I was planning on creating new Vista/XP Icons for Planescape Torment, because the old Windows 98 256color icon looks kinda bad when it gets stretched. But it ended up with me creating a much more detailed Symbol Of Torment then I initially wanted to. I used a picture from an unknown artist I found on the Internet as reference for the outlines. First I created a Vector Image out of an source image and then I made the Icons out of the Vector Image. I am also going to work on some wallpapers (still working on the background).
Here are the finished image as PNG in case any of you want to use it for whatever PsT/IE project you are working on.

Finished Symbol of Torment V3 images - transparent PNG's - updated 11/07/2009 :
Thumbail, click to enlarge
Detail thumbnails, click to enlarge:-
The screenshot above is based on a earlier Work In Progess Version of the Symbol of Torment Logo, the actual .ico file is based on the latest version. Available for Windows and Mac OSX. Create a Link of Torment EXE, right-click, properties, Change Icon, select the .ico file, press OK.
Or use ResHack to change the embedded Icon of the torment.exe (as seen on the screenshots).
I am also going to work in wallpapers and will post them in the "Layers of Reality" subforum.
Attached Files
Edited by Asceran, 20 August 2009 - 12:49 PM.