Comments for... the FAQ for the Megamods.
Posted 04 February 2010 - 04:46 AM
There's also some sort of "application compatibility" in Win 7 that can be a pain (at least was for me), would ask stuff everytime a weidumod.exe was used and sometimes would not allow to delete or replace stuff.. (Can you believe it blocked ToB from replacing baldur.exe? ..go figure)
Anyway, it appears to function a bit like winXP file protection, but for "old" (dunno what it considers old) programs, and bothers even if you've disabled the user account control
How to get rid of it ?
go to start and in the box type: gpedit.msc
Hit enter and follow this:
User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Application Compatibility
Double click the option "Turn off Program Compatibility Assistant", and inside its configuration mark the "Enabled" (literally enabling the "turn off", thats windows for you!)
Reboot computer.

Posted 09 February 2010 - 07:54 AM
Just some clarifications Jarno ^^
I did 3 install of the games, only in the last one the windows blocked ToB from replacing the baldur.exe (not the bgmain.exe), and blocked the bioware patch from replacing both exes.
Would rarely block weidumod.exe from updating itself to newest version.
Also, most noticeable: When I was installing big weidu mods (BGT, TDD, CTB and list goes) weidu would rarely comment lines as 'file does not exist or a file with the same name was already there' (I dunno if the file in question could be changed by the mod or backed up in these cases)
After turning off the compatibility I'm not getting these comments anymore.

Posted 12 February 2010 - 06:14 AM

Like, editing the install.bat, adding mods, deleting components/mods, changing orders etc??
I know that it's probably too much to include in one go, but ... in parts?? (especially since the 8.3 install.bat seems a LOT more complex than the earlier ones

Edited by Lollorian, 12 February 2010 - 06:16 AM.
"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin when I'm usually around
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"
GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod
Posted 12 February 2010 - 07:03 AM
Arhhmm, doesn't it already? Apparently the eyes are blind one this time...Ok, can the FAQ contain more BWP-specific info??
And yeah, my eyes grew back ... they always do
Well, if you have any better links that explains the editing better than this one, you are welcome to give me the link to use... or you could make a thread that will explain all about the editing, which I am more than happy to then link to, too. See, I am not a computer scientist, so my advice will probably just get me a flame war...Like, editing the install.bat, adding mods, deleting components/mods, changing orders etc??
I know that it's probably too much to include in one go, but ... in parts??
I guess I'll have to look at it and see if it makes any sense, and be fascinated when as it doesn't. Yeah, the Big World Install.bat has been far more complex than the tutorial for quite some time, but the chaos in the linked tutorial still do apply.(especially since the 8.3 install.bat seems a LOT more complex than the earlier ones
Edit: Hmm, it might be just me, but I see nothing shocking in the new version... yes, there are a bit more stuff in some places perhaps because new features will always be requested, but that's usual.
Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 12 February 2010 - 07:12 AM.
Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.
Posted 12 February 2010 - 07:36 AM
Arhhmm, doesn't it already? Apparently the eyes are blind one this time...Ok, can the FAQ contain more BWP-specific info??
And yeah, my eyes grew back ... they always do

But yeah, that link does contain awesome stuff (I learnt all of my ropes from that lol

Don't tell me you don't edit the .batSee, I am not a computer scientist, so my advice will probably just get me a flame war...

Well, for one, there are a lot more stuff other than the standard/tactic/expert thing (kits/fun-mods/fullplate/ai/bg2-only installs etc) lots of choices nowHmm, it might be just me, but I see nothing shocking in the new version... yes, there are a bit more stuff in some places perhaps because new features will always be requested, but that's usual.

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin when I'm usually around
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"
GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod
Posted 12 February 2010 - 08:22 AM
I will, that's cause I don't use the BWS... as I play the Classic Adventures mod mostly, and do my own projects to see what to put into the awesome final install I'll make 50 years from now.Don't tell me you don't edit the .bat
As said, just more features from requests, not a 'flying saucer' stuff, alike say, 'Lets combine all the mod projects, put them into one combined installer that sorts everything.' Results which will be that you get to choose an install game based on a mod, one the BGT(WeiDU)v1.15 into a one, the CAv1.05 into another, the Improved Anvil to third, the BG: Shadow Hand mod yet as one, the IwDinBG2 as yet as another, still one from the Glory of Istar as one, with still the Epic Endeavors as another... with all simultaneously installable mods to choose then from. Yeah, the BiG World Project has a lot to command&conquer still.Well, for one, there are a lot more stuff other than the standard/tactic/expert thing (kits/fun-mods/fullplate/ai/bg2-only installs etc) lots of choices now

Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.
Posted 14 February 2010 - 05:26 PM
Would this do??Well, if you have any better links that explains the editing better than this one, you are welcome to give me the link to use... or you could make a thread that will explain all about the editing, which I am more than happy to then link to, too.

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin when I'm usually around
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"
GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod
Posted 15 February 2010 - 01:26 AM
Posted 15 February 2010 - 01:43 AM
Well, there is no at_ease_to_use online readme thread.Why don't you use the stuff from the readme?

Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.
Posted 15 February 2010 - 03:47 AM
How to edit the install.bat?
It is very simple. Open the BiG World Install vX.bat with text editor (notepad) and srcoll down to the installation part in the middle of the file. Now you see a lot of text lines like this:
%IFES%BDToBv166%S%BDToBv166%L%0%SK% 3 4 5 7 | %M%
%IFGS%BDToBv166%S%BDToBv166%L%1%SK% 3 4 5 7 | %M%
%IFES% or %IFGS% stands for the language, %BDToBv166%S%BDToBv166% stands for the mod (in that case BaldurDash) and the numbers at the end assign the components.
Lines with %IFTES% or %IFTGS% will only be read if you have chosen Tactic before.
Lines with %IFXES% or %IFXGS% will only be read if you have chosen Expert before.
%IFS% and %IFXS% means the mod is only in one language available.
Depending on the language you choose, edit the IFES -line for English, or IFGS -line for German, or edit both lines just-in-case.
How to add mods to the install.bat?
In the Standard version you can add mods marked as Expert just by deleting the X from %IFXES% or %IFXGS%.
How to delete mods from the install.bat?
In both the Standard as the Expert version you can deselect mods just by typing "rem " before the mod without the quotation marks but with the space.
How to delete components from the install.bat?
You must know what signifies each of them. Therefore compare the component numbers with the guide. The numbers are specified in the instructions with the respective components. Just delete the corresponding numbers you don't want to install.
How to add components to the install.bat?
You must know what signifies each of them. Therefore compare the component numbers with the guide. The numbers are specified in the instructions with the respective components. you can add other numbers if they are not in the list, but remember they might cause bugs etc.
Special cases
"BG1NPC Project", "Gavin"
In the BiG World Install vX.bat you will find lines like this:
%IFS%bg1npc%S%bg1npc%L%0%SK% 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <1 | %M%
%IFS%bg1npc%S%bg1npc%L%0%SK% 10 <1 --logapp | %M%
The installer simulates an input "1". For this reason a file named "1" had been created in your main directory.
If you want another input instead simply overwrite this number.
"Stuff of The Magi", "BG2 Tweaks", "BP_BGT_Worldmap"
These mods demand additional input during installation of one of their components. The relating inputs are stored in the folder \Big World Smoothpack\_modify. In order to change the presets open the filemodname_input.txt with text editor (notepad) and change the corresponding number. Don't move the files.
Edited by dabus, 15 February 2010 - 04:33 AM.
Posted 15 February 2010 - 04:35 AM

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin when I'm usually around
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"
GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod
Posted 15 February 2010 - 06:06 AM

Posted 15 February 2010 - 07:22 AM

I second including the BWP readme stuff in the FAQ (or atleast linking to dabus' post

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin when I'm usually around
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"
GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod
Posted 15 February 2010 - 07:29 AM

Posted 15 February 2010 - 07:32 AM

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin when I'm usually around
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"
GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod
Posted 15 February 2010 - 10:06 AM
Well, the link is there already, had you not noticed... and we can go as of topic as we wish here... this is the comment thread... the official FAQ is still on the original thread... see, that's why I wanted the topic pinned and perhaps locked. Now, time for some porn, NOTE; Not Work Safe.Sorry for the OT
I second including the BWP readme stuff in the FAQ (or atleast linking to dabus' post)
But see, the thing there is, these no THE BW manual, but a lot of BW manuals, not just one.Where can I vote for RTFM when TFM exists?
Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.
Posted 15 February 2010 - 11:41 AM

However, possibly you want to install not all given mods and components. You can change the batch
file quite simply individually. Read in addition the file BiG World Installpack read me.txt in the folder
BiG World Installpack.
Posted 15 February 2010 - 01:45 PM
Because of my research...Why are you claiming that it's necessary to disable UAC? In Windows 7, you get an elevation prompt when the install needs admin rights, and as long as you press "Yes", everything works fine.
Yeah we could do what you say, but are you going to be able to reproduce all the code every software instance runs in the BWS, just so you can reinsert that code to the cmd.exe promp after you click the yes...
Then you wouldn't need the BWS at all!
Yes, I once tried what you said... just after I had my computer upgraded to Win7, and the first thing it crashed to was trying to recode the .ogg files as .wav/c's. Try do that by hand, without the skill to code the .bat ... and you are in ...
... Yes, you see, you need to re-insert the exact code the program was inserting before it was cut off from the controls by the UAC, for programs(.bats) it's easy as they are previously programmed to do so, but for humans it's not, as the cmd.exe doesn't even have a single line backup memory when a .bat runs it.
Any other comments?
Sorry I missed the reply to this, but yes I have other comments: I think you're wrong

What I do recommend be in the faq though, is that you shouldn't install the game(s) in any of the Program Files folders if you're using Vista or Windows 7. Sometimes this can screw up the user rights, which means you (and sometimes mods) won't be able to edit, rename or delete files. UAC does not affect this by the way, since it's a rights issue. If you want to fix it manually (which I don't recommend), you have to take ownership of the files and then reset the rights - I suggest explicitly removing the "Users" set of rights, and then changing the ones for your own user. This change may not stick in the long run though, as rights can be inherited from parent directories. The issues Himself have been experiencing are very reminiscent of this particular problem by the way, so I suggest he install the games to a different folder (I use c:\games of instance) if he's been using defaults.
PS. The crash you got - sure that wasn't from converting XMs to WAV? The Imoen Romance addon uses a 16 bit conversion utility for that, and it's not 64 bit compatible. You need to manually convert the files using some other kind of utility (Foobar works) or do the conversion in a 32 bit VM. IMO the BWP install should do a Windows version check (this can be done by checking the PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER environment variable - if 64 bit it's AMD64 [even on intel], and if 32 bit it's X86) and then give some kind of warning or let the user skip or try anyway - if the user has converted the files manually for instance.
EDIT: The cpu architecture is also stored in the registry if the BWP script can read/parse that: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/888731
Edited by flinx, 15 February 2010 - 01:49 PM.
Posted 15 February 2010 - 02:11 PM
I mean, sure, it can be done and it really is no big deal, but I really hate these mods running out of standard patterns and adding extra-checks for one or two mod.
Wouldn't it be more sufficient to report that to the modders that taking over the maintenance of the mod? And by the way: I think they already know.
You can also use the patch the bigg provided.