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Ultimate Planescape: Torment installation guide

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#1 ThunderPeel2001

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Posted 20 June 2009 - 03:37 PM

For anyone interested, I've put together a pretty comprehensive guide on installing Planescape: Torment with all the mods...

It's designed with a new player in mind (so no cheats, etc.) and it's pretty long! (It's quite a long job installing everything!). I've tried to research absolutely everything and get everything absolutely spot on.

I hope it's useful to someone! (Please send me any corrections!)


Edited by ThunderPeel2001, 20 June 2009 - 03:37 PM.

#2 Qwinn

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Posted 20 June 2009 - 04:11 PM

Nice work! Thanks very much for this.

Couple of minor corrections:

1) In the first paragraph, Planescape is misspelled.

2) I would ask that scient get credit in the 4th paragraph as well, he's done a tremendous amount of hard work (and seems to be the only person in the universe actually technically capable of what he's done, heh) and definitely deserves as much credit as anyone else in doing some great modding work for this game.

3) Personally, I would recommend installing thebigg's widescreen mod and ghostdog's UI first, before my mods. The main reason is because there may be good reasons for reinstalling my mods midgame (like potentially switching out tweaks, or whatever) but there is no good reason for reinstalling the widescreen and UI mods - if you do reinstall them, you really should be starting a brand new game (and it would probably be a good idea to mention that as well - changing resolutions in particular stands a good chance of making your save games no longer work, so if you need to change it, plan on restarting from scratch). Anyway, if you do go to uninstall a tweak, there's no reason that WeiDU should have to go through the motions of reinstalling the widescreen/UI mods in the process, and with the install order you recommend, that will happen. Finally, I have them installed first in my own setup, so that's the setup of my mods that has gotten the most testing.

I don't have time now but I'll review it some more and if all seems good, I'd be happy to sticky this thread in the forum if you wish it.


#3 ThunderPeel2001

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Posted 20 June 2009 - 05:05 PM

Wow, thanks Qwinn! I'll fix the things you mentioned and think about how to move the widescreen mod first. A sticky would be awesome! :)

Thanks for the feedback! It'd be good to know a little more about the correct procedure for upgrading to the latest version of a patch, too. I'm a little fuzzy on that.

Keep the comments coming, when you get the chance to read through it all (it's very long!).

Edited by ThunderPeel2001, 20 June 2009 - 05:13 PM.

#4 Qwinn

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Posted 20 June 2009 - 05:46 PM

Well, when I say the GUI mods should go "first", I just mean at the point where you had it installing my mods. Just switch 'em around. Should still apply the patch and language pack and whatever first.

There's also a Polish version that was just released that goes on 1 CD, which also shouldn't be patched. I'd give more detail about that version, except right now it's not playing well with my Fixpack, gotta wait till scient comes back and see what we can do about it, then I can give more information on it.


#5 Kaeloree


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Posted 20 June 2009 - 07:37 PM

Hey ThunderPeel2001, that's a great guide you have there; with your consent, I'd be happy to make a sticky in the Planescape: Torment forum here as well. :)

#6 ThunderPeel2001

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Posted 21 June 2009 - 03:32 AM

K, on Jun 21 2009, 04:37 AM, said:

Hey ThunderPeel2001, that's a great guide you have there; with your consent, I'd be happy to make a sticky in the Planescape: Torment forum here as well. :)

Of course! :cheers:

#7 ThunderPeel2001

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Posted 21 June 2009 - 03:33 AM

Er, yeah. I do know exactly what you mean, but I can't just swap stuff around... it needs re-writing so it makes sense a new user. I think I've thought of a way to do it now, though.

Do you have any thoughts on how to to upgrade a mod? Do you need to uninstall it first, or can you just run the new mod?

I recently upgraded my Bigg's mod from 2.0 to 2.1, and Ghostdog's to his latest version, and there were no issues with my savegames (thankfully!). I guess there are only issues if you decide to change your resolution?

Qwinn, on Jun 21 2009, 02:46 AM, said:

Well, when I say the GUI mods should go "first", I just mean at the point where you had it installing my mods. Just switch 'em around. Should still apply the patch and language pack and whatever first.

There's also a Polish version that was just released that goes on 1 CD, which also shouldn't be patched. I'd give more detail about that version, except right now it's not playing well with my Fixpack, gotta wait till scient comes back and see what we can do about it, then I can give more information on it.


Edited by ThunderPeel2001, 21 June 2009 - 03:37 AM.

#8 ghostdog

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Posted 21 June 2009 - 05:04 AM


Do you have any thoughts on how to to upgrade a mod? Do you need to uninstall it first, or can you just run the new mod?

The order does not really matter in terms of compatibility. The UI mods and Qwinns mods can be installed in whatever order you want. What Qwinn is saying, is that if you want to add/remove a tweak component mid-game, the installing procedure will take longer if you have installed the UI mods last, since it also uninstall-install the UI mods at the same time. So it's just a matter of time actually.

#9 ThunderPeel2001

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Posted 21 June 2009 - 05:24 AM

Woah... Now you've absolutely and totally confused me :) I'm pretty sure I understand what Qwinn is saying...

Installing Bigg's mode (and by extension, yours) first makes sense as it can damage your savegames. Getting that out of the way first makes a lot of sense because adding or removing the other mods later on, will not have this effect. (I've updated my blog to reflect this now.)

I guess I don't fully understand how WeiDU interacts with the other mods, though, so I suppose I could be confused there?

