Edited by agb1, 01 December 2016 - 08:16 PM.

The Minotaur and Lilacor
Posted 01 December 2016 - 08:13 PM
BiG World Fixpack (community collection of mod fixes and compatibility patches, with user-friendly cross-platform script)
BiG World Setup (tool to automate best-practice installation of Infinity Engine mods on Windows, with conflict analysis)
Latest version: https://bitbucket.or.../get/master.zip
Posted 31 March 2020 - 06:03 AM
Posted 31 March 2020 - 07:49 AM
The same as with Lucy, I have only v1.6 on my drive
Posted 04 April 2020 - 08:19 AM
Updated to v2.0 with Polish translation, EE compatibility and...
change-log :
- Added slandor.ini metadata file to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
- Renamed setup-slandor.tp2 -> slandor.tp2 and moved it into mod top folder to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
- Replaced `AUTHOR` keyword with `SUPPORT`.
- Added `VERSION` flag.
- Definitively removed `MODDER` statement from the .tp2 file.
- Added `README` command.
- Added missing `REQUIRE_PREDICATE` process to avoid installing the mod in inaccurate games.
- Added component `DESIGNATED` number and "the_minotaur_and_lilacor" `LABEL`.
- Added missing `HANDLE_CHARSETS` function to convert string entries for EE games.
- Added native BG2:EE and EET compatibilities.
- slandor.cre and ar0418.bcs files no longer overwritten, but patched now.
- Added Polish translation by Cahir (BWP FixPack).
- Added German, Italian, Polish and Spanish WeiDU prompts.
- Fixed typos in German and French tra files.
- Split %language%.tra files into setup.tra and slandor.tra. Added `AUTO_TRA` command.
- Wrote a new slandor-readme-english.html readme file and moved it into new readme folder.
- Reorganized mod architecture tree: created "lang" folder to sort files according to their types.
- Lower cased files.
- Included Linux and Mac Os X versions in the same package (thanks AL|EN's Infinity Auto Packager tool!).
- Updated WeiDU installer to v246.
- Uploaded mod to official Spellhold Studios GitHub mirror account.
In progress : Menace sur le Royaume de Diamant Éternel there.
Posted 06 April 2020 - 12:05 AM
Gwendolyne, thanks a lot for all the releases you're doing. Any chance you could take a look at the Longer road?
By the way, there are some BWP Fixes for it available.
Posted 06 April 2020 - 01:13 AM
Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit).
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.
Posted 06 April 2020 - 02:24 AM
Thanks for that. A note: there is a chance dorotea is back at it.
I would try to get in touch with her just to ask if she already started reworking it
Posted 23 February 2023 - 03:15 PM
There is a bug with the german language translation of this mod. In the slandor.tp2 it says:
but it should say:
Posted 24 February 2023 - 02:14 AM
New version is up! v2.1 fixes the install error of the German version. Thanks for reporting, everyone who contributed, and thanks for your patience.
- Fixed install error for German version.
- German version proofread by jastey.
- Added globally unique LABELs and install order info to slandor.ini metadata file to better support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
My Own: Ajantis BG1 Expansion Modification -- Sir Ajantis for BGII -- Ajantis Portrait Pack -- Another fine Hell -- Brage's Redemption -- BGQE at Gibberlings 3 / BGQE at Kerzenburgforum -- Brandock the Mage -- Endless BG1 -- Grey The Dog NPC -- Imoen 4 Ever -- Imoen Is Stone -- Jastey's SoD TweakPack -- Road to Discovery (SoD) -- Solaufein's Rescue - jastey's Solaufein NPC Mod -- The Boareskyr Bridge Scene (SoD)
Contributions: Adalon's Blood (Silberdrachenblutmod) -- Alternatives -- Ascalon's Questpack -- Ascalon's Breagar NPC -- Balduran's Seatower -- BG1 NPC Project -- BG1 Romantic Encounters -- Corthala Romantique -- Edwin Romance -- Fading Promises -- Gavin BG1 --Hidden Adventures -- Imoen Can Die -- Keldorn Romance (berelinde's) -- Lure of Sirine's Call -- NTotSC -- Romantic Encounters (BGII)
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