Bug Report for 0.50
Posted 15 August 2009 - 01:08 PM
Posted 16 August 2009 - 09:36 AM
Your map should have been updated with Piney Bluff. Go out the top right edge of the map, where you first entered the area. PB should be to the West of the Tinker.
In fact that's not the problem, Piney appears on the worldmap, but "grayed", I can't click on it or have the time of travel when I keep the cursor on it, that's what I meant by 'like the castle of Nalia when you've not passed the gates yet". So if there's a way to have it accessible by changing a variable or something with the console or shadowkeeper it would be cool. I already deinstalled/reinstalled CA and tried reloading before I finished the haunted house and it doesn't change a thing.

Posted 16 August 2009 - 10:05 AM
Use the console to MoveToArea("TC0300")
You are in Westgate. Can you give me an idea of where on the map you are when it crashes? Is it always the same or does it just happen right after appearing on this map? That tells me if it is a wall polygon or missing ambient noise.
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Posted 16 August 2009 - 11:39 AM
Posted 16 August 2009 - 11:52 PM
The Imp hugs the desperate Sir BB.Armelior,
Use the console to MoveToArea("TC0300")
Yes, but you need to exit from the exit that leads you to the area, the top right edge of the Saltmarsh town area.Hi it's me again.
Your map should have been updated with Piney Bluff. Go out the top right edge of the map, where you first entered at Saltmarsh town area.
Small change.
In fact that's not the problem, Piney appears on the worldmap, but "grayed", I can't click on it or have the time of travel when I keep the cursor on it, that's what I meant by 'like the castle of Nalia when you've not passed the gates yet". So if there's a way to have it accessible by changing a variable or something
Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.
Posted 17 August 2009 - 05:22 AM

I thought it was an exit "zone" when it is really an exit "line", not like in vanilla BG2 or most mods I played.
Well, problem solved and thanks for your patience.
Posted 17 August 2009 - 05:35 AM
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Posted 17 August 2009 - 10:42 AM
Dust Mephit will now attack
Lesser Air Elemental now drops portal key
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Posted 17 August 2009 - 10:50 AM
In the White Hart Inn if i ask for the service the game crash
Found it, the store doesn't exist at all. Okay, fixed now. Thanks.
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Posted 17 August 2009 - 10:55 AM
- when Althon shows up if I have Paraway in the party I get an error "no valid replies or links" but as I can exit dialog and talk to Althon again it's not a big deal
Do you remember who was in your party? This is a very complicated dialog and it varies based on Paraway, Aesdale, and Candella. Paraway should have said that he doesn't want Althon joining, Althon should say he is sorry, and Candella should say that Althon is a great person. There are lots of checks to make sure each person is there for the dialog and it sounds like you don't have Candella. Therefore, the dialog tries to go to her line, it dies with no valid links. However, I didn't see a typo in the D file. I'll check again.
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Posted 17 August 2009 - 05:43 PM
IF ~NumberOfTimesTalkedTo(0) Global("TCGauntletQuest","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN BEGIN UKSeriesTalks SAY ~Greetings, <CHARNAME>.~ IF ~InParty("TCAESDALE") !InParty("TCPARA")~ THEN GOTO UKSeriesTalk2Aesdale IF ~InParty("TCAESDALE") InParty("TCPARA")~ THEN GOTO UKSeriesTalk2AesdaleAndParaway IF ~!InParty("TCAESDALE") !InParty("TCPARA") InParty("TCCANDE") !StateCheck("TCCANDE",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN GOTO UKSeriesTalk2Candella IF ~!InParty("TCAESDALE") !InParty("TCPARA") OR(2) !InParty("TCCANDE") StateCheck("TCCANDE",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN REPLY ~Greetings, Lord Merchantius.~ GOTO UKSeries1 END
If so, then it might be plausible that it is still searching for dialogs that shouldn't be valid under circumstances that are inconsistent with the code. Only by not having certain NPCs in the party can some complications be avoided with the current code. Candella is confirmed to work without a hitch, but I think having all three at the same time causes a conflict of interest for the engine.
Presently, Candella will only speak when both Paraway and Aesdale are not present, and she isn't unable to due to party check or state check. If none can speak due to not being in the party, or Candella's state check being inconsistent, it should go straight to the PC's dialog, though I'm not sure if that can be so considering the likely culprits being the former duo of A and P.
It's a theory at best, so please don't take this as a solved puzzle just yet.

