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Comments on 'wonnimchunha's Portrait Mod'

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#1 Azazello


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Posted 05 August 2009 - 07:40 AM

Great work!

Time to move your original thread to this forum.

I finally found a must-have portrait for Coran that's spot-on! yay me!

Yoshimo has less of the color-heavy look of the other images, got the scars to show he is a truly experienced adventurer, and thankfully doesn't have the happy-go-lucky smile that we know is *not* his character. Tis also now my never-leave-home-without-it portrait for him.

I'm not big on using known actors for images, so I'll reserve comment to other members on those ones.

Thanks for your contributions.

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#2 wonnimchunha

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Posted 01 September 2009 - 07:44 PM

Thanx very much for your comment :)
Actually, all of the portraits use actors as the base... I'm glad it isn't noticable for you for at least a few of them
I have no idea how to move a thread across forums....... if anybody moves it for me that would be awesome...   :whistling:

#3 Kaeloree


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Posted 01 September 2009 - 11:21 PM

Thread moved. :)