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Fonts for P:T PL

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#1 haen

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Posted 05 July 2009 - 01:39 PM


I've created BAMs with bigger fonts for polish version of PS:T - see attachment. Ghostdog - if you are interested you can include these files in your UI mod (great job, btw).

I wrote a small Java utility for generating aforementioned BAMs. It can create BAM for any font (family, size, style etc.) - at least theoretically. If someone is interested let me know.

Mandatory screenshots:Attached File  Fonts.zip   27.83K   2137 downloads

#2 ghostdog

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Posted 05 July 2009 - 05:46 PM

Thanks haen, your fonts look great and I'd be glad to include them in the next version.

You say you've created a utility to automatically create the bams? This is great, imagine that in order to make the fonts I had no other way but to use bamworkshop and edit each symbol separately (nightmare). I would be obliged if you could share this tool and see if I can implement it in the UI installation. Or at least use it to create bigger fonts for any other language versions I can find.

#3 Corvias

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Posted 06 July 2009 - 08:25 AM

I'd be very interested in your utility as well. I made a font mod for BG2/IWD (here) and had previously used an AutoIt macro to partially automate the process of importing characters into bam workshop, but it is still rather tedious. It's the only reason why I haven't released a more comprehensive version with different sizes and styles for the dialog , tooltip, and float text fonts.

#4 haen

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Posted 06 July 2009 - 09:08 AM

The utility (binaries and sources) attached. This is command line application, requires JRE (Java) 1.5 or greater. Unpack font-bam-generator-1.0.zip to whatever directory.

-charset CHARSET [-drawShadow BOOLEAN] -font FONT -out FILE [-useAA BOOLEAN]

Parameters description:
  • charset - this is a name of the charset used to encode text entries (TLK and so on). I think that this is always some 1-byte-per-character encoding like iso-8859-1 for english version and cp1250 for polish version.
  • drawShadow - if bottom-right, 1x1 pixel shadow should be drawn for every character. This is tailored to the floating font, where characters should be better distinguishable from a background. Optional, default false.
  • font - font description like "DejaVu Sans Bold 14" or "Tahoma Italic 15". It should be something decodable via Font#decode(), otherwise some default dialog font is used as an fallback.
  • out - a path for the output BAM.
  • useAA - if greyscale antialiasing should be used. Optional, default true.
java -jar font-bam-generator-1.0.jar -charset cp1250 -font "DejaVu Serif Bold 14" -out /tmp/test.bam -useAA true -drawShadow false

I suppose that integrating all above with UI installation would be problematic. Anyway, we could pregenerate BAMs for every known PS:T translation. We just need to know proper charset and get some font with support for language specific characters.

And btw, "1.0" means that this is first public version. It doesn't claim to be rock solid and bug free. It should not rape your kitty neverthless :].

Attached File  font_bam_generator_1.0.zip   436.21K   2221 downloads
Attached File  font_bam_generator_1.0_sources.zip   437.2K   1242 downloads

Edited by haen, 06 July 2009 - 09:58 AM.

#5 ghostdog

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Posted 06 July 2009 - 10:13 AM

Thanks a lot haen. So this tool actually makes a bam file from scratch, you don't need the original fonts, cool.

#6 Corvias

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Posted 06 July 2009 - 06:42 PM

Sweet! On one hand I'm psyched this pretty much does with one command what used to take me two days to do. On the other, now I have no excuse not to learn Weidu so we can have some truly customizable font options for all IE games.

Thanks Haen, this is way cool. I'll try it later tonight.

#7 -Guest-

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Posted 07 July 2009 - 01:55 PM

You could even do chinese or japonese translations. I mean... if you wanted to. Potentially.

#8 -PT_fan-

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Posted 08 July 2009 - 12:06 AM

I've created BAMs with bigger fonts for polish version of PS:T

Thank U!

Dzięki! :)

#9 -Sareth-

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Posted 04 December 2009 - 07:51 AM

Are these fonts included in Ghostdog's PS:T UI 1.21?

My copy of the new rerelease of Ps:T should arrive in near future and I'm gathering files and mods so i will be ready when it arrives ^_^

#10 ghostdog

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Posted 04 December 2009 - 08:36 AM

Are these fonts included in Ghostdog's PS:T UI 1.21?

My copy of the new rerelease of Ps:T should arrive in near future and I'm gathering files and mods so i will be ready when it arrives ^_^

The bigger fonts included in v1.21 are only for the english version. Multilanguage fonts may be included in a future version.

Edited by ghostdog, 04 December 2009 - 08:37 AM.

#11 -Sareth-

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Posted 04 December 2009 - 09:20 AM

The bigger fonts included in v1.21 are only for the english version. Multilanguage fonts may be included in a future version.

Thanks, it's english version I'm getting.

Thanks for all the work you have done ghostdog :cheers:

#12 Markus Ramikin

Markus Ramikin

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Posted 09 December 2009 - 01:20 AM

Woohoo, good work Haen.

Does this mean you can make 1024x768 now, Ghost? ;)

#13 ghostdog

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Posted 09 December 2009 - 03:33 AM

Not really, this doesn't have anything to do with resolution. :)

#14 Markus Ramikin

Markus Ramikin

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Posted 09 December 2009 - 05:37 AM

Hehe, yeah I know. For a shameless plug, that one wasn't the most effective imaginable :(.

#15 ghostdog

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Posted 19 December 2009 - 04:18 AM

You know Markus, since it's Christmas time, your wish may come true. There may be a new version on the road, that may support all resolutions.

#16 Markus Ramikin

Markus Ramikin

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Posted 24 December 2009 - 02:29 AM

You realize you're interfering with my conviction that "Christmas is humbug, Christmas is humbug, Christmas is humbug"?

Seriously, you rock.

(But my convictions are not so shaky as to be destroyed so easily!)

#17 -ProLogo-

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Posted 24 December 2009 - 08:33 AM

Can't wait for multilanguage version (especially with Polish).


#18 -i30817-

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Posted 24 December 2009 - 10:46 AM

You can install fonts for the jdk i think.

So this isn't limited to the default jdk fonts. (there is no reason to skip simplified chinese if you want).

#19 ghostdog

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Posted 24 December 2009 - 02:04 PM

I wouldn't know how to add other fonts in the jdk. I'm guessing simplified Chinese or Korean are trickier than most and we would also need someone with these versions and knowledge of the language. I'd welcome any help, but I don't think I'll try to do this myself.

#20 DenimTornado

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Posted 31 July 2012 - 12:06 AM

Wow!! It's very cool app. At last i maid my own cyrillic fonts for GemRB! Thank you very much, haen!

Edited by DenimTornado, 31 July 2012 - 12:07 AM.