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Bug Report for 0.50

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#41 MythrylEagle

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Posted 05 August 2009 - 12:45 PM

started my spellcheck/typo check for ver .50


that the have > that they have


adversaries > adversary's
two thing > two things [multiple occurances]

also started my new playthrough. will take a while to get to the new content.

Mythryl Eagle

Edited by MythrylEagle, 05 August 2009 - 12:46 PM.

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#42 agnar

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Posted 05 August 2009 - 04:57 PM

A few more bugs, possibly spoiler-ish.


#43 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 06 August 2009 - 09:02 AM

Thanks M.E.

Okay agnar, I'll take a look.

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#44 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 06 August 2009 - 09:45 AM


I can move between TC1550 and TC1500 just fine. Did you leave the top edge of TC1550? That should work. I can move back as well.

Bor does have a cursed item. Not sure why the game displays this message over and over. I don't remember seeing that all the time in regular SoA. Maybe it is from BG2Fixpack.

Diarmid in caves is now fixed.

BTW, I don't get the crashes in TC1550 anymore. The new spawn 2DA file I posted seems to have fixed the ettercap spawns.

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#45 xdeathplanetx

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Posted 06 August 2009 - 10:38 AM

BTW, I don't get the crashes in TC1550 anymore. The new spawn 2DA file I posted seems to have fixed the ettercap spawns.

do i have to putt the bug fix in the override or somewhere else?
becouse for me always crash

Edited by xdeathplanetx, 06 August 2009 - 10:56 AM.

#46 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 08 August 2009 - 02:12 PM

Download the file and rename it to spawngrp.2da then put it in the override folder.

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#47 MythrylEagle

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Posted 08 August 2009 - 02:24 PM

talking to Rurik in saltmarch about making armor. His response of
"I'll late" should be "I'll wait"

Rurik making armor with sunstone gem. Yes answer is yellow, No answer is "green"

I made new yellow armor. Opened the Item description. Text mentions the blue tinted plates. Not updated for new color options.

All 3 fixed.

Edited by Sir BillyBob, 15 August 2009 - 10:02 AM.

Always look on the bright side of life, da da - da da - da da - da da. "Monty Python"

#48 agnar

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Posted 08 August 2009 - 03:19 PM

Terra has no druid shape change abilities. Under her special abilities thing it's totally empty.

priestess joy/benthic quest is still broken. joy still jumps right from not done to already totally resolved, once i talk to benthic, without my ever getting to tell her what happened or give her the gold.

What causes Bergon to be joinable? certain rep level? Bergon seems to think i didn't finish the gauntlet quest, but he gave me the reward for it.

In the ghost tower outside area - ogre mage quaffs a potion error.

A sword spider outside can cast web spell on invisible characters, and cast them all the way across the screen.

skeleton warriors inside the tower are casting spells on invisible characters.

in ghost tower, could only get 2 of 3 gems on first level. lesser air elemental didn't drop a gem and level was totally cleared.

After I cheated in 3rd portal stone to go to 2nd level. some of the mephits on 2nd level don't go hostile, they stay neutral until force attacked.

Terra/Dirbert frolicking in the wilderness dialogue happens at least twice.


Edited by agnar, 09 August 2009 - 08:20 AM.

#49 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 10 August 2009 - 05:25 PM

Agnar, it must be a bug. This happened before but I got it working. I guess the bug came back. This area is also having problems when returning from Myth Drannor, so the two may be related.

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#50 agnar

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Posted 10 August 2009 - 11:09 PM

Agnar, it must be a bug. This happened before but I got it working. I guess the bug came back. This area is also having problems when returning from Myth Drannor, so the two may be related.

i have a save game if you feel it'd be helpful/needed, or if there's anything you'd like me to try differently from a save game before finishing the ghost tower. Anything that might help, let me know! For the moment i put my playing on hold. i do still need to return to my prior game where i got to westgate and test if i can get to, and inside, the old temple without crashes, so i'll do that and see if that was a 1 time issue or a constant thing.

#51 leahnkain

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Posted 11 August 2009 - 04:45 AM

If you can upload your saved game that would be great. Thank you so much! BTW did you recruit any of the new NPC7s like Bergon or Narissa?

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#52 agnar

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Posted 11 August 2009 - 06:31 AM

If you can upload your saved game that would be great. Thank you so much! BTW did you recruit any of the new NPC7s like Bergon or Narissa?

i've started/played 2 different games so far in .50, in the first i went via the lizardmen/mistmoor route, didn't have rilithar in the group and Narcissa had nothing to say to me. This first game i got all the way to westgate before getting crashes when i tried to move onto the temple, so i put that game on hold.

The 2nd game i went to piney bluff, but never got any hint of a bergon joining me option, but i had wanted to try out both new npc's. So not sure what happened there. The 2nd game i played to the end of the ghost tower then got stuck on the selgaunt bridge with no options off.

i'll try to zip and attach both games. Hope they'll be helpful and that i did it correctly for what you guys need, just zipped up the whole save directory.

i installed no mods, only the the game and the patch, then CA .50

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#53 leahnkain

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Posted 11 August 2009 - 07:13 AM

Bergon should join after you finish the UK modules. I believe I wrote some departure banters between him and the priestess of Liira in Piney Bluff.