But my question wasn't in any way related to the GUI mods. Maybe it's just that my original question wasn't clear.

Let me try asking again:

I'm a user who has installed all of the mods (for example). (Let's ignore what order I did that in for now. Length of time for an install is not an issue.)
Since I installed the Unfinished Business mod, it has been upgraded to version 3.02. I have version 3.01 installed.
I would like to gain the additional benefits of v3.02, so I decide to install it.
But I don't know how!

Should I:
a) Run the Setup-PST-UB.exe in my game directory and choose "uninstall". Then download the new 3.02 and install it?
b) Download the new 3.02 version and copy the content to my game directory. Run the new Setup-PST-UB.exe and select Re-install?

What's the correct procedure? Thanks a lot!

Edited by ThunderPeel2001, 21 June 2009 - 07:56 AM.

#10 ThunderPeel2001

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Posted 21 June 2009 - 05:34 AM

Ok, I've switched things around. I hope it still makes sense to people, please let me know if I've missed anything out.

It would be super-awesome if you could find the time to read through it again. I hope I've not missed anything.

- Johnny

#11 rtr86

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Posted 21 June 2009 - 07:45 AM

That's brilliant, real good job you've done. :coolthumb:

#12 Icendoan


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Posted 21 June 2009 - 09:40 AM

For your question, both a) and b) are viable, but a) takes longer. On the other hand, the new UB would have the position of being installed LAST. EG:

Widescreen Mod
Ghostdog's UI
UB 3.01

With procedure a), your installation would not look like the former, but like this:

Widescreen Mod (unchanged)
Ghostdog's UI (Unchanged)
Fixpack (unchanged)
Tweaks (uninstalled and reinstalled, so potential change)
UB 3.02 (changed)

The only problems for this is if Tweaks installs differently depending if UB is installed, if so, Tweaks cannot take into account UB's existence. This occurs mainly with global changes, such as changing dialogue consistently, or making all clubs do 2d4 damage, as any clubs UB adds after Tweaks would have inconsistent damage. Also, if you changed something about Tweaks, say a file or a line in the TP2, it would be installed with these edits.

b) would leave all things unchanged, unless you again changed something in the TP2 for Tweaks, again.

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#13 ThunderPeel2001

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Posted 21 June 2009 - 10:31 AM

Ah! Thank you for explaining. That makes sense. (I'm not entirely sure what TP2 is -- am I being dumb? -- but I assume it means a change to the Tweak Pack)

That would mean that b) is most definitely the best course-of-action.

#14 Icendoan


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Posted 21 June 2009 - 10:35 AM

A TP2 is the WeiDU mod-code, and is therefore fundamental. :)

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#15 Qwinn

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Posted 21 June 2009 - 11:28 AM

I built UB and Tweaks so that you can install them in either order... they detect whether or not the other has been installed yet, and proceed accordingly (the issue where this was most significant was between the UB Restored Sounds and Banters component and the Banter Accelerator Tweak). Either order -should- work.

But, in my own setup UB is installed before the Tweak Pack, so that's what's been tested the most.


#16 ThunderPeel2001

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Posted 21 June 2009 - 01:34 PM

Great job, Qwinn.

So, just to clarify: That would mean that course b) is the recommendation for the guide?

(Course "b" being: Downloading the latest version of one of your mods, Qwinn, and unarchiving the entire contents into the game folder (overwriting the previous version in the process). Then running the setup and telling it to Re-install the mod. That's ok to do, right? It won't break anything?)

Qwinn, on Jun 21 2009, 08:28 PM, said:

I built UB and Tweaks so that you can install them in either order... they detect whether or not the other has been installed yet, and proceed accordingly (the issue where this was most significant was between the UB Restored Sounds and Banters component and the Banter Accelerator Tweak). Either order -should- work.

But, in my own setup UB is installed before the Tweak Pack, so that's what's been tested the most.


#17 Qwinn

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Posted 21 June 2009 - 02:19 PM

Honestly... "updating" to new versions isn't something I've worried about maintaining. Generally if changing versions, I've taken to just saying "start a fresh game". Sometimes this wasn't necessary, for example from v1.0 to 2.0... but v2.0 to 3.0, yes, I'd say it was necessary, what with all the engine patches and the new morale system, etc.

Will v4.0 require a new game? Probably not yet, but it's not going to come out for a while yet, and something could certainly get added between now and then that would interfere with save games from previous versions.

I doubt there will be -that- many more versions, so really I wouldn't go nuts trying to create a version upgrade path. I'm not planning on maintaining older versions or save games made by them either... life's too short to introduce that kind of huge complexity into a project like this.


#18 ThunderPeel2001

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Posted 22 June 2009 - 12:36 AM

Ok, I think I've got it now, thanks! I'll clear up my guide.

Does anyone have any further corrections?

#19 ThunderPeel2001

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Posted 23 June 2009 - 12:32 PM

Qwinn, on Jun 21 2009, 01:11 AM, said:

I'd be happy to sticky this thread in the forum if you wish it.

Yes, please! :)

#20 critto

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Posted 13 July 2009 - 10:10 PM


Does anyone have any further corrections?

Just a small typo in section 3a:


You should now have 1280x800 (if your monitor is widescreen) or 12080x1024 (if your monitor is not widescreen) or 1280x720 (if you're playing on an LCD TV).

12080x1024 - now that's quite a resolution :)

Edited by critto, 13 July 2009 - 10:11 PM.