I've updated the file to v1.05, reorganizing the tp2 structure (using tph files) and the .tra files structure. I've also added the "RP fixes" component: so far, it adds dialogs about Joia's quest, Mirianne's quest and Joseph's quest. It also modifies Joia's ring description, Joseph's ring description and Joseph's spouse name (from Commoner to Vivianne, should be a unique name).
I am sorry for the really small update, I hoped to achieve something more but I have some exams starting from September 1st. Once I'll do those, I hope to be able to provide better and faster updates.
About RP Fixes: I tried to reuse (rewriting them when needed) existing dialog lines, and I tried to be as close as possible to the personalities of the characters I've modified, but given the very few dialog lines they had I could have modified them in a sub-optimal way. Each and every (constructive if possible) comment and criticism is most welcome and helpful.
EDIT: forgot to mention that if you follow the new paths RP Fixes introduces, the journal won't be updated. Since following the new RP fixes paths implies CHARNAME starts and finishes the quests in the same dialog, you won't have an erroneous active quest report - but you will neither have the completed quest report. Starting the quest the usual way cuts off RP fixes additions, so you will have active and completed reports as usual (and you won't notice the presence of RP fixes). I've never worked with the journal before, but I will try and add journal entries for completing the quests using RP fixes dialogs next time if possible.
Please report any bug you may encounter.
EDIT 2: Ok, ok, I'm not the most careful person..

Spotted a typo in WEIGHT statements just after I've uploaded the mod. If you downloaded it between 10.30 and 11.30 (my current time) please re-download it, as I've fixed it and tested the mod again, works for me. I'm sorry.
Edited by kthxbye, 22 August 2009 - 01:35 AM.