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Comments for... the FAQ for the Megamods.

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#181 -Guest-

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Posted 17 July 2016 - 07:40 AM

at risk of necromancy - but I just got my SoA/ToB copy recently


This is impressive work



What I was looking for when I found this forum and thread is a way to prevent the NPC is Busy bug!


To me this is the worst thing about the game (now that I have found a way to run it smoothly by simply changing the resolution and bunging it into a window :D )


The fix for this has to be very simple - and nowhere can I find it written


But right now I find that I can reload 50 times and certain NPCs will still be 'busy' staring at thin air


Enough is enough


Has anyone ever taken a look at the code?


What is causing this?  Can 'busyness' simply be removed as an option from a folder?


Please respond before I take a chainsaw to the game (and my sad laptop) - ty

What you describe is not a general feature/bug/behaviour of the game with a specific solution but an issue that has an individual reason any time it appears. In general, it happens when a script tries to execute a certain action but that action (ofter starting a dialogue) cannot be finished - for whatever reason.

So as a minimum information for help you need to describe which NPC shows the behaviour, what is the situation when it happens and what mods/game etc you have installed (and which installation errors you received)  The information can be found in a text file called Weidu.log.in your game folder.

Thanks Roxanne - posted my response before I saw yours!  Not expecting such a wonderfully prompt response.  Wow!


So it may be we have got some sort of starting test for some of this ... 


Will return here anon to check ... probably if/or when this 'solution' I have found does not work :)


If there is a specific thread for this it might be useful to transfer my posts there admin types


Take cares

#182 The Imp

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Posted 17 July 2016 - 08:34 AM

Posts on various forums suggest that the higher the level of your character the more frequent NPCs get 'busy'

Point to a one post that shows this !

As for a high character level ... there's no reason why that would ever be the case. Of course if one goes looking for that, it's easy to come to the wrong conclusion as the test sample is likely low, and it happens in a more remote places in the game. The underdark example.


The only legit reason I have ever seen for this is to: Not have installed the official game patches, to the original BG2 games(you can download the ToB, the only one you need from here)... if they are the CD versions of the installs, as they were then patched to fix the problems in the script/dialog etc... the downloaded(GoG/Steam) games have the patches applied to them already, so you should never see it in there ...

And were you to use the BWS tools, they make a check that your game has those installed if you try to make an mega mod install. 

Edited by The Imp, 17 July 2016 - 08:58 AM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#183 Roxanne



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Posted 17 July 2016 - 09:06 AM

Posts on various forums suggest that the higher the level of your character the more frequent NPCs get 'busy'


So what if removing high-level equipment might help?


reasoning it might have something to do with the game balance mechanics - at least in part

You seem to follow a quite speculative path here...neither character level nor high level equipment play a role here. It is rather, the longer you play, the more variables are taken into account, your REP has changed and if you carry loads of equipment there may be some that influence your PC stats. And if you have a lot of mods installed, there may be one to cause a configuration for which there is no dialogue option available.

Like mentioned before, this needs to be analysed on a case to case basis - there is no known general bug that fits to your description, rather some individual installation issue for you.

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#184 The Imp

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Posted 17 July 2016 - 10:13 AM

@Roxanne, actually, if I am correct, and it all point that I am, from what I read, it's that s/he has not installed many if any mods ... and the official patch is the fix. And a possible game restart after that, as it might be required for the fixes to be effective.

Also for the patch to be effective you have to know how to circumvent the Operation Systems write permission wall, like in Windows 10, you have to install the game to your personal user folders, because in all the other folders don't have a write permission .. and the changes will be made to the folder where you have the permission, but as the bgmain.exe is not in that folder, the changes won't do a thing, and you end up playing an unpatched BG2 ToB. :P


Fixes like not botched dialog triggers, and all things the original game was plagued in the release ... while the official patch fixed most. And then the BG2 Fixpack "fixed" the rest(unofficially). .. well, the ones that have been found&fixed. But those can be argued to be tweaks ... not fixes.

Edited by The Imp, 17 July 2016 - 12:29 PM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#185 Treku

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Posted 07 September 2016 - 04:52 AM

Hi to all and sorry for my bad english.I decided to play Baldurs 2 after many years(I have the original copy buyied in 2003)because i recently finally added an internet connection to my pc,so i would mod the game.After reading many topics and downloading various mods i have 3 questions:1)what is most stable Ascension Mod Version for my game(not GOG,not EE but the old,original Black Isle version)-2)according to yours do I have to install Big World Fixpack(I dont want install the BWP but only some mods) and if yes when in the order(I downloaded BWP Installation Order PDF File and the author say:Although it is made for the BiG World Project, it can be used with any other installation.Unpack the BiG World Fixpack.7z file in your BGII-SoA directory and start the batch file BEFORE installing the mods.The batch file checks for mods that are already in the main folder and copies the needed files into the predetermined folders)but i read that is better not to install it or not at the top of installation order-3)the mostimportant question:how to update weidu.exes of old mods.I read this:"They can almost all be solved by updating all the WeiDU.exe's to the most current version of the WeiDU.exe, which can always be found in here(the Windows Binary archive),you first do the auto update by running one of the setup-*modname*.exe's, and after it has succeeded to update most, you need do the manual update to know what files you need to update manually, and you do that by searching the folder by size, all the up to date setup-*modname*.exe's are about 655Kb's in size(that version is/was v22600), the outdated are smaller, so you delete the old setup-*modname*.exe, and then you copy the new WeiDU.exe from the archive to the game folder and then you re-copy it to the same folder so you have many of them, and then you rename one of the copies as the deleted one so you can run it." but i don't understand where to update,do i have first install all mods in the baldurs directory and then make the update or first i have to extract mods archives in another folder(ex.Baldurs Mods),run the latest weidu.exe version and after install these patched mods in game directory?Thanks to all who reply to me.Hi.

