Imoen's Character
Posted 13 July 2002 - 01:29 AM
Hello, Imoen.
Heya, little brother/sister*!
Tell me about yourself, Imoen.
You know who I am! I'm Imoen! He messed with your head pretty bad, huh?
Humour me.
Heh, whatever you say little brother/sister. I'm Imoen, your sister... well, sort of. We go all the way back to Candlekeep. Yeah, we were the terrors of Candlekeep; gave those monks quite a scare, heh heh.
Gorion, our foster father, spent most of his time with you. Guess I know why now. Used to keep you cooped up in the library for ages, researching this and that. No wonder you skipped so many lessons, I don't think I could read for that long either. Nope, I was always free... well, when old Puffguts wasn't trying to make me do chores. (chuckle)
No wonder I became a thief. He could think of the most boring tasks, and I had to hide in the shadows of the keep to avoid him. Watching his red face rush around the keep trying to find me. Heh, and Gorion always blamed you. 'A bad influence' he said. (she pokes her finger into your chest.) Always leading me stray from my studies. (a cheeky grin creeps from one ear to the other.)
I believe you caused most of the trouble!
(Her face becomes a picture of sheer innocence.) Me? I'm not the one who smashed the window during archery! Heh, all those monks, robes flapping. I thought Gorion was going to have a heart attack! Hey, but it made a change from doing chores for a day.
You're not too bad an archer though.
Well, I guess I can shoot a bow when you want me to, but I'd rather just stay in the shadows. I'm not made for all this fighting. No sir, little Imoen just scouts ahead, then lets you figure out what to do. I'm just riding your coattails. (wink)
Where are we now?
I was hoping to forget that. (shudder) We're in the dungeon of Spellhold, escaping from... him.
What did he do to you, Imoen?
I... I don't want to talk about it. Let's just get out of here... far, far away!
Please, Imoen, you must tell me.
I can still feel it... where he cut. You'd think the pain would... would dull... but it doesn't, CHARNAME, it doesn't! Please... don't make me remember.
Okay, Imoen, it's okay. What are we doing?
We're escaping of course! Not that we normally have to, what with your mighty Bhaalspawn powers and all. Yep, poor little Imoen is just gonna have to live in your shadow (wink).
Did you hear that?! Please, let's go. I... I don't think I could survive it again. Don't let him find me... please...
It's okay, Imoen. We're leaving
Party continues its escape
* Little brother/sister is what I have adopted as Imoen's pet name for the player. You will see why if you kick her out of the party, and then pick her up later.
Past: Ascension, Return to Windspear, Imoen Relationship, The Broken Hourglass
"Perfection has no deadline"
Posted 24 July 2002 - 05:37 PM
Just my thoughts.
-Melancholy Bard-
Posted 26 July 2002 - 07:04 PM
Posted 27 July 2002 - 02:54 AM
Past: Ascension, Return to Windspear, Imoen Relationship, The Broken Hourglass
"Perfection has no deadline"
-lucifer lord of demons-
Posted 26 September 2002 - 07:32 PM
Posted 26 September 2002 - 08:09 PM
She calls you "little brother" in BG2 :DIt's good but Imoen wouldn't say "little brother/sister" because SHE plays the part of the little sister (event though you are both the same age). It says so in BG1 and 2

Posted 13 October 2002 - 08:34 AM
The only thing I really don't like is the parts where you actually say "hide in the shadows" makes it unrealistic for me. and her saying no wonder i became a thief. in my opinion i dont think anyone would say they became a thief, i'd say a scout or a class of someone who liked to sneak around that didn't fight much. but other than that everything looks GREAT!I have attempted to do a sort of... character explanation. This gives you an idea of my Imoen writing, and should allow you to point out anything you perceive as a weakness, or strength.
Hello, Imoen.
Heya, little brother/sister*!
Tell me about yourself, Imoen.
You know who I am! I'm Imoen! He messed with your head pretty bad, huh?
Humour me.
Heh, whatever you say little brother/sister. I'm Imoen, your sister... well, sort of. We go all the way back to Candlekeep. Yeah, we were the terrors of Candlekeep; gave those monks quite a scare, heh heh.