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Posted 19 August 2009 - 10:32 AM
Posted 19 August 2009 - 10:55 AM
Fixed.IN Westgate in the inn 'The Soldir's Wife' the bar owner after the talk with Vildamir when u try to talk again with him there say 'no valid replies ot links'
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Posted 19 August 2009 - 11:03 AM
Out of curiosity, would that problem by any chance be related to this dialog block in particular? (The starting one for the UK Series)
IF ~NumberOfTimesTalkedTo(0) Global("TCGauntletQuest","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN BEGIN UKSeriesTalks SAY ~Greetings, <CHARNAME>.~ IF ~InParty("TCAESDALE") !InParty("TCPARA")~ THEN GOTO UKSeriesTalk2Aesdale IF ~InParty("TCAESDALE") InParty("TCPARA")~ THEN GOTO UKSeriesTalk2AesdaleAndParaway IF ~!InParty("TCAESDALE") !InParty("TCPARA") InParty("TCCANDE") !StateCheck("TCCANDE",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN GOTO UKSeriesTalk2Candella IF ~!InParty("TCAESDALE") !InParty("TCPARA") OR(2) !InParty("TCCANDE") StateCheck("TCCANDE",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN REPLY ~Greetings, Lord Merchantius.~ GOTO UKSeries1 END
If so, then it might be plausible that it is still searching for dialogs that shouldn't be valid under circumstances that are inconsistent with the code. Only by not having certain NPCs in the party can some complications be avoided with the current code. Candella is confirmed to work without a hitch, but I think having all three at the same time causes a conflict of interest for the engine.
Presently, Candella will only speak when both Paraway and Aesdale are not present, and she isn't unable to due to party check or state check. If none can speak due to not being in the party, or Candella's state check being inconsistent, it should go straight to the PC's dialog, though I'm not sure if that can be so considering the likely culprits being the former duo of A and P.
It's a theory at best, so please don't take this as a solved puzzle just yet.All tag names seem to be matching, so it's most definetely in the variables line somewhere.
It is complicated, but what should happen is this -
1st check to see if Aesdale is in the party and Paraway isn't. This goes to a dialog of Althon welcoming Aesdale
2nd check to see if Aesdale is in the party and Paraway is in the party. This goes to the Althon welcoming Aesdale without saying he thought Paraway was looking for him.
3rd check to see if Aesdale and Paraway are not in the party. Next check to see if Candella is in the and can talk (not asleep/dead/etc). This goes to Althon welcoming Candella.
4th check to see if Aesdale and Paraway are not in the party. Next check to see if Candella is in the party or can't talk. This goes to the player talking to Althon.
BTW, Candella's talk with Althon comes after the Althon/Aesdale or Althon/Paraway dialogs. So she should say something other than just standing there.
A no valid links error means that you have a condition that it can't match. That is why I need to know who is in the party at this point. If you are soloing, you should just get the 4th dialog. If you have at least one of the 3, the dialog should flow onto that next section. So something isn't happening correctly. Usually it is a typo in the Death Name but these seem to all be okay.
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Posted 22 August 2009 - 01:22 AM

As of so far, everything before this has worked as they should...

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Posted 24 August 2009 - 06:35 AM
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Posted 24 August 2009 - 12:35 PM
Ok, now the spell range usually is restricted to the 30+ range as that's when the visible range ends, but the 150 feet can also be made if the target needs not to be (within) visible (range, using the target 3=dead actor/target).
I would also say that the Daer'Ragh's Aura Clensing(spwi426.spl) might be just a bit over powered, being 4th level spell, it give a 3 round(18 seconds) of Improved Alacrity which then improves at level 12, 16 and 20 with 1 round each... and as the original 10th level spell lasted just 2 round(12 seconds). You should have seen Bergon with it and few magic missiles.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 25 August 2009 - 08:05 AM.
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Posted 25 August 2009 - 06:20 PM
But before finding the hidden door,I can move the mouse to the door's location,the click icon showed.I can click and move to the next map,no need to open the door.
Not sure it is a bug or only I missed something to playthrough.
Posted 26 August 2009 - 12:28 AM
Did you find the switch? It's in the head on the wall... as the key is just for the first tombs door.I get the key and enter the Saltmarsh crypt.The door to next level can not be opened.
Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 26 August 2009 - 12:34 AM.
Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.
Posted 26 August 2009 - 01:07 AM
So no need finding the hidden door to enter the next map is a small bug?