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Replacement lightmaps for Baldur's Gate city

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#1 Yovaneth


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Posted 08 June 2009 - 04:26 PM

File Name: Replacement lightmaps for Baldur's Gate city
File Submitter: Yovaneth
File Submitted: 09 Jun 2009
File Category: Miscellaneous Released Mods

Version 1.3 - BGT option reinstated

No more blue-and-yellow Orc disco lights! These replacement lightmaps for Baldur's Gate attempt to create the correct indoor and outdoor (night only) lightmaps based on the perceived ambient lighting for the area. Quite a few indoor areas had the same lightmap and in many cases your party showed as black (fully shadowed) sprites when they were actually standing in full light.

Baldur's Gate is done: Durlag's Tower only needed one level tweaking (surprisingly).

Thanks for the tp2 code help from Miloch and translations by Leomar (German), Immortality (Spanish), Ilot (Italian) and Le Marquis (French).

Thanks also to Mercurier for identifying a horrendous group of typos in the 1.1 installer that caused a CTD in BGT.


Click here to download this file

#2 ilot

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Posted 09 June 2009 - 09:37 AM

Thanks Yovaneth! :)

Italian mods tanslator!!!!

#3 Graoumf

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Posted 09 June 2009 - 10:35 AM

Thanks Yovaneth, but it's not me who translated your mod in french - it was Le Marquis.

#4 Yovaneth


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Posted 09 June 2009 - 10:44 AM

Thanks Yovaneth, but it's not me who translated your mod in french - it was Le Marquis.

Ooops....sorry! I'll correct that with the next release.


#5 10th

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Posted 13 June 2009 - 02:18 PM

I tried to install your mod, but unfortunately I was unable to do so due to errors.

The first error was that it choked on line 17:
COPY ~lightmaps/maps/fw0100lm.bmp~ ~override/ar0100lm.bmp~

After some head scratching and fiddling with the tp2 I realised that it wasn't due to the code per se. The cause is that some files have a LN instead of LM.

After rectifying that by renaming some files to LM it choked on line 20:
~lightmaps/maps/fw0106lm.bmp~ ~override/ar0106lm.bmp~

That's because there's no such file. Moreover there are only 28 files copied to the override and renamed if it's not a Tutu installation, while 29 files are present in \lightmaps\maps.


Edited by 10th, 13 June 2009 - 02:21 PM.

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#6 Yovaneth


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Posted 15 June 2009 - 01:02 PM

I've really screwed the .tp2 file <sigh>. I'm really surprised that it's taken someone this long to point it out - it'll be fixed in a day or two. Damn. I do feel stupid.....


[EDIT] New .tp2 attached. Fw0106lm.bmp should have been fw0166lm.bmp, hence both the choke and the uncopied file. fwXX00lm.bmp renamed to fwXX00ln.bmp where necessary.

Note to self: DO NOT create .tp2 files when you're in a hurry to leave for work.

I tried to install your mod, but unfortunately I was unable to do so due to errors.

The first error was that it choked on line 17:
COPY ~lightmaps/maps/fw0100lm.bmp~ ~override/ar0100lm.bmp~

After some head scratching and fiddling with the tp2 I realised that it wasn't due to the code per se. The cause is that some files have a LN instead of LM.

After rectifying that by renaming some files to LM it choked on line 20:
~lightmaps/maps/fw0106lm.bmp~ ~override/ar0106lm.bmp~

That's because there's no such file. Moreover there are only 28 files copied to the override and renamed if it's not a Tutu installation, while 29 files are present in \lightmaps\maps.


EDIT: Attachment deleted as a new version has been released.

Edited by Yovaneth, 01 July 2009 - 09:30 AM.

#7 Leomar

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Posted 16 June 2009 - 08:20 PM

[EDIT] New .tp2 attached. Fw0106lm.bmp should have been fw0166lm.bmp, hence both the choke and the uncopied file. fwXX00lm.bmp renamed to fwXX00ln.bmp where necessary.