Gorion, our foster father, spent most of his time with you. Guess I know why now. Used to keep you cooped up in the library for ages, researching this and that. No wonder you skipped so many lessons, I don't think I could read for that long either. Nope, I was always free... well, when old Puffguts wasn't trying to make me do chores. (chuckle)
No wonder I became a thief. He could think of the most boring tasks, and I had to hide in the shadows of the keep to avoid him. Watching his red face rush around the keep trying to find me. Heh, and Gorion always blamed you. 'A bad influence' he said. (she pokes her finger into your chest.) Always leading me stray from my studies. (a cheeky grin creeps from one ear to the other.)
I believe you caused most of the trouble!
(Her face becomes a picture of sheer innocence.) Me? I'm not the one who smashed the window during archery! Heh, all those monks, robes flapping. I thought Gorion was going to have a heart attack! Hey, but it made a change from doing chores for a day.
You're not too bad an archer though.
Well, I guess I can shoot a bow when you want me to, but I'd rather just stay in the shadows. I'm not made for all this fighting. No sir, little Imoen just scouts ahead, then lets you figure out what to do. I'm just riding your coattails. (wink)
Where are we now?
I was hoping to forget that. (shudder) We're in the dungeon of Spellhold, escaping from... him.
What did he do to you, Imoen?
I... I don't want to talk about it. Let's just get out of here... far, far away!
Please, Imoen, you must tell me.
I can still feel it... where he cut. You'd think the pain would... would dull... but it doesn't, CHARNAME, it doesn't! Please... don't make me remember.
Okay, Imoen, it's okay. What are we doing?
We're escaping of course! Not that we normally have to, what with your mighty Bhaalspawn powers and all. Yep, poor little Imoen is just gonna have to live in your shadow (wink).
Did you hear that?! Please, let's go. I... I don't think I could survive it again. Don't let him find me... please...
It's okay, Imoen. We're leaving
Party continues its escape
* Little brother/sister is what I have adopted as Imoen's pet name for the player. You will see why if you kick her out of the party, and then pick her up later.
Posted 13 October 2002 - 08:37 AM
What I meant is reason Imoen is a thief is because of what i stated in my last post, not calling her that. lolThe only thing I really don't like is the parts where you actually say "hide in the shadows" makes it unrealistic for me. and her saying no wonder i became a thief. in my opinion i dont think anyone would say they became a thief, i'd say a scout or a class of someone who liked to sneak around that didn't fight much. but other than that everything looks GREAT!

Posted 18 October 2002 - 05:30 AM
They remind me of how I script or play out Imoen events in either Pen-N-Paper or in Modules for Neverwinter Nights.
Strange this is the first thing I wanted to get posted, but I got sidetracked but other sections of the forum.
LSWSjr of LSWSjr Publications, Australia signing off
In the end, when the chips are down, when you feel like its all over, you have to ask yourself "Was this the right way to be defeated by the inevitable?" and there is only one answer... "It is in this liftime, so I'll see ya in the next, Rowan T. of LSWSjr Publications signing off!"
*Rowan Tritton of LSWSjr Publications/Productions/Studios Australia.
Posted 18 October 2002 - 06:43 AM
kensais or whatever..
They just can do something, or something else
Ever forward, my darling wind...
Posted 18 October 2002 - 09:20 AM
Quitch your characterisations are brilliant, if I do say so and I do.
I'm glad you like it. Help me out by testing me over in the questions and answers thread.
I agree that characters shouldn't refer to themselves as thieves or
kensais or whatever..
They just can do something, or something else
I disagree. Imoen calls herself an Arch-Mage for one. Her personality to me says that she would consider it a title. She is a fairly cheeky person, and I think she'd like the element that being called a "thief" adds to her, so long as it was used in a complimentary context. The idea of suddenly flourishing someone's ring in front of their face before they knew it was gone is very Imoen, and I think she enjoys the "rogue" element it adds to her.
I agree with the "hide in shadows" point.
Past: Ascension, Return to Windspear, Imoen Relationship, The Broken Hourglass
"Perfection has no deadline"
Posted 19 October 2002 - 12:28 AM
For a mage the matter is pretty obvious, but there are things
I'd leave out of the dialogs.
I mean, I wouldn't want to hear an archer say:
"ehy guys look at me, I'm gonna use my Called-Shot!"