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#54 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 11 August 2009 - 07:38 AM

When you talked to Bergon, was Icar in your party? I think right now he only joins after he offers the forge to Icar. Maybe not. I'll need to look at his dialog again.

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#55 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 11 August 2009 - 07:52 AM

Bergon's script has some invalid checks for Icar. Not sure if this would matter if Icar isn't in the party or not. However, I went ahead and fixed it. Also, Narcissa should talk to you after you finish with Rilithar. I have this now fixed as well. She also needed some dialog corrections. I didn't include those because you need to recompile and that requires reinstalling or using DLTCEP. But this should work for you.

Just place both in your override folder.

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#56 agnar

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Posted 11 August 2009 - 10:01 AM

Bergon's script has some invalid checks for Icar. Not sure if this would matter if Icar isn't in the party or not. However, I went ahead and fixed it. Also, Narcissa should talk to you after you finish with Rilithar. I have this now fixed as well. She also needed some dialog corrections. I didn't include those because you need to recompile and that requires reinstalling or using DLTCEP. But this should work for you.

Just place both in your override folder.

yes, Icar was in my group in piney bluff. i had PC, shadow, icar, rurik, dirbert, and terra for that game.

Do i need to start new games to take advantage of these updates, or is it good enough to use a save game from before entering piney bluff for bergon or mistmoor for narcissa? i'll load the files up and try from saves before i loaded those area maps i guess, and if that doesn't work i'll start a new game.


#57 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 14 August 2009 - 10:23 AM

Narcissa's should work anytime you have already talked to Ril.

Bergon's may need you to reset the globals. If you completed the Gauntlet quest, he should have given you some items and gold. If he still thinks you haven't done it, set this global:


Note - I just discovered the problem. The global is set to 10 when getting his reward. The dialog to have him join is looking for Greater Than 10. So either I messed up the number or there is another dialog that sets it above 10. I'll need to go back and follow his dialogs. I may need to upload another version of his script.

Nevermind - The area script updates from 10 to 11 so it can remove journal entries. Therefore, if you still have open quests, the area script never ran. For him to join, it needs to be at 11 or higher.

Edited by Sir BillyBob, 14 August 2009 - 10:27 AM.

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#58 -Armelior-

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Posted 15 August 2009 - 03:05 AM

Hi everybody !
This mod is awesome so far but I'm stuck in Saltmarsh right now.

I solved the haunted house quest and turned down the captain/mayor who wanted help to go to Lord Balthis but there I have 2 problems :
- when Althon shows up if I have Paraway in the party I get an error "no valid replies or links" but as I can exit dialog and talk to Althon again it's not a big deal
- but after he gives me his quest and I get Icar in my party, I have the quest in the journal, a little gold, and "map updated" but I can't access Piney Bluff on the worldmap, much like in BG2 in chap 2 the castle, old temple etc when I've not gone to the gates yet in athkatla. I tried the north and south exits in Saltmarsh, the map of the tinker... Is it a bug or am I missing something ? I think I'm gonna have to do the lizard quest instead :crying:

other little things :
- a typo in this quest "Lord Merchatius as hired me" instead of has
- in Rurik smithy if you tell him you want to make the armor with the whateverinium and changed your mind when you chose the color you can't get the dialog again - I know this has already been reported but maybe not in this precise case
- the book seller in the northwest of saltmarsh can buy twice the dwarven document with the same dialog if you 2 both silver princess and the gobelin quest, I don't know if it's intentional or not
- I think it has already been said and it's not a bug per se but in silver palace the ghost princess says the bad guy will show up again at night after I took the gem but he doesn't, even when you stay 24 hours in there - anyway he was really easy to beat

btw I only have CA and 1pp on this install so no mod conflicts

Keep up the good work, CA rocks !

#59 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 15 August 2009 - 04:31 AM

SP's ghost - he doesn't reappear for now. I will add in another ghost in an upcoming build. You will get no XP for killing him after the first time, so don't plan on using this as a cheat.
Bookseller - it is a problem with dialog files. Nothing actually gets processed until the end of a dialog. So looping with items in your inventory is possible. This is also why you must talk to him several times. It sounds like I need to block even more loops.
Althon/Paraway - this is an on going bug.

Your map should have been updated with Piney Bluff. Go out the top right edge of the map, where you first entered the area. PB should be to the West of the Tinker.

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#60 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 15 August 2009 - 09:42 AM

- in Rurik smithy if you tell him you want to make the armor with the whateverinium and changed your mind when you chose the color you can't get the dialog again - I know this has already been reported but maybe not in this precise case

I assume you mean the line where you say, "I think I'll late until I have a better selection of gems." Late is now fixed to wait and I have now reset the globals so you should be able to start the process over.

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