able to be upgraded later in the game are Mauler's Arm +2 & Reflection Shield +1.

I Ride for the King!

a.k.a. Chev

#15 -wut-

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Posted 13 January 2010 - 03:19 AM

Please replace

COMPILE ~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom01.d~   ~override~              // Ring of Protection +1 Upgrade
COMPILE ~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom02.d~   ~override~              // Cloak of Protection +1 Upgrade
COMPILE ~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom03.d~   ~override~              // Additional Mace of Disruption Upgrade
COMPILE ~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom04.d~   ~override~              // Ilbratha +1 Upgrade
COMPILE ~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom05.d~   ~override~              // Belm +2 Upgrade
COMPILE ~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom06.d~   ~override~              // Jhor the Bleeder +4
COMPILE ~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom07.d~   ~override~              // Adjatha the Drinker +4
COMPILE ~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom08.d~   ~override~              // Periapt of Proof Against Poison


~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom01.d~ // Ring of Protection +1 Upgrade
~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom02.d~ // Cloak of Protection +1 Upgrade
~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom03.d~ // Additional Mace of Disruption Upgrade
~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom04.d~ // Ilbratha +1 Upgrade
~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom05.d~ // Belm +2 Upgrade
~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom06.d~ // Jhor the Bleeder +4
~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom07.d~ // Adjatha the Drinker +4
~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom08.d~ // Periapt of Proof Against Poison

as there is no dest spec for COMPILE.

#16 Daulmakan


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Posted 13 January 2010 - 09:28 AM

Cool item pack! I like your 'More Work for Cromwell' and think it upgrades some items that needs it later in the game. Two items I would love to see be able to be upgraded later in the game are Mauler's Arm +2 & Reflection Shield +1.

Thanks Chevalier. I'll keep those in mind for the next update.

Please replace

COMPILE ~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom01.d~ ~override~ // Ring of Protection +1 Upgrade
COMPILE ~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom02.d~ ~override~ // Cloak of Protection +1 Upgrade
COMPILE ~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom03.d~ ~override~ // Additional Mace of Disruption Upgrade
COMPILE ~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom04.d~ ~override~ // Ilbratha +1 Upgrade
COMPILE ~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom05.d~ ~override~ // Belm +2 Upgrade
COMPILE ~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom06.d~ ~override~ // Jhor the Bleeder +4
COMPILE ~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom07.d~ ~override~ // Adjatha the Drinker +4
COMPILE ~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom08.d~ ~override~ // Periapt of Proof Against Poison


~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom01.d~ // Ring of Protection +1 Upgrade
~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom02.d~ // Cloak of Protection +1 Upgrade
~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom03.d~ // Additional Mace of Disruption Upgrade
~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom04.d~ // Ilbratha +1 Upgrade
~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom05.d~ // Belm +2 Upgrade
~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom06.d~ // Jhor the Bleeder +4
~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom07.d~ // Adjatha the Drinker +4
~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1crom08.d~ // Periapt of Proof Against Poison

as there is no dest spec for COMPILE.

D'oh, I thought I had figured this already. Thanks for reporting, will fix for next version. :doh:

Players who have succesfully installed the mod already need not worry about this.

Edited by Daulmakan, 13 January 2010 - 09:29 AM.

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#17 Shaitan

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Posted 13 January 2010 - 09:38 AM

Will I have to copy/paste into the tp2 file if I haven't installed?

#18 Daulmakan


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Posted 13 January 2010 - 09:52 AM

Will I have to copy/paste into the tp2 file if I haven't installed?

If you haven't already, you might as well, just to be on the safe side.