Or blade call himself "blade" and his abilties "spins"
Those are just abilities, attitudes, that you rapresent with the game
I don't think Immie is a thief.
It's not her profession.
She has fun now and then in pickpocketing (she not even that good with it),
she is somewhat able to do "thievish" things, I assume most by self-learning,
but that's it, there's not an "official" mark that makes her a thief.
That's my opinion, anyway, I won't avoid your mod for this
(while making her bisexual or lesbian would make me VERY sad!)
Ever forward, my darling wind...
Posted 27 October 2002 - 06:58 AM
Perhaps she shouldn't be so literal. She doesn't ever directly refers to herself in any dialogues as a thief, persay. She'll allude to the fact, but never directly state it.
She might, however, talk about picking someone's pocket.. or about disarming traps, which are thief-related activities.
Posted 14 December 2002 - 07:54 AM
Well, you generally know that you're a mage cause you've done some studies, same to priest who's been ordained properly... And paladin or ranger has a code to follow, so he knows who he is. Especially if he's talking about this all the time like meI agree that characters shouldn't refer to themselves as thieves or
kensais or whatever..
They just can do something, or something else

[frater Dormitius 'De illustribus conditoribus ordinis equestris sancti Ganeonis']
Posted 14 December 2002 - 08:05 AM
She doesn't, but Cernd does, and she doesn't react like he's just said something weird. Jaheira talks quite a lot about being a druid.She doesn't ever directly refers to herself in any dialogues as a thief,
There's no reason to avoid class names.

"You are what you do. Choose again, and change."
--Cordelia Naismith Vorkosigan
Posted 03 January 2003 - 09:22 PM
You've got Imoen down pat in terms of the original Baldur's Gate, but in BG2, I found her character was much darker (and more whiny, sorry, just hated the Imoen voice) and definitely severely disturbed by her experience with Irenicus.
Your writing makes her sound as sunny and cheeky as she was pre-Irenicus, so it doesn't gel that well with her official dialogue where she's scared for her life (the scene in Waukeen's Promenade is an example). I can't imagine her joking around after being tortured!
I can imagine her being a little wistful about her days in Candlekeep, a little more quiet and reflective and nostalgic for the mischief she and the PC got up to, but to still be saying 'heh' and being so chirpy... I can't justify it in my mind.
But I did like it- I'm just saying it doesn't fit with the current BG. You did a good job getting the backstory in there.
Posted 03 January 2003 - 09:47 PM
Although I can see where Random was coming from about the who sounding too "chirpy", Quitch's writing style does make it sound better than Bioware's original dialogue.
Posted 04 January 2003 - 06:19 AM
Imoen uses humour as a defence against all the changes that have gone on in her life, and she would rather ignore the difficulties than pour out her soul to those around her. By using humour she can appear chirpy, while concealing a darker side. It is only when she confides in the player than you see what truly troubles her.
Since Imoen is so naturally chirpy, it seemed logical to me that in a discussion of her character this should feature strongly. The only time she appears truly distrubed are directly after such events... between them she doesn't say anything thanks to Bioware. In ToB it is suggested that she would be bantering away during those moments, rather than weeping on the shoulder of the nearest party member. This isn't another Aerie.
The Return to Windspear material will show a rather less chirpy side of her as she battles against a return of the pains she felt so long ago.
A quote from the second chat you have with her in Return to Windspear (which is my current source of Imoen material, this mod being on hold til it is done):
Her eyes focus on you again. "The... the things that he did. They are all coming back? Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever forget..." Her eyes suddenly light up with familiar passion. "Thanks... thanks for asking though. I?ll be okay." It is obvious to you that she is lying, her smile is gone, her face looks drawn, and her eyes seem focused on something just beyond...
and another:
She stares at you, words seemingly beyond her, shock... horror? crosses her face. Silently a tear trickles down her face. For a moment she seems frozen to the spot, not moving a muscle, her mouth hanging open. Then, without a word, she turns her back on you.
Past: Ascension, Return to Windspear, Imoen Relationship, The Broken Hourglass
"Perfection has no deadline"
Posted 18 March 2003 - 02:40 PM
Although we disagree on Imoen's sexuality, I concur with your posts here. First of all I would like to thank u for your insight as I am grateful for other people's contributions here.
This time I will be more constructive and I humbly ask u read this post thru and thorough.
