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BGT in Linux (Successfully I think)

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#121 -_doz-

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Posted 25 January 2012 - 11:31 AM

Was smbase and ast configured and builded before elkhound?


I think errors you have is related to missing stuff, not a bad compiler.

Could you please post the entire build log of gcc? Or, what'd be even better, maybe you could crosscompile it with "-march=core2 -m64"?

#122 -_doz-

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Posted 25 January 2012 - 12:37 PM

Could you please post the entire elkhoud build log produced by gcc? Or, what'd be even better, maybe you could crosscompile elkhound with "-march=core2 -m64"?

Fixed, sorry.

Now I'm trying to find out defereces between Debian and Gentoo configs of gcc, hell, it's such a mess, this thing has hundreds of options.

#123 -_doz-

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Posted 25 January 2012 - 08:44 PM

I've almost builded it from the sources which were downloaded as discribed in elkhound/debian/rules file, thanks. Though, they need some corrections of the #includes in header files.

Buuut... The problem in my case is somewhere behind the way of managing the source files after they are downloaded, and I still don't know wth is going on, I purposely eliminated any differences within the process of preparing the source files taken by both ways (the one described in debian/rules, and my own one via ebuild's git-2 eclass) and still sources compile differently. Hell, even diff says that the only dfference is the .gitignore file. It's an enigma...

Oh, I need to sleep.

#124 neird

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Posted 25 January 2012 - 09:12 PM

I've almost builded it from the sources which were downloaded as discribed in elkhound/debian/rules file, thanks. Though, they need some corrections of the #includes in header files.

Buuut... The problem in my case is somewhere behind the way of managing the source files after they are downloaded, and I still don't know wth is going on, I purposely eliminated any differences within the process of preparing the source files taken by both ways (the one described in debian/rules, and my own one via ebuild's git-2 eclass) and still sources compile differently. Hell, even diff says that the only dfference is the .gitignore file. It's an enigma...

Oh, I need to sleep.

Dowloaded sources should be patched with patch from patches dir which accounts for ast and smbase relocation.
PS: Can't crosscompile since elkhound internal build script does not use CCFLAGS environment variable.

#125 -_doz-

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Posted 25 January 2012 - 09:23 PM

Dowloaded sources should be patched with patch from patches dir which accounts for ast and smbase relocation.

They were. Without this patch I wouldn't be able even to configure the package properly, still it fails to compile due to misplaced headers. Anyway, thanks again, fixing it is not a big deal, even I can do it.

#126 soulafein

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Posted 21 March 2012 - 01:12 PM

Could somebody write step-by-step instruction how to install BGT-Weidu because:
1. Installing BG 1
2. Installing BG 2
3. Installing BGT-Weidu 1.14 in BG 2 folder I got that message:

Installing (Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Core) (1.14 (28 Jan 12)
File not found

File not found

File not found

Copying and patching 1 file ...

and it's starting to install but in the end i got many errors.... :(

(Sorry for my poor English)

#127 hook71

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Posted 21 March 2012 - 01:50 PM

This thread is for installing BGT on Linux. Please start a new thread instead.

#128 soulafein

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Posted 21 March 2012 - 02:06 PM

This thread is for installing BGT on Linux. Please start a new thread instead.

I'm using Xubuntu 12.04 32/64 bit and Wine 1.4 on my ACER 5315 laptop :) because of better intel X3100 support tan Windows Vista.

#129 hook71

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Posted 22 March 2012 - 07:32 AM

Ah, in that case I misunderstood. Can't really help you with the installation though, but note that this thread is somewhat outdated since the release of BGT 1.13.

#130 Turambar

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Posted 22 March 2012 - 08:24 AM

The wine batch interpreter does not work like the original one. All groups of 3 consecutive "File not found" are absolutely normal. If you get "successfully installed", though, you don't need to worry.

Anyway, a setup-bgt.debug file could help; moreover, using the WeiDU binary for Linux is recommended (since BGT 113).


Currently supporting: DSotSC for BGT, NTotSC - forum

Turambar's fixes and tweaks for BG2, BGT, DSotSC, NTotSC, SoBH and more!


Before posting questions (even regarding posts written by myself), please look at Jarno Mikkola's FAQs for the Megamods!
(how to correctly report CTDs)