I hope you will update your mod. :D

Greetings Leomar
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#8 Yovaneth


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Posted 17 June 2009 - 01:48 PM

New version soon with some more new maps. Soon = when I get access to Duke Eltan and can check out the Ducal Palace.


#9 Yovaneth


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Posted 23 June 2009 - 01:37 PM

I should add that although these lightmaps are also for use in BGT and vanilla BG, they may not cover as many areas as in BGTuTu. For example, lightmap FW0304LM is also used for FW0309 and at least one other area too (FW0303?? Can't remember - too lazy to check). So, if the same lightmap doesn't cover the same multiple areas in either BGT or vanilla, by the time I've finished you may still have some duff areas.


#10 Yovaneth


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Posted 28 June 2009 - 01:29 PM

v1.1 released. Probably the final version as I'm done with BG.


#11 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 29 June 2009 - 01:34 AM

v1.1 released. Probably the final version as I'm done with BG.

So where's the screenshots? :blink: :devil:
Yes, you can use the once I uploaded. :lol:

Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.

#12 @vGur

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Posted 08 July 2009 - 07:24 AM

Is this (awesome) mod answer on question - How much U tired about FfT?

:unsure: :whistling:

#13 Yovaneth


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Posted 08 July 2009 - 11:11 AM

FFT is still in beta test. I thought we'd be done by now but it seems my testing wasn't as clever as I thought....


#14 Quester

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Posted 09 July 2009 - 01:56 PM

So does it matter where in the install order you install this? Or can I just tack this mod on to the end of a modded game?

#15 Yovaneth


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Posted 10 July 2009 - 02:03 AM

It can be installed at any point. It doesn't patch anything - it just dumps all the new lightmaps into the \override folder.


#16 Quester

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Posted 10 July 2009 - 02:38 AM

Thanks Yovaneth!

#17 Aranthys

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Posted 26 July 2009 - 02:51 AM

Small question :
Does this mod includes the replacement lightmaps for Baldur's Gate sewers ?

Edited by Aranthys, 26 July 2009 - 02:52 AM.

#18 Yovaneth


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Posted 26 July 2009 - 12:53 PM

Small question :
Does this mod includes the replacement lightmaps for Baldur's Gate sewers ?

Yes - you can dispose of the original mod. I included everything in one package.

BTW, if anyone thinks the above-ground lighting in Baldur's Gate is too bright, 'Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast' states that 'all areas except the slums are well-lit at night' as (paraphrase) 'this deters thieves'.


#19 -ax-

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Posted 08 August 2009 - 03:21 PM

An Assertion Failed in ChDataTypes.cpp at line number 1591
ar7216lm.bmp and ar7212lm.bmp

---------------------Start Logging Session---------------------

File: ChDataTypes.cpp
Line: 1591

Exp: !(x >= pBitmapInfoHeader->biWidth || x < 0 || y > pBitmapInfoHeader->biHeight || y < 0)

#20 Yovaneth


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Posted 10 August 2009 - 08:17 AM

An Assertion Failed in ChDataTypes.cpp at line number 1591
ar7216lm.bmp and ar7212lm.bmp

---------------------Start Logging Session---------------------

File: ChDataTypes.cpp
Line: 1591

Exp: !(x >= pBitmapInfoHeader->biWidth || x < 0 || y > pBitmapInfoHeader->biHeight || y < 0)

Looks like a BGT problem. Please bear in mind that the mod *only* copies lightmaps to the override; it does not patch anything. I don't have BGT, so you can do some checking for yourself. Uninstall the lightmaps mod, then start DLTCEP and load those two areas. If the areas were biffed in BGT, this will ensure that the two areas are unbiffed and copied to the override. If they weren't biffed, then it will do nothing because the areas were already available. Don't edit anything in DLTCEP; once you have asked it to load both areas, shut it down. Find both lightmaps in the override and make a note of their sizes. Go to the mod install folder and do the same for the relevant lightmaps - you'll have to check the .tp2 file to see which lightmaps are copied to ar7216 and ar7212. If the sizes are different then BGT has modified the areas and there's nothing I can do about it. Finally, as a last resort you can delete those two lines from the .tp2 and simply install just the other lightmaps.