#186 The Imp

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Posted 07 September 2016 - 05:35 AM

Hi to all and sorry for my bad english.I decided to play Baldurs 2 after many years(I have the original copy buyied in 2003)because i recently finally added an internet connection to my pc,so i would mod the game.After reading many topics and downloading various mods i have 3 questions:1)what is most stable Ascens....

If you are a Windows user, Use the BiG World Setup program to make the install you wish. Get it at here, by pushing the "Download repository", which will download a ~8.3 MB .rar -file, extract that archive to a random folder, not the game folder, and then run the BiG World Setup.vbs from that folder, and select the options that are given to you, give the game folder, download folder etc things the program asks you.

You only need the game you probably have, SoA + ToB +this patch, aka a clean and patched game. Nothing else. And definitely no mods installed yet. Ouh, and you should run the game so it works ... the program also noted these facts and plenty of other stuff.


During the setup process you get to choose mods to include if you choose the "Full Custom" option in the setup, mods can require other mods and the BG1 game install, but none of those are required for the basic setup, the BWS will download all the mods for you and do everything from extracting the mods to installing them after you have gone through the setup steps, you don't need to worry about the weidu.exe's nor what mods are compatible with each others as the conflict resolving section before the download and install will resolve those things, you can use it to install 1 or 500 mods.


The quote, it might be unclear to you, but all the setup-*modname*.exe files are just a version of a weidu.exe just renamed as the setup-*modname*.exe's, so updating is done usually before you run even one of them, and the BWS will do this for you during the mod extraction process, that you get to follow while it's runs in the background while you might do something else, as the setup'ed-install will take it's time, but it's far shorter than doing any of this by hand as there's no pauses (unless you set there to be those).

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#187 Treku

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Posted 07 September 2016 - 06:04 AM

Hi to all and sorry for my bad english.I decided to play Baldurs 2 after many years(I have the original copy buyied in 2003)because i recently finally added an internet connection to my pc,so i would mod the game.After reading many topics and downloading various mods i have 3 questions:1)what is most stable Ascens....

If you are a Windows user, Use the BiG World Setup program to make the install you wish. Get it at here, by pushing the "Download repository", which will download a ~8.3 MB .rar -file, extract that archive to a random folder, not the game folder, and then run the BiG World Setup.vbs from that folder, and select the options that are given to you, give the game folder, download folder etc things the program asks you.

You only need the game you probably have, SoA + ToB +this patch, aka a clean and patched game. Nothing else. And definitely no mods installed yet. Ouh, and you should run the game so it works ... the program also noted these facts and plenty of other stuff.


During the setup process you get to choose mods to include if you choose the "Full Custom" option in the setup, mods can require other mods and the BG1 game install, but none of those are required for the basic setup, the BWS will download all the mods for you and do everything from extracting the mods to installing them after you have gone through the setup steps, you don't need to worry about the weidu.exe's nor what mods are compatible with each others as the conflict resolving section before the download and install will resolve those things, you can use it to install 1 or 500 mods.


The quote, it might be unclear to you, but all the setup-*modname*.exe files are just a version of a weidu.exe just renamed as the setup-*modname*.exe's, so updating is done usually before you run even one of them, and the BWS will do this for you during the mod extraction process, that you get to follow while it's runs in the background while you might do something else, as the setup'ed-install will take it's time, but it's far shorter than doing any of this by hand as there's no pauses (unless you set there to be those).

Thanks Imp for the fast reply,i read about BigWorlSetup and I didn't use it because i am always a little worried about bugs in mods manager like it,however now i try to use it.Hi

#188 Treku

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Posted 07 September 2016 - 06:13 AM

Treku, just use this guide: https://forums.beamd...-for-windows/p1 and choose BG2


What a great Forum!,2 useful replies in so little time.Many many thanks guys :coolthumb:

#189 jastey

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Posted 20 November 2018 - 04:17 AM

For the stutter debug tool here,

would you mind adding


ActionOverride(Player1,DisplayStringHead(Myself,~Running block %x% of %SOURCE_RES%.BCS~))

 as well? I made the experience that for some reasons, in the EE games the Display String is not listed if the stutter bug is firing, and it's the DisplayStringHead that needs to be catched (sometimes a bit hard if there's a dialogue box popping up due to the stutter, usually the PID.)


This is very useful and I like pointing people here!!

#190 The Imp

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Posted 20 November 2018 - 08:14 AM

... as well? I made the experience that for some reasons, in the EE games the Display String is not listed if the stutter bug is firing...
Does the DisplayStringHead also work in non-EE games ?
EDIT: It does.

Edited by The Imp, 20 November 2018 - 08:17 AM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.