What the current code does is mistakenly compile the override folder (COMPILE already affects the relevant files to the override, so there's no need to add the ~Override~ like I did). This will only pose a problem if you're installing Item Pack after a mod that leaves .d or .baf files in the Override (such as SCS, which was temujin's report, but for another component which was fixed in this version). I repeated the same mistake... :blush:

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#19 -Item Pack Fan :)-

-Item Pack Fan :)-
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Posted 21 January 2010 - 01:11 AM

As my nickname implies, I really like your mod, mainly because it doesnt contain as many overpowered items as some other mods(guess what im referring to :lol: ). So I decided to provide some feedback to you as well as to make a couple of requests for the next release. And I would also like to apologize in advance for my numerous grammar mistakes (english is not my native language).

My first request would be to make the first component of your mod more customizable, i.e. to let the player decide whether s/he wants to simply install all the items or whether s/he wants to go through the entire list and select the items that s/he wants. I have checked several item mods and to my surprise none of them offers this option. I hope yours is the first one to do it. The rationale behind this is pretty obvious. What some players consider way too "cheesy" others greatly enjoy. So by making your mod more customizable you'll be able to cater for both groups and not just for the second one.

My second request would be to add several more items to the first component. The first group of these items aims at both providing more equipment choices for the player and adding flavor to the game. I would include Robe of the Watcher, Coral Plate Armor and Black Swan Armor in this category (all from ID1). They arent terribly powerful, though can be useful in certain situations. Robe of the Watcher is a drow mage robe with protection from umber hulks' gaze, Coral Plate Armor is a sahuagin armor, Black Swan is an armor only useable by elves. You should probably give the first to a drow mage and the second to some (better than average) sahuagin fighter (yes, im being captain obvious :lol: ). The second group of items serves the purpose of making certain weapon types less unalluring (clubs,short swords etc). You could add Blood Iron (short sword +4, that heals small amount of hp with each hit), Sceptre of Tyranny (a nice club), Pestilent Dawn (an interesting mace for evil), Debian's Rod of Smiting (a good anti-golem club) all from ID1 as well. Probably these items shouldn't be obtainable in the beginning of SoA though.

Now as I promised, here's some feedback regarding items that are already included in your mod:

1) Amulets and an Axe. Everything's fine. I like both the stats, the way they look and the placement.
2) Belts. The belt for monks looks nice, however I believe it should give bonus to THAC0 and damage only when attacking with fists (just like gauntlets of crushing), because thieves with UAI can use it as well. Also it should display the mind shield icon just like Aeger's Hide (which also protects against confusion). Tymora's gift - a good item, but too powerful to be sold in the beginning of SoA. I'd say the end of SoA, WK or the beginning of ToB (I know there are many powerful items being sold in the beginning of SoA, e.g. Robe of Vecna, however I use SCS II to move them to ToB).
3) Blunt Weapons and Boots. Everything's fine.
4) Bows and Crossbows - I dont quite understand, how the number of attacks is calculated, cause my char had 5 attacks with each of these items while their description says its set to 4.
5) Bracers - the items are good, however i'd rather have the bracers of icelandic pearl placed elsewhere. The first reason is that you could get them pretty early while adhw is a very powerful spell (which wizards dont get it until they are level 16), so it shouldnt be possible to obtain it at least until after spellhold. The second reason is that many people dont let Cernd join the party and therefore can miss this item entirely.
6) Chain and splint mails - The mail is good, but may be it shouldn't be obtainable so early. May be only in Chapter 6?
7) Cloaks - good.
8) Helms - good, however I'd like the horrific black hands helm to look like the helmet of defence (on a paperdoll). The helm's picture in item desription window supports this idea. It's good, that you placed this helm in Amkethran, cause it's pretty powerfull (not overpowered though).
9) Leather Armors - nice.
10) Misc Items - nice, though for some reason a thief with UAI can't use the unstrung harp, because it says his wisdom is unsufficient... I thought UAI should give access to everything. Am I wrong?
11) Plate Armors - nice.
12) Rings - I don't quite like the way the negative token ring and the serpent ring look, everything else is ok (stats, placement).
13) Shields - ok.
14) Swords - well, even though you get the sword pretty late in ToB and even though as a weapon it sucks it's still immensely powerful because of the spell-reflecting ability. This is the kind of item I wouldn't like to install.

