A LOT of bad screwy things can happen if you belong to both the Godsmen and the Anarchists, and then you go try to join another faction. For example, if you then try to join the Sensates, you'll have responses for -both- "I want to renounce the Godsmen" and "I want to renounce... another faction." (meaning the Anarchists). If you say that you want to renounce one, you do so and you become a Sensate but it doesn't kick you out of the other. This isn't so bad if you renounce being a Godsman, because you're supposed to be able to belong to the Anarchists and at least one other faction. But if you say "I renounce being an Anarchist", it looks to me like, yes, you can belong to -both- the Godsmen and the Sensates at the same time. Definitely, definitely not intended.
I'm probably gonna have to go through every faction leader and deal with that possibility in a crapload of places. Ugh, ugh, ugh.
EDIT: Oh God is this going to be an ugly fix. Picture this: You're an anarchist. You've infiltrated the Godsmen, the Dustmen and the Xaositects. Now you go to the Sensates, and you tell them you want to renounce the Anarchists. You are now simultaneously a Godsman, a Dustman, a Xaositect and a Sensate, -without- belonging to the Anarchists! *sob*
The Sensates are actually the easy ones. If you infiltrate them for the anarchists, you're not REALLY a Sensate (i.e., Join_Sensates doesn't get set to 1). It's essentially the same thing as if you told Splinter you were previously a Sensate and get the partial benefits, without getting Sensory Touch and all that. But when you infiltrate the Xaositects or the Dustmen, you really -do- become one, at least as far as important variables go, though as a fake Dustman you don't get the Dead Truce. And obviously you can't become an Anarchist without already being a real Godsman. Ugh ugh ugh.
(Note in what I described about being in all 4 of the other factions at once, you -would- also be a real Sensate with Sensory Touch and everything

So as fixes go, this becomes tremendously ugly. For this to make sense at all, when you renounce being an Anarchist, you'd pretty much have to renounce all the factions you'd infiltrated as well, which is going to be a BEAR to code all the possible permutations for all the other faction heads. Either that, or we make it so you can only infiltrate one faction at a time as an Anarchist. I actually think that makes more sense... you may privately be an anarchist, but publicly everyone should know about the one you've infiltrated and a new one shouldn't accept you unless you've dumped your other public faction. Make sense? That'll be a bear to code too, but. Anyways. What do you all think?
Please duke it out amongst yourselves, as I'm probably gonna have to exile myself for a few days to get any real work done.