1 U have a point there. We should take account all mods and Imoen interjections. This is a studio, a workshop and if we will be consistent, mods won't suffer of inconsistencies. And not everybody can invent or think of everything.
2 I would like to remind u that I am novelizing BG series and I use every opinion I am given in this forums. I read mod materials carefully and try to play as many mods as possible to develop my ideas.
3 I wrote first 2 vols of 4 of BG TSoC + DSotSC saga. So I elaborated Imoen's origins. I will shortly summerize my Imoen concept here:
a) Imoen does not have a darker side in BG but Sarevok event and Irenicus slowly made her darker.
B) After her rescue and having her soul back restored much of her old self but she is not naive anymore. Though she is safe from corruption. What about taking acocunt hell trials? Her reaction to PC's trial choices can effect her personality, though I concieve her as an independent character not a PC tool.
c) Imoen also became a champion of good though in a very neutral and personal way. She is a solitary archmage afterall not a paladin of some knight order.
d) When Imoen was living in Candlekeep, Tethtoril was secretly studying magic. Although magical studies is not prohibited in the keep it required Ulraunt's permission. One day Imoen saw Tethtoril (as a rogue she has her night escapades). She nicely blackmailed him by threatening to tell his studies to Ulraunt. And thus she became multi class in 3ed terms.
Excerpt from my novel:
"For some reason he [Tethtoril] had thought to keep his studies secret and I simply exploited this situation."
She is not evil, she is good but neutral good. As a rogue it is expected she does something irregular or illegal.
e) Imoen is NOT thief in my opinion. Please use Rogue concept to full extend. A thief is a simple burglar. But a rogue is something different a broader term. I analysed this in my novel. She is a bit cleptomaniac. She loves to steal things just for fun but like Robin Hood. At first she does not care much but then she becomes more careful and considering about results of her actions. Afterall pointless petty thievery would cause the party be persecuted or despised since a Bhaalspawn is generally disliked. And all the suffering she saw has thought her to be responsible toward people. So Imoen is a Rogue. A spy, eye pryer, cleptomaniac type.
f) Although I use 3ed rules now I would like to add this ad&d rule as a character trait: Dual class. She was first a thief (rogue) and she lost her professional interest and became a Mage. But since she wonders everything 1 She retained her thieving skills but uses them as an adventurer. 2 She became a generic mage. Since she is an adventurer mage, not a scholar or lonely tower mage.
g) In according to BG2 material Winthrop thought her to hide in shadows. I did not elaborate this in my novels but I plan to speculate and add this in future.
h) About Imoen's heterosexuality. Imoen had used to flee from Candlekeep at night, visiting nearby hamlets and villages. Choosing some handsome guys whom she saw during daylight when they come to Candlekeep to sell their goods. She had used to use her cantrips and invisibilty to charm hunks (even some burrowed magical cloaks or rigns or such) and well... have intimate relationship.
an excerpt from my novel:
"...and ignorant, naive boys would not tell this to their fathers least a witch hunt would begin surely destined to fail since dark lady would be in Candlekeep in day time and nobody would dare to pursue witches during night. Besides Candlekeep was mysterious enough in their eyes so that villagers would never try to hire adventurers and scary monks would interfere..." "..and everyone of them would like to keep this secret to themselves and even had used to tell these stories among boys by aiming to seem more mannish and superrior in front of their friends..." "...and if their parents had heard such gossip of their drunken boys in taverns they would call it boyish fantasies not to be taken seriously though it was contributing to local lore..."
"...when they saw her in full daylight they would remember those mystic nights and how her charm seems so worldly now instead of being otherworldly and this contradiction coupled by her natural, spontaneous ways would further seed odd amazing fear in their hearts so they would keep their mouths shut while suffering indignant gaze of monks who were used to buy everything they have to sell ever cheaper."
PC did not know she had used to flee Candlekeep, or rather PC did know she had used to flee nightly but it did not know she would find young men to charm.
If u want, I can add more details.
Posted 19 March 2003 - 12:44 AM
Although we disagree on Imoen's sexuality
Since I have never stated my views on her sexuality, I fail to see how you can believe this to be the case.
Past: Ascension, Return to Windspear, Imoen Relationship, The Broken Hourglass
"Perfection has no deadline"