Hope that was helpful. Good luck!

#20 Daulmakan


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Posted 21 January 2010 - 05:11 AM

Hey, thanks for posting.

My first request would be to make the first component of your mod more customizable, i.e. to let the player decide whether s/he wants to simply install all the items or whether s/he wants to go through the entire list and select the items that s/he wants. I have checked several item mods and to my surprise none of them offers this option. I hope yours is the first one to do it. The rationale behind this is pretty obvious. What some players consider way too "cheesy" others greatly enjoy. So by making your mod more customizable you'll be able to cater for both groups and not just for the second one.

It's not that I don't want to, the problem with this is that it'd make the mod unnecessary bloated, prompting the user to answer [Y]es or [N]o to each of the 41 items...

What you CAN do, is open the .tp2 file (any text editor will do) and just delete the items you don't care for before installing the mod, and voilá! problem solved. For example, if you wanted to avoid installing Mantooth, you'd search for this in the .tp2 and delete it before installing the mod:

// Mantooth 1
COPY ~Item_Pack/Items/d1sw1h00.itm~ 	~override~
SAY NAME1 @900
SAY NAME2 @900

COPY_EXISTING ~dragblue.cre~ ~override/dragblue.cre~
 ADD_CRE_ITEM ~d1sw1h00~ #0 #0 #0 ~IDENTIFIED~ ~INV1~

// Mantooth 2
COPY ~Item_Pack/Items/d1dlidam.eff~ 	~override~
COPY ~Item_Pack/Items/d1dlihit.eff~ 	~override~
COPY ~Item_Pack/Items/d1lichit.eff~ 	~override~
COPY ~Item_Pack/Items/d1licdam.eff~ 	~override~
COPY ~Item_Pack/Items/d1golhit.eff~ 	~override~
COPY ~Item_Pack/Items/d1goldam.eff~ 	~override~
COPY ~Item_Pack/Items/d1wizdam.eff~ 	~override~
COPY ~Item_Pack/Items/d1wizhit.eff~ 	~override~
COPY ~Item_Pack/Items/d1sw1h01.itm~ 	~override~
SAY NAME1 @902
SAY NAME2 @902

COMPILE ~Item_Pack/Dialogues/d1CESP01.d~ 	// Mantooth upgrade
EXTEND_BOTTOM ~botsmith.bcs~ ~Item_Pack/Scripts/botsmith.baf~ 	// Additions for Cespenar's item forging script
Let me know if you have more doubts regarding this.

My second request would be to add several more items to the first component. I would include Robe of the Watcher, Coral Plate Armor and Black Swan Armor in this category (all from ID1). They arent terribly powerful, though can be useful in certain situations. Robe of the Watcher is a drow mage robe with protection from umber hulks' gaze, Coral Plate Armor is a sahuagin armor, Black Swan is an armor only useable by elves. You should probably give the first to a drow mage and the second to some (better than average) sahuagin fighter (yes, im being captain obvious :lol: ).

I actually replayed IWD recently and thought I could add the Watcher robe. Will do for next version.

Coral plate seems kinda underpowered for a fighter PC (AC 3 and -2 to DEX), though I agree it makes some sense RP wise. If I find one of those sahuagins that doesn't end up worse for wearing it, I'll consider it.

Black Swan is okay, though it pretty much loses to all late armors in the game. Maybe for late SoA or something.

The second group of items serves the purpose of making certain weapon types less unalluring (clubs,short swords etc). You could add Blood Iron (short sword +4, that heals small amount of hp with each hit),

That's pretty much Adjatha in short version, I'd rather not duplicate items. I know it's not the same, but Ilbratha and the Sword of Mask are already improved with other components.

Sceptre of Tyranny (a nice club), Pestilent Dawn (an interesting mace for evil), Debian's Rod of Smiting (a good anti-golem club) all from ID1 as well. Probably these items shouldn't be obtainable in the beginning of SoA though.

I might consider adding Debian's, thanks for the suggestion.

Now as I promised, here's some feedback regarding items that are already included in your mod:
1) Amulets and an Axe. Everything's fine. I like both the stats, the way they look and the placement.
3) Blunt Weapons and Boots. Everything's fine.
7) Cloaks - good.
11) Plate Armors - nice.
13) Shields - ok.


2) Belts. The belt for monks looks nice, however I believe it should give bonus to THAC0 and damage only when attacking with fists (just like gauntlets of crushing), because thieves with UAI can use it as well. Also it should display the mind shield icon just like Aeger's Hide (which also protects against confusion).

The THAC0 bonus also works if the monk in question would like to use another weapon other than fists (like a magical weapon when fists aren't enough enchantment level for a certain enemy). I'd rather leave it like that. If thief characters want to take advantage of that, hey, be my guest. :ph34r:

I think I avoided adding the mind shield icon because it doesn't shield the character from other similar effects that affect the mind (hold, charm, stun, etc.), and I didn't want to create confusion (no pun intended. :P)

Tymora's gift - a good item, but too powerful to be sold in the beginning of SoA. I'd say the end of SoA, WK or the beginning of ToB (I know there are many powerful items being sold in the beginning of SoA, e.g. Robe of Vecna, however I use SCS II to move them to ToB).

As you said, vanilla game already has available much more powerful items at the beginning. And I don't feel particularly bad about Tymora's Belt (plus I like to think its location is not that obvious at first glance). There's always the choice of not buying it, too. The same foes for the Chain of Life, another aspect to consider is the price you have to pay for it. Even if you do have the money, that's another item you're not buying at that moment.

4) Bows and Crossbows - I dont quite understand, how the number of attacks is calculated, cause my char had 5 attacks with each of these items while their description says its set to 4.

Probably because of specialization bonus, it adds an extra attack.

5) Bracers - the items are good, however i'd rather have the bracers of icelandic pearl placed elsewhere. The first reason is that you could get them pretty early while adhw is a very powerful spell (which wizards dont get it until they are level 16), so it shouldnt be possible to obtain it at least until after spellhold. The second reason is that many people dont let Cernd join the party and therefore can miss this item entirely.

While I'd like for everyone to check all of the items in a single run, having the items dispersed makes for a better experience, IMO. They can be gotten early, but I'm not sure a low level party can take Deril and the lich very easily, and if they can, the bracers won't do much difference. What I'd really like is to enable Deril to make use of them (other than the cold resistance bonus), but my scripting abilities are currently nil.

Did you have any specific alternative in mind for its location?

Helms - good, however I'd like the horrific black hands helm to look like the helmet of defence (on a paperdoll). The helm's picture in item desription window supports this idea. It's good, that you placed this helm in Amkethran, cause it's pretty powerfull (not overpowered though).

Hmm, I'll check this out, though it's very likely that I assigned a certain look because I liked it better myself.

9) Leather Armors - nice.

I particularly like how that one turned out.

10) Misc Items - nice, though for some reason a thief with UAI can't use the unstrung harp, because it says his wisdom is unsufficient... I thought UAI should give access to everything. Am I wrong?

Does he have the required Wisdom? I think UAI overcomes class restrictions, not attribute ones.

12) Rings - I don't quite like the way the negative token ring and the serpent ring look, everything else is ok (stats, placement).

Sorry, I like how they look, myself.

14) Swords - well, even though you get the sword pretty late in ToB and even though as a weapon it sucks it's still immensely powerful because of the spell-reflecting ability. This is the kind of item I wouldn't like to install.

Yeah, it's pretty powerful (taken from the Dragonlance setting), but that's why I tried to put it late in ToB, I don't think it's out of line with the stuff you get near the end. And it might still prove useless depending on your characters' builds.

I'm glad you enjoyed the mod. That was the first precise feedback regarding the items I got, and indeed it was very helpful. Thank you. :)

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