Hi all,
So I have recently had my game start to stutter very badly.
Now I'm not an idiot so I have checked the following:
1) Biffing - I have 40MB in my override folder, everything else has been biffed.
2) Defrag - defragged the hard drive
3) Bottomless bags of holding - in my test save to try to get rid of stuttering I dismissed all my NPCs, dropped all my bags and items and CLUAed to another location and rested. I have nothing on me, am wearing nothing, and the only bags are in the Rod of Refuge place and in random locations in Athkatla. I also cleared my cache so it wouldn't have to hold onto them.
4) NPCs - I dismissed all of them. I even killed my familiar.
5) Ambient sounds - turned off.
So here I am, naked, no items or status effects, in some random location (Order of the Radiant Heart, as it happens) with all my bags and things far from he, and I am still stuttering.
EDIT: I notice in Shadowkeeper I have a large number of State Flags and Affects listed, and of course a massive pile of Global Variables
EDIT 2: At the same time, I have started noticing battle music appearing much more often, when there are no enemies around for certain.
EDIT 3: It is definitely my baldur.bcs, (506kb, as I am runing the "tactical" install of the BWP) but the fact that it remains while I have no items or NPCs should help narrow it down.
EDIT 4: Working on finding where this happens. It seems to happen shortly after I go to the Windspear Hills for the first time.
Things of note that happen there (apart from the regular BG2 events):
1) Getting the Golden Globe aspect of the Ajantis BG2 mod
2) Meeting General Chang (unknown mod) and a few odd dwarves at the entrance to Firkraag's dungeon.
3) Rukh was a blue circle, didn't speak or attack me.
4) Meeting Lilith and co. from the Dark Ritual mod
5) Finding Sheena, though she doesn't speak to me because I have not killed Firkraag yet.
I have been testing this by going to my regular save games and getting rid of all other stutter by undressing, dismissing NPCs etc.
It seems that just before I go to Windspear, I can get rid of everyone & everything and have perfectly smooth play. At the point where I am freeing Garren's son, if I do the same I still have severe stutter.
EDIT 5: I think it might relate to the Golden Globe. Things get worse as they go along while in Firkraag's dungeon, but after the guy from the Ajantis mod gives me the globe, they definitely get worse again.
Please help!

Edited by Vandervecken, 02 August 2009 - 06:20 PM.