File Name: Item Pack
File Submitter: Daulmakan
File Submitted: 13 Aug 2009
File Category: Miscellaneous Released Mods
This mod adds new items to Baldur's Gate II, Tutu, BGT, the EEs, and Planescape:Torment, as well as plenty of item-related tweaks that I find convenient.
Here's the mod's overview:
1. Item Pack v2.2 (Requires Throne of Bhaal)
This is the mod's main component. It will add 45 brand new items to the game, mostly taken from the Icewind Dale series & Planescape: Torment, though modified in several cases. The items themselves are dispersed throughout the game: some of them can be bought in stores, others will be in possession of enemies or other NPCs. In two particular instances, two of the new items will replace vanilla ones as quest rewards (don't worry, you can still get those somewhere else). Cespenar will forge a new item for you as well.
There are two spoiler files included with the mod with the abilities for each item and their exact location if you're curious, though I recommend not using them.
2. Extra Items
Adds a pair of Boots of Speed and a Potion Case to Ribald, a Bag of Holding to one of the containers near the Jailkeep Golem in Chateau Irenicus, the Cloak of Balduran to one of the chests in Irenicus' room, an extra chunk of Illithium to Neb so you can upgrade the Mace of Disruption and complete Sir Sarles' quest at the same time, and 5 extra tokens for the slot machine in Spellhold.
3. Tweaked Items
This component will tweak several items so that:
- The Greenstone is changed to provide its immunity effects simply by being equipped.
- The same goes for the Shield Amulet.
- The Darksteel Shield's resistance to poison is changed to resistance to electricity.
- The Scarlet Ninja-to will now be equippable by fighter classes (except Beastmaster) and thieves.
- The Studded Leather of Thorns +6 will now inflict 3D4 points of Fire damage (instead of just 1D4) and provide a small measure of Fire resistance (+25%).
- The Short Sword of Mask has double chance (30%) of triggering both of its special abilities.
- The Ring of Protection - Warder's Signet is now of +5 enchantment, which is the P&P maximum
- The Staff of Arundel now provides +2 AC bonus, 30% resistance to Fire/Cold (instead of just 10%), and bonus spells are replaced with a once/day cast of Iron Skins
- The Mercykiller Ring will now add a +1 bonus to Backstab multiplier in addition to its vanilla abilities and also gets a new BAM
- The Rod of Smiting is usable by all classes
- The Club of Detonation +5 will now trigger a party friendly Fireball upon 15% of all successful hits. Unfinished Business' expanded item description for it is included
- The Harbinger sword will trigger a friendly Fireball as well
- The Girdle of Fortitude is changed to set Constitution to 18 by being equipped instead of once/day
- The Cloak of the Stars will convey a +1 THAC0 bonus while equipped, as well as SET mastery in Darts
- Malla’s Soul Stone’s cast of Neutralize Poison is replaced by plain immunity to Poison and Disease, as well as providing +1 Strength and +1 AC in addition to its other stat bonuses
- Jerrod’s Mace will now provide immunity to Poison and Bleeding effects while equipped
In all cases the item descriptions are updated to reflect the changes.
If installed on Tutu, the Greenstone and the Shield Amulet will be affected in the BG1 portion of the game too.
4. Convenient Free Action Items
This will change the Flail of Ages, Ixil's Spike, and the Ring of Free Action so that they no longer prevent the wielder from being hasted (they will still provide protection against hold, slow, and other similar effects).
If installed on Tutu, the Ring of Free Action will be affected in the BG1 portion of the game too.
5. More Distinguishable Items
This component will change the inventory BAMs for the Ring of Regeneration, the Girdle of Fortitude, the Saving Grace shield, the Defender of Easthaven flail, the Robe of Vecna, Dak'kon's Katana, the Sensate Amulet, Vhailor's Helm, the Skull of the Lich, the Mercykiller Ring, the Plate of Balduran, Edwin’s Amulet, the Scarlet Ninja-To, Everard’s Morning Star, Jerrod’s Mace, Mauler’s Arm, The Sleeper, Malla’s Soul Stone, and Wong Fei’s Ioun Stone.
Previously, all of them shared BAMs with other existing items. They should all stand out now.
A new Werewolf paperdoll for the Shapeshifter class is included as well.
6. Familiar Faces (Requires Throne of Bhaal)
This will make Joluv and Deirdre appear in Amkethran's Inn, in case you forgot to buy something or didn't have enough funds while in SoA.
7. More Work for Cromwell
This component will allow Cromwell to forge more items for you, as follows:
Ring of Protection +2
Cloak of Protection +2
Mace of Disruption +2
Ilbratha +3
Belm +4
Jhor the Bleeder +4
Adjatha the Drinker +4
Periapt of Proof Against Poison
Mauler's Arm +4
Reflection Shield +3
Dak'kon's Katana +4
Cromwell will tell you ingame what's needed, or you can check the ReadMe for the components needed for each item.
8. Pocket Store (Requires Throne of Bhaal)
This component will enable a new vendor in the pocket plane, mainly for dumping stuff purposes, though he has 2 new items for sale as well (these are not included in the main component). In order for him to appear, you need to have rescued (killed) Dola Fadoon, the genie being tortured near the entrance of Ust Natha. If you talk to him after the destruction of Saradush, he will help you a bit with your upgrade components (you can get another copy of either the Heart of the Damned, the Bowstring of Gond, or the Eye of Tyr, just once).
9. Item Pack for Tutu/BGT (Tutu/BGT & BGEE only)
Adds a small amount of the main component's items to the BG1 part of the game (13 of them to be exact). Furthermore, a Bag of Holding is added to Winthrop's shop, as well as new BAMs for Perdue’s Sword, Edwin’s Amulet, History of the Sisters of Light and Darkness, and the Vial of Mysterious Liquid. There’s also a new item exclusive to the BG1 part of the game: Ulcaster Academy Ring.
As with the main component, there's a spoiler file with their exact locations inside the mod's directory.
10. +X% Elemental Damage (Requires Throne of Bhaal & ToBEx)
Making use of Ascension64's ToBEx magic, this component will add 5 new items with the +X% Elemental Damage ability. There's one item for each "element" (acid, cold, fire, electricity, and magic), and each of them will increase their respective element's damage by 20%. This component is based on (and requires) ToBEx Beta0021_test_110709 or greater.
If playing BG2:EE or EE:T, whis component will be unavailable and instead the items will be included with the main component.
There's a spoiler file with the items' locations inside the mod's directory as well.
11. Item Pack for Planescape:Torment (Requires Planescape:Torment)
- The following items are now stackable: Minor & Greater Dustman Embalming Charms, Mirrors of Imaging, Rods of Mordron Might, Notched daggers, Phantom daggers, Abyssal Pipes
- Emoric's store now has an infinite stack of both Embalming Charms
- Assassin's Knuckles and Club of Nettles are now usable by Annah
- Magus' Guard is now usable by everyone (save for Morte & Nordom)
- Magus' Shield is now usable by everyone (save for Morte & Nordom)
- Included a detailed description for the Axe of the Jester's effects
- Restored the previously unavailable Indep Earring. Only usable by Annah, this earring is now added to Quint's shop in the Buried Village
- Added the previously unavailable Lower Planes' Vermin Armor. Only usable by Annah, it's added to Crumplecrunch's store. As the item had no special properties, I've also taken the liberty to add bonuses according to what an armor upgrade for Annah would be at that point in the game: AC 2, +2 THAC0, +25% Pick Pocket Skill Bonus, +35% Stealth Skill Bonus
- Added new BAMs for Gehraise's Ring, Gorgon Salve, Kaarlac's Knife, and Tear of Salieru-Dei
- Adahn's Dagger: raised its Enchantment level to +3 and doubled its selling price
- Ascension: raised its Enchantment level to +3
- Butcherer of Innocents: raised its Enchantment level to +3
- Celestial Fire: increased AC bonus from +2 to +3 and THAC0 bonus from +2 to +3 to match Enchantment Level, increased relevant physical resistance from +10% to +15%
- Enlightment: raised its Enchantment level to +3
- Eye of Vecna: changed -3 INT penalty into a +3 bonus (why would a lich archmage's eye REDUCE Intelligence?? Probably to balance the extra spells, which are mostly useless anyway because practically every enemy has magic resistance. Now it's actually useful as it befits an item of its magnitude)
- Ogre Gauntlets: made them a miscellaneous item that grants 19 STR instead of a weapon, also extended usability to all non-mages
- Reason: raised its Enchantment level to +3
- Dhall's Quill: increased its +1 permanent Lore bonus to +10
- Xacharia's Liver: before it was merely flavor junk, now it's a one-time use item that provides a permanent +1 bonus to ranged weapons and damage (only usable by Nordom)
- Included a detailed description for the Number of Ku'u Yin
- Tattoo of Annah: raised thieving skills bonuses from +3% to +10%
- Tattoo of Devouring Vermin: raised Acid Resistance bonus from +5% to +25%, raised saving throws VS. Poison bonus from +1 to +5
- Tattoo of Dreams of Es-Annon: raised hit point bonus from +2 to +10, raised saving throws VS. Spell bonus from +1 to +2
- Tattoo of Enduring: raised hit point bonus from +3 to +6
- Tattoo of Greater Enduring: raised hit point bonus from +9 to +18
- Tattoo of Grosuk's Demise, Tattoo of the Black-Barbed Maze, Tattoo of the Restless Dead, Tattoo of Sebastion's End, Tattoo of the Anarchists, Tattoo of Spite, and Tattoo of the Bonesinger now have 33 charges each
- Tattoo of Ignus: raised Constitution bonus from +1 to +2, raised hit point bonus from +3 to +10
- Tattoo of Tenement of Shadows: raised Stealth bonus from +15% to +25%
- Tattoo of the Master Thief: raised thieving skills bonuses from +5% to +10%
- Tattoo of Silent Coins: raised equipped Pickpocket bonus from +5% to +10%, raised permanent Pickpocket bonus from +3% to +5%
- Tattoo of the Sensates: raised Lore bonus from +3 to +10, Sensory Touch now has 33 charges
- Tattoo of the Skull: now adds 10% physical resistance
- Tattoo of the Tale-Weaver: raised Lore bonus from +5 to +20
- Tattoo of the Unbroken Circle: raised Cold Resistance bonus from +10% to +35%
- Tattoo of Trist's Savior: raised save VS. Death bonus from +3 to +6
12. Cursed Items
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Edited by Daulmakan, 16 March 2025 - 07:41 